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Is anyone else Having Problems

Discussion in 'General Topics & Support Issues' started by Chezza, Feb 23, 2008.

  1. Chezza

    Chezza New Member

    Just wondering if anyone else is having trouble getting into the forum??

    like its taking ages and ages to load up..
    Might be my end, but was just checking. :D
  2. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    Hi Chezza. I'm not having any trouble. However, the pages do load slowly from this site. Auspetian said she was going to try something to make it go faster.
  3. HDrydr

    HDrydr New Member

    I have been having trouble since I joined getting the pages to load. that is actually why I posted the Harley "problem child" twice I couldn't tell that it loaded. It either goes extremely slowly or gives me a blank page and says that it is done.
  4. Chezza

    Chezza New Member

    Ok no worries, thanks Chezzmind :D
  5. HDrydr

    HDrydr New Member

    Thanks Chessmind for looking into this.
    I have been at some other sites but this one by far is the best one!
    Some of the other sites just told me to boot Harley outside since he is microchipped and neutured so that he could run out some energy. But living so close to a major street that is not an option.
  6. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    the cat boards I belong to people have a fit when they hear of a cat being booted outside. Can find other methods to expel energy. Just my Zeus, for example, right now he's laying on my lap headbutting me and purring happily away. Headbutting keeps his neck muscles toned LOL
  7. HDrydr

    HDrydr New Member

    That's what I was thinking Mary..... He burns off energy chasing Patches (that's what he is doing right now for example). I play with him with the laser pointer etc. That is why I didn't like that other board... they seem to think that the answer is just boot him out! I'd hate to be their pets "oh just boot him outside" "oh he's doing that again..... just boot him outside let him burn off some energy." It's like they only want the good kitty inside the bad kitty gets thrown out until he's good again. Sorry it doesn't work that way, if you have animals it is your responsibility to take care of them and keep them safe and loved. Although Harley pushes it sometimes I still love him dearly and I love his spirit!
  8. sunset05

    sunset05 New Member

    I have been having trouble getting into the auspet kitty board, too. I had trouble last night and this morning. It seems to be working okay right now.

    Thank you, too, for looking into it, Chessmind.
  9. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    Hi. The site has been in DEBUG MODE for a couple of days. I'm not sure how much longer it will last. I too had a hard time yesterday and today with this site.
  10. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    has taken me 10 minutes to just open this message!!!
  11. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    I know. Sorry Mary_NH. I hope it won't last long. I'll PM Auspetian to let her know we are all having trouble. Hang in there everyone.
  12. HDrydr

    HDrydr New Member

    Yea I still have problems getting to the different forums. I just work on something else while I am waiting.
  13. Chezza

    Chezza New Member

    Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa :( :(

    I'v only just been able to get in now, tried for ages last night and couldnt.


    LOL :lol:
  14. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    LOL Chezza. I also feel that way.

    Here is part of the reply from a PM I recieved from Auspetian today:

  15. Chezza

    Chezza New Member

    LOL No worries Chesmind , got in ok tonight... :eek: Yay :lol:

    Still a bit slow. But at least I can get in.. ( Phew) :D

    It must be complicated, :shock: Thanks Auspetian for doing a great job for us all.. .. :eek:
  16. HDrydr

    HDrydr New Member

    Thank you Chessmind for keeping us informed of the upcoming change until then we will have to be patient..... :wink: and understanding when we are unable to get in...... :( knowing that it should be better soon... :eek:
  17. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    You're welcome. Site is still having trouble today. Took me forever to just post this.
  18. sunset05

    sunset05 New Member

    Thanks Chessmind and Auspetian. I hope it can be resolved.
  19. Chezza

    Chezza New Member

    Today has been really good.. :y_the_best:
    Hopefully I can post some more piccies later on tonight, and still be able to get in..Fingers and toes and paws crossed lol :lol:
  20. HDrydr

    HDrydr New Member

    I agree with Chezza it is running better today I still get a few errors on the page but not like the past week. :eek: :eek:

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