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Cats - all types PLEASE HELP!!!! CAT WILL DIE SOON! wont eat or drink, hides, vet didnt find anything
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Author | Topic: PLEASE HELP!!!! CAT WILL DIE SOON! wont eat or drink, hides, vet didnt find anything |
mataactor unregistered |
posted 10-27-2002 05:17 PM
Hello everyone. I have a very sick 12yr old cat here. About two weeks ago, my cats appetite started to diminish and eventual stopped. She wouldnt eat or drink for 4 days, so I took her to the vet. The vet did bloodwork, gave her an IV (for fluids) and an antibiotic shot. After this testing, nothing came up wrong. Three days later, went back to vet for IV and a vitamin shot. I have been trying to coax her into eating but it just isnt working. She started hiding under beds two days ago and I cant get her to come out. WHAT DO I DO? Her kidney is going to shut down if I dont do someting quick! Please help! IP: Logged |
nern Moderator Posts: 1591 |
posted 10-27-2002 08:25 PM
You may have to force feed her at this point. You can use a syringe filled with watered down canned food. If you arent sure how to do it Im sure your vet can show you. Has the vet suggested force feeding yet? IP: Logged |
mataactor unregistered |
posted 10-28-2002 12:44 AM
Thank you for you quick reply and concern. YEs, the vet did suggest force feeding her, and I have tried. She just spits it right back up and becomes violent. Then she runs away and whenever I go near her, she runs as if scared. If she is dying, I dont want her last memories to be of me trying to, in her eyes, hurt her. IP: Logged |
Cristina unregistered |
posted 01-04-2003 02:02 PM
Mataactor, Did your cat get better? IP: Logged |
Pauline Member Posts: 134 |
posted 01-04-2003 08:50 PM
You can try the forced feeding method but there is always the chance of aspiration of the food/liquid into the lungs and pneumonia ensuing or suffocation. Gently, try giving Pedialyte via a barrel of a syringe only into the mouth,at regular intervals, with mush baby food such as chicken. Cats often hide when they feel very ill and possible time to die; they want to be alone, quiet, yet others want to be held more than ever. All you can do is your best. God bless and I hope your baby improves soon. Please let us know. IP: Logged |
Lady M's Mom unregistered |
posted 02-08-2003 09:11 AM
Hello everyone, I read all your postings here very carefully, because my little Lady M is in a similar situation to what was described. How did the cat do that was being talked about? My kitty was diagnosed with kidney problems and was doing well on KD and is now refusing to eat too. It is complicated by the fact that she's been on long term dosages of cisipride to improve her digestive function and she is also now refusing to eat! Help! Any other suggestions? KD comes in a minced form and we are going to get some of that this am. to see if it will tempt her. I am very nervous about my ability to have to give her shots of fluids under the skin or force feed her. I sure would deeply appreciate some suggestions here. Thanks so much, Lady M's Mom IP: Logged |
kbatky unregistered |
posted 02-08-2003 01:04 PM
My 14 year old cat stopped eating last October. Eventually, the vet told us he seemed to have an acidic tummy (based on his life-long vomiting up clear foamy stuff when he went too long without eating) and recommended 1/4 Pepcid AC daily. This gave good results until early in Jan. when he stopped eating again and lost weight. After numerous tests ruled out liver, kidney, heart, etc. problems, we were told to increase the Pepcid AC to 1/4 pill twice a day and try force feeding if necessary. We have been force feeding him 2-4 times daily for weeks. I put about 1-1/2 to 2 teaspoons Nutri-Cal plus 1 short can (6 oz.) Iams Chicken cat food with a little water into the blender and blend several minutes on high until very smooth. We use a syringe we bought at the pet supply store. We got these in a pkg. of two, one with a very small nozzle (good for a squirt of water which we give right after the pill). The fatter nozzle we snipped off till it was just the right size to allow the blended food to flow smoothly. One syringe holds 2-3 teaspoons and is about 3-4 squirts. My husband, covered with a towel, sits cradling the cat in his arms while I stand over and give the food. I gently squeeze the sides of his "cheeks" and squirt in a little food. Give time to swallow, then repeat. He almost opens his mouth himself now. On weekdays we give half the mixture in one feeding. On weekends we give less at a time, but more feedings per day. His weight is back to normal (or even a little heavier) and his coat is lustrous. He seems to want to eat but refuses everything we try to tempt him with. I don't know how long this can continue to be successful, but we'll keep it up as long as he doesn't seem to be miserable. He sleeps a lot (don't all cats?), but otherwise seems to be feeling OK. I've been reading about IBD (inflammatory bowel disease) in cats and next week I plan to ask the vet if she'll consider putting him on prednisone to see if that helps. She said he might have IBD, but only a biopsy of part of the intestine taken through a scope can tell her for sure. Good luck with your force feeding! IP: Logged |
Robin unregistered |
posted 03-02-2003 07:44 PM
after reading all of these posts, they sound similar to my 13 y.o. Cleo's condition. i have no money whatsoever to take her to the vet, but the symptoms started about a month ago when she started puking regularly (she's always been sort of a pukey cat anyway). i changed her food to something of a bit higher quality and it got worse and now she's very sick and not eating. i don't know if these two things are related... my question is, how much (daily) should you force feed the cat to know they're getting enough nutrition? right now we have her isolated (we have 2 other cats that are fine) and i'm force feeding her 2 tsp. of mushed up "nutre-max" every few hours. she seems a little stronger since i started this but still shows signs of dehydration. i can give sub-q injections of water, but how much and how often? please help! my kids are already afraid she's gonna die. thanks. Robin IP: Logged |
seabiscuit Member Posts: 49 |
posted 03-05-2003 06:28 PM
Hi- Wondering what happened to your cat. I'm new on the board. But I see your name now says "unregistered" so don't know if I'll hear from you or not. IP: Logged |
cabrazzi unregistered |
posted 03-05-2003 07:55 PM
Try GERBER'S BABY FOOD My cat wasn't old but got sick and stopped eating and drinking for three days. He refused everything I could think of to tempt him. The vet gave him an injection of fluids (made a big camel hump for 2 hrs but he didn't mind at all especially since he got to go home right away). She suggested tempting the cat with gerber's baby food(beef, chicken, ham). It worked! He would take about half a teaspoon an hour. I was so releived. He was also put on antibiotics which cured his fever. IP: Logged |
gsjackson unregistered |
posted 05-03-2003 03:34 PM
WOW - I did not think so many people would have such a simular proble. My 13yo cat has stopped eating for two weeks now. At first she just ate a little of her favorite treats, but now, nothing. She is drinking a little, just enough to prevent dehydration. The vet did full battery of test including x-rays and could find nothiong wrong except constipation. He gave an enema and steroid yesterday, but, now she wont even come out from under the bed at all. We are so worried she is dying. Will try some of the above suggestions and see she improves. Best of luck to all the others! IP: Logged |
Nermal unregistered |
posted 05-22-2003 01:23 PM
My cat is 12 years old. I went through this problem of my cat not eating or drinking as well. After a week at the pet hospital, the vet couldn't find anything wrong either. I force feed my cat Gerber baby food every day. He fights me but acts like he is hungry. He drinks water on his own but then gags foamy stuff. The vet told me it was a virus. I know I am going to lose my pet soon. IP: Logged |
Squeekers unregistered |
posted 05-22-2003 03:04 PM
Several years ago when i was living with my parents. My brothers cat got the same way and would refuse to eat. We did the syringe thing with him. It was hard to do this because we loved the cat so much but we wanted him to live. We wrapped the cat up in a towel so we can hold him better. Held him like a baby once in a while and put the syringe in the corner of his mouth and kinda had to force his mouth open and we squirted a lil in at a time. Yes he spit some out but the majority of it he swolled. We had to do this for quite some time. And yes, he did hide. But i will tell you. When he got better. He was loving as ever. I have noticed growing up with cats that they hide when they aren't feeling good. Dont worry about your cat hiding. Just make sure he is getting stuff in him. He will love you after its all said and done. IP: Logged |
Black_Cat_1 New Member Posts: 6 |
posted 05-23-2003 12:17 AM
This message is for all of you who have this particular problem. My heart goes out to you all, my cat had only been with me for a week before she developed a bone disease and became very ill, as she was only a kitten so we weren't sure if her body could handle all the drugs. She did thank god, but even after only being in the family a week we all became so attached. Stay strong. IP: Logged |
SpidersMommy Member Posts: 11 |
posted 05-23-2003 02:10 AM
Same thing here, My Cat is 10 he was fine Monday and then Monday Night he started Vomiting White Foam, he looked as if he was not well. I took him to the Vet Tuesday and they gave him Tests, Nothing came back bad only that his White cell Count was high, but he had a fever so the Vet said that can cause the count to rise. He was on an anti biodic on Wednesday that made him sick so today he changed the meds to Baytril. When I say "EAT" he looks up and when I bring him the food he only takes like 10 licks and that is it. He wont eat good and I do not know what to do. He is a little Mushy, but gets around ok and jumps. I have to take him back to the Vet on Saturday to retake the temp. I noticed he was a bit dehydrated today and gave him some fluid . What can be wrong?? The vet says all his vital values are fine. This is Terrible that $379 later, I still dont know what is wrong with the poor little guy HELP IP: Logged |
Greypaw Member Posts: 83 |
posted 05-24-2003 06:01 AM
Hi all I gotta admit it is so frustrating/scarey/disheartning when they won't eat. I recently lost my old cat when he stopped eating and all the science in the world couldn't help him. Lets not even talk about money here! SpidersMommy, it sounds like he has a viral infection to me (although I'm not an expert). Keep up with the vet's advice and also keep him hydrated. You may may need to force feed him, but I would get more advice from your vet on this so they can teach you how. Its good news that his system is otherwise ok. Good luck to everyone. IP: Logged |
SpidersMommy Member Posts: 11 |
posted 05-25-2003 12:50 AM
Thank You GreyPaw My cat started Eating a little bit on Friday and a Little More Today which makes me Happy. He does have a little Diareah now. Has anyone used BAYTRIL (Anti Biodic) on their cat?? I notice after I give him the Pill he tends to get a bit Mushy and sleepy, I wonder if anyone knows if this is normal? Also I have not seen him drink any water, I have not had to administer any fluids for 2 days as I see is still hydrated. Any Help on Baytril (68mg.) Side Effects will be helpful. Thank You IP: Logged |
Greypaw Member Posts: 83 |
posted 05-26-2003 12:03 AM
Hi SpidersMommy The name Baytril sounds familar but I can't say for certain that I've used it on my cats. I have used several different types lately and one in particular knocked my cat out into drowsyness for the first day. I think its a case of antibiotics can knock you back a bit - they are pretty harsh sometimes (same for us and cats), but they are still wonder drugs sometimes. Keep up the good work, its good news he has eaten something! Greypaw IP: Logged |
SpidersMommy Member Posts: 11 |
posted 05-26-2003 12:53 AM
Hi Greypaw My Cat is actually back to himself as of today, he is eating, drinking, playing and doing all his normal things, I am so happy!! Today was the first day in 5 days that I can see my Cat is acting himself, I hope he remains this way and I hope all he had was a viral infection, Thanks for your advise and I will keep posting how he is doing. IP: Logged |
Airstreaming New Member Posts: 1 |
posted 11-10-2003 06:03 AM
I have an 18 yr. old cat that is not eating or drinking. She just started being this way a couple of days ago. Should I force feed her????????? IP: Logged |
fleafly Member Posts: 996 |
posted 11-10-2003 09:44 AM
If she isn't eating you need to take her to the vet to find out why, that isn't normal behavior for a cat. The main thing until she gets to the vet is to try and make sure she is getting water. Dehrydation can be very serious in a cat. IP: Logged |
mybigfunny unregistered |
posted 11-10-2003 04:29 PM
A couple of months ago my female kitty threw up a few times, and it was white and frothy like many others have described. She also stopped eating, and wasn't active like usual. Luckily, after about a day, I got her to eat some of her treats. Then, after offering her her regular food many many times during the day, she eventually started to eat it, little by little, until she was back to normal. I'm writing this because the only thing I could come up with that could possibly have happened, since she fully recovered in just a few days, was the she must have eaten something that made her sick. Then I remembered that I had dropped one of my little cytomel pills and was never able to find it. I don't know for sure of course, but there was nothing else I could think of, except maybe a bug. Anyway, I think it's probably hard to determine with blood tests, or maybe even a toxicology test, what could cause these symptoms if it was from something they got into. I just find it hard to believe that all of these cats with the same symptoms don't have a similar diagnosis, like liver disease or something that would show up. And, some have it worse than others, and some get better sooner. Just seems like a toxic thing to me. It's always a good idea to be careful with household cleaners too. I really feel for everyone, it's a very difficult time to go through. Take care IP: Logged |
Foo83 New Member Posts: 2 |
posted 11-10-2003 09:24 PM
Whenever my cats or kittens refuse to eat. I gave them milk then gave them can. later I add water to some dry food and add w/can food. Some returned to eating and some end up dying ------------------ IP: Logged |
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