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Cats - all types $$ vs Compassion
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Author | Topic: $$ vs Compassion |
CrazyVets! unregistered |
posted 02-17-2003 12:09 AM
My cat lost weight rapidly - skin on bones with severe bloat. I brought him to a 24 hr pet clinic and was told that I needed to spend $1000 on tests. Tests that would indicate whether it was cancer or Feline Infectious Peritonitis. What does that mean - pay $1000 and everythings good? No -- pay a $1000 to see which way my cat, my friend would die. This became apparent because all my questions to the vet came back with a simple - let me write a quote....damn your quotes. I need options and opinions --- the truth. I had to basically ask -- what are my cat's chances. Well if he's going to die why take a $1000 from me to torture my cat with B--S--- tests. All I want to know is how to make my cat comfortable...or do I have to pay more for that too...apparently, because she wanted to write more quotes. I'm a capitalist - or was -- yes, you have to be compensated for exchange of services/knowledge etc. etc... but give me some value for my dollar. I paid $250 for an X-ray and the worse bed-side manners imaginable. Sorry if I offend some professionals - NOT all are the same. But it really puts a bad light on your profession with vultures poaching on vulnerable pet owners -- not to mention the true victims - the innocent animals forced to endure wasteful tests rather than enjoy their remaining time with their families... Is there a board of ethics for vets? Good luck to all thoses with sick animals. I've been reading a lot lately and it all seems the same - cancer this, virus that...what's in the food we feed our friends? Cats in third world countries living off scraps in the streets seem to be healthier -- that's another topic. IP: Logged |
Cat unregistered |
posted 02-19-2003 09:40 AM
Interesting you should bring up the subject of what's in pet food. I once read an article that cat food has been known to contain roadkill, euthanized animals, all body parts of cattle, chicken etc., including tumours and other diseased tissues. I addition, a friend who worked in a pet food factory told me that they used newspaper as a source of fiber. Makes you think twice about feeding your pets canned food! However, not all pet food manufacturers are the same and I'm sure there are a few out there using quality ingredients! If anyone knows of one please let me know! I'm sorry for your experience with the vet. I hope your cat is better now or in a peaceful place. IP: Logged |
carrie Member Posts: 30 |
posted 02-19-2003 03:23 PM
You both should check out "Natural Health for Dogs and Cats" by Pitcairn- an amazing book! Regarding diet- Commercial foods, for the most part, are doing terrible things to the critters who are forced to eat them- although carefully planned/prepared raw food diets are best (see recipes in book mentioned) there are several good processed, natural brands (although processing inevitably lessens nutrient value.) After losing one of my feline friends to FIV a couple weeks ago, and researching, researching, then researching some more, I have switched the other cats who live with me to Innova brand cat food and some raw meat. Specifically responding to "CrazyVets"- conventional vets today appear to be "far behind," to say the least- I would suggest looking into holistic vets in your area and reading about natural care- there is so much to be said about preventitive care. Best wishes to your sick friend, if he/she cannot be helped- I do hope nature takes him/her quickly. -Carrie IP: Logged |
RottyMommy Moderator Posts: 480 |
posted 02-19-2003 03:40 PM
I would check out a new vet if all he is doing is runnig tests for cancer or one virus it shouldnt cost that much. I just went through a similar dilemma with my cat that now lives with my mom since I moved out and have 2 dogs. It is outrageous the cost of animal care and I agree with the fact that sometimes you are paying out for them to tell you why your cat is dying. However I really would get a second opinion your vet should be compassionate and give you options on what you can do not sit there and keep telling you he'll give you quotes. Good Luck and keep us posted. IP: Logged |
CrazyVets! unregistered |
posted 02-21-2003 07:58 AM
Thanks for all your best wishes. My friend, Biff, passed away this morning, Friday February 21 at 7 am peacefully in my arms. He was 10 years and 8 months old. I did get a second opinion. This vet was much more caring in her examination. She even explained in detail the Xray taken from the other clinic. Although the mass was obstructed and not visible on the Xray, she said it was obvious that there was a tumour on his liver (by feel), that there wouldn't be any further test needed. She helped me make him comfortable and let me take him home. Since I'm allergic to cats, I won't be getting another - but if I were to - I'd definitely reconsider the option of preparing home meals. IP: Logged |
Cat unregistered |
posted 02-22-2003 08:56 PM
I am sorry to hear of your loss. It's never easy to lose a loved one. At least your pet left this world comfortably and loved. My thoughts are with you. IP: Logged |
Lib unregistered |
posted 02-25-2003 01:21 PM
First of all you were overcharged b/c you went to a 24 hour clinic, they can charge whatever they want and get away with it b/c there are very few of them out there. You need to go to a normal vet clinic and get a 2nd opinion. Request any test from the 24 hours clinic and all x-rays already been taken, that way they won't have to be done again. IP: Logged |
carrie Member Posts: 30 |
posted 02-26-2003 11:07 PM
My thoughts are with both you and Biff. A few weeks ago, I questioned whether animals have souls- now, my mind in a clearer state- I take one look at the other two cats who live with me and know without one doubt that they do. I have been told that we are reunited with our animal friends when it comes our turn to make that journey- a great comfort. I do hope your mind and heart are at ease. IP: Logged |
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