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Cats - all types how do u get rid of that cat-pee smell?
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Author | Topic: how do u get rid of that cat-pee smell? |
funnelgirl unregistered |
posted 04-18-2003 09:21 AM
Hi all. I have a few problems with my cat. one of the first is that hes a nervous wee one. Hes 2yrs old, and i got him as a kitten and got his brother with him. when me and my ex split up-we split up the cats-and then i tried2 grab his cat-and i sent it on2 where I would be moving to, but the person who looked afta him lost him. So-anyways..I moved-and moved in wif these people, and my cat didnt settle in, he was peeing and poohing all over the house. the people we stayed with were quite mean, and i went2 behavourial specialists for my cat, got him on 2 different medications, got sprays..all kinds of stuff2 try make him settle. The guy that i lived with used2 kick my cat etc..so my cat got worse. Before I moved out-I was forced2 tie him up outside2 a kennel made specially for him. I moved out-took my cat with me..and hes slowly came around. But lately hes been peeing and poohing in my room. He has a dirtbox inside=and he does use it, and i encourage him2 go outside during the day. Ok...it cleans up...but my main question is-how do u get rid of that cat pee-amonia smell?? Its almost toxic!!!! And any ideas for helping with his problems would be greatly appreciated!!! Hes healthy apart fm his nervous disorder...hes really healthy looking....just his nerves. I been2 animal behaviourists, hes been on kitty prozac,i have differnt sprays i sprayed round the house...been checked up at the vet...hes now on valium-which works really well for him-with his nerves...But any suggestions would be great!!! Cheers all. IP: Logged |
Butterfly2Catch unregistered |
posted 04-19-2003 06:25 AM
...um, get rid of the cat? LOL, JUST KIDDING! I have no idea....they make special powders you vacum up for pet smells....but the hard part is finding out exactly where they pee.... Good luck! ~H~ IP: Logged |
catsandmore unregistered |
posted 04-24-2003 08:39 AM
I am currently caring for 7 (yes 7) cats, a 85lb dog and a very active 6yr son. let me tell you, i know a little about both nerves and cats. My 2 oldest are 17 and 11 years and then there is a 10mth old tabby we adopted last Oct. and then unexpectedly my brother moved away and asked me to care for his momma cat and her adolesent kittens 2male 1 female. we had a 2yr very large tom cat that died 1 1/2 yrs ago that caused me all sorts of grief but he was one of the family and it was in part my fault for not getting him fixed before he started spraying ALL OVER my new house. After $100's and racking my brain I discovered this stuff (most pet stores carry it) called Nature's Mirical. it take a bit of time and effort but given the chance IT DOES WORK!!!Also a quick fix for laundry if washing with vinegar doesn't help is to try Listerine Mouth Wash (i like the mint if it won't stain the material) and as for locating that phamtom smell of urine, cat urine crystals glow under a blacklight so buy a small sized one with the long tubes and go around the house with it and you'll be amazed!!! PS. don't try to clean with ammonia or bleach, something about the smell draws them back to do it again and putting thier food where they've been messing will stop some, they don't like to eat and potty to close to each other. hope this helps!!! IP: Logged |
seabiscuit Member Posts: 49 |
posted 04-28-2003 01:27 PM
I agree with previous poster. NATURE'S MIRACLE. I think they have one that says Stain and Odor Remover and another one that says For Cats Only. Both seem to work well for cat urine. Follow instructions to the letter and it'll work. The problem is, or course, if the cat continues to pee then you are fighting an uphill battle! IP: Logged |
woofdoggy Member Posts: 97 |
posted 04-30-2003 04:54 AM
No wonder your cat's nervous after being kicked, and then tied up. And when he was a baby by the sound of it. He's really been abused, so it's going to take a lot of loving and gentle care to give him confidence. You obviously do love him, and that's great, but don't ever tell him off. His bad toilet behviour is just a symptom of his nervousness, and bad experiences. In time, with heaps of love and care, he may well settle right down. IP: Logged |
SpidersMommy Member Posts: 11 |
posted 05-23-2003 02:35 AM
I had a cat, who I had to put to sleep in November, she was only 6 (Simba) , she had CRF and used to Wee all over the house, destroyed my carpets. She is gone 6 Months now ( I Miss her like Crazy ) but the smell of the Wee is still lingeing on my carpets. I have tried Everything, Someone told me to use White Vinegar and Lemon Juice. Works for awhile, but honestly, I do not think anything in this entire world can get rid of that smell. H E L P IP: Logged |
Indy Member Posts: 31 |
posted 05-23-2003 10:12 AM
The only way I've been able to get rid of the odor is with apple cider vinegar. I'll use it in my carpet cleaner and do a really good job on the carpet. After I'm done with that I'll use murphy's oil soap in the carpet cleaner to lift any visible stains and to add a nice scent. It really works well and I've had no problems from it however you may want to spot test an area just to be on the safe side. You don't want to ruin the carpet getting rid of the odor. IP: Logged |
sandyrex New Member Posts: 4 |
posted 06-01-2003 04:21 AM
New carpet! Never has the smell gone away. Know many carpet cleaner's who have their own company and they admitt that it truely does not go away. Sorry out of luck. My Rex of 25 just started peeing on the carpet and I signed a lease for a year.It is going to be a smelly one. Sandy and Rex IP: Logged |
caliqu New Member Posts: 9 |
posted 06-17-2003 05:52 PM
I recently bought some cleaning solution from Doctors Foster and Smith this magazine where you can order pet supplies. They seem to work pretty good for me as my 8 yr old female likes to spray on a certain part of my carpet and it's suppose to detour them from doing it again with this smell cats don't like. You can use either one I just bought both to see what was better. One is called (Simple Solutions Stain and Odor Remover) The other is called (Cat- tergent).You can order Doctors Foster&Smith catalog on line at DrsFosterSmith.com or just simply order the product from their website. It's that simple. GOOD LUCK HOPE ALL WORKS FOR YOU AND YOUR KITTY. CALIQU IP: Logged |
megnyc New Member Posts: 3 |
posted 06-18-2003 03:15 PM
I've tried all of the above..and some worked a bit, but the smell was still there according to my cats. Remember, their nose is different than ours. I then paid for a formula which took the odor out of my couch wonderfully. Listed below are the materials needed to make the Cat, Dog, and Pet Urine Odor Eliminator Formula: - 3% Hydrogen Peroxide - Baking Soda - Liquid Hand Soap Other items that you will need include: - a clean, empty 8 oz. or 16 oz. container - plastic spoon - waterproof gloves (such as dishwashing gloves) - paper towels I recommend getting a large bottle (32 oz.) of 3% hydrogen peroxide. You might want to buy more than one bottle if you have more than one area that needs to descented. I can find it at Walmart, K-Mart (Big K), or Target for about $0.75. One box (16 oz.) of baking soda costs less than $0.40 and makes countless applications of the solution. I like to make the formula in a clean 8-oz. yogurt cup, but you can use any type of 8oz. or 16oz. container. You can also use baking measuring cups to make the formula - 1cup equals 8oz. and 2 cups equals 16oz. On new, wet urine areas, wear your waterproof gloves to soak up as much of the urine as possible with the paper towels. I usually press firmly down into carpet pad. This enables me to soak up a good amount of the urine. On old urine areas where the odor has been inbedded in your carpet there is no preparation necessary. I have not experimented with urine areas older than 48 hours, but I would think that as long as this solution gets soaked into the carpet and pad it should deodorize it. You may need to apply more than one application. PLEASE DO NOT STORE THIS SOLUTION IN ANY TYPE OF CLOSED CONTAINER BECAUSE IT MAY EXPLODE. THIS IS DUE TO THE EXCESSIVE AMOUNT OF OXYGEN MOLECULES THAT ARE GENERATED WHEN MIXING THE SOLUTION. IP: Logged |
Isis Member Posts: 139 |
posted 06-19-2003 08:13 AM
Personally I have always found a good spray with Febreeze and then some freshly squeezed lemon juice works wonders, don't use this on dark carpets though it bleaches it, and has the added benefit of keeping the cat off that part of the carpet! IP: Logged |
HealthTchr New Member Posts: 3 |
posted 07-18-2003 10:54 PM
And then...what do you do with this makeshift formula? do you put it on the surface, let it dry...etc? thanks! healthTchr IP: Logged |
chicita22 New Member Posts: 4 |
posted 08-07-2003 08:41 AM
I have recently gotten two cats from a shelter. One of them decided he didnt want to be in my house so he peed everywhere. We took him back and found out his was an outdoor cat and i guess he didn't like being an indoor cat... The point is the owner of the shelter gave me AIP (means Anti-Icky-Poo) thats its real name. Its a bacterial mixture that when sprayed where the cat has peed the bacteria use the amonia etc in the urine as food. They are harmless to humans and they get rid of the smell and when the food is gone they die... very simple... It works great and it doesn't have a harsh smell or is harmfull in anyway... IP: Logged |
the_maine_pitbull Member Posts: 320 |
posted 09-24-2003 12:37 PM
Ouch.. Febreeze has been proven to be VERY harmful to pets.. will look for the article I have saved on it and post it.. I found somethign that worked.. I done the carpet with white vinegar and water (1/3 vinegar and 2/3 water) then redone it with OUT! Cat Spray & Urine Stain & Odor Remover (Found at K Mart for $5.00!!!) and then after that because I wasn't to fond of the bland smell and needed fresh Mountain Breeze smell.. lol.. I redone it with a cleaner.. I usually use Mr. Clean or Scented Pine Sol or somethign.. I find it works better than normal carpet cleaners.. even works good on getting stains out when you put it in with your laundry.. lol.. The vinegar was a gross smell while doing it.. but it was well worth it.. You walk in and have no clue that we even own pets that have ever went on the carpets.. Now if we can keep it that way.. lol. Also... this works for all animal pee smells and is not expensive at all.. Good luck! Angie IP: Logged |
Jamiya Member Posts: 1392 |
posted 09-24-2003 12:57 PM
There is one spot in the finished basement that one of our cats used to pee on a lot. We used several different cleaners but since she kept doing it, it never worked. It is really old now, and I don't think it will ever come out. Even some of the bottles of stuff like Nature's Miracle say that if it has soaked through the pad and into the wood underneath you may just have to replace the carpet and padding. Although, some directions also say to lift up the carpet and treat the padding directly. You might try this if it is feasible.
IP: Logged |
3kittiesinhome New Member Posts: 5 |
posted 09-26-2003 09:30 PM
We used Nature's Miracle to clean the smell out of our carpets. My husband actually had to pull up the carpet and replace the tack strip and padding in one area (one of our cats decided he needed to use the carpet in the corner after we moved the cat pan). I would suggest using a black light to show where the cat smell is coming from. One of our local pet stores rented us one for free (we left a check for $20 for a deposit). This made the job much easier. If you can't find a place to rent them, try Walmart or ACE or somewhere like that to get one for rather inexpensive. Make sure you get the flouresent light though. IP: Logged |
Charlotte Gay New Member Posts: 2 |
posted 12-28-2003 04:21 AM
Hi I came upon this site looking for new ideas for that old problem of cat pee. One of my cats , Ernie, who I hand reared from a couple of hours old will pee on anything, from bread to the TV. He does it more so if there are new things brought into the house or people coming and going. The only thing I have found to help is using a strong solution of biological washing powder or dishwasher powder and soaking the area with it ( obviously not the TV!). Because the smell is due to bacteria the enzymes in the wash powders which "eat" bacterial stains and food will also eat up the bacteria in the smell. I can't claim 100% success but it does work well on soft furnishings and carpets but not so good on hard surfaces. Give it a try, it can't do any harm to try. Charlotte UK IP: Logged |
karen1951 New Member Posts: 9 |
posted 12-29-2003 11:59 PM
megnyc, Can you post the proportions that you mix these ingredients? My BT is a chronic whizzer, here, there, and everywhere. He is being treated for a URI, but I think it has become such a habit, I won't be able to break him of it. It's his good fortune that he is the most unique and loveable kitty I have ever had! Thanks. ------------------ IP: Logged |
karen1951 New Member Posts: 9 |
posted 12-30-2003 12:04 AM
Let's try UTI IP: Logged |
Samsintentions Member Posts: 944 |
posted 12-30-2003 05:30 AM
I had this problem and I had white carpet...Grrrr...not only the smell but the yellow stains went with it. I used oxiclean and that took the stain out and I pored the whole bottle of Fabreeze on it. I haven't had a problem since. IP: Logged |
screwyaw New Member Posts: 1 |
posted 01-01-2004 07:08 PM
I have a 2 1/2 year old cat that is peeing in the corner of the kitchen next the the water cooler. I have tried everything to get her to stop. I cant get the smell out. Im tyring to lay down some vinyl title floor but cant because she will not stop peeing,,Can someone help me? IP: Logged |
Chessmind Member Posts: 701 |
posted 01-01-2004 07:21 PM
This message is for the above poster named Screwyaw. Hello and welcome to the site. Post a seperate message of your own, that way everyone knows you want some help and also they don't have to go through this huge post. IP: Logged |
feline New Member Posts: 1 |
posted 02-07-2004 11:37 AM
funnelgirl, how do you think your little cat felt about being split up from his brother and posted to a complete stranger? If that had happened to you as a small child you'd probably still be wetting your bed today. Everything you've described tells me your cat's life has been filled with abuse. Give the poor creature to a responsible, loving home, then maybe he'll become calm and settled enough to control himself without being drugged. While you're thinking about this advice here's another tip - choose nicer friends. Why would you live with the kind of man who kicks your cat? IP: Logged |
cacey Member Posts: 32 |
posted 02-08-2004 02:34 AM
Yeah!!!!!!!!!!! Well put feline. IP: Logged |
empressjulz Member Posts: 64 |
posted 02-08-2004 11:03 AM
cat pee smell..... for the litterbox itself, there are powders you can sprinkle on to remove the bad smell. i don't know whether you can get this brand where you are, but i use it.... it's by a company called "HAGEN", from germany. it works very well. as for cat pee smell on carpets, beds ,etc., you can get liquids that can be applied on the target area. they soak up the bad smell. it works very well, i can't remember the brand of the one i'm using, but after application... no more smell. odourless. good luck with the training. ///ej IP: Logged |
fleafly Member Posts: 996 |
posted 02-08-2004 10:49 PM
It was really well put, but that post was almost a year old so I doubt she is checking for responses anymore! IP: Logged |
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