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Author Topic:   Need advice...
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Registered: Mar 2004

posted 03-17-2004 05:40 PM     Click Here to See the Profile for KittyMom     Edit/Delete Message
I have raised many kittens but just found one that seems to only be a few days old. It was found in my back yard in about and inch of water waving around w/an unknown mother. We looked everywhere and couldn't find anymore kittens or any signs of the mother. I have been feeding the kitten and it seemed to be doing well until I discovered a tiny wound on the side of it's kneck that is draining. It couldn't have happened after I found it because it stays in a closed carrier unless I take it out to feed/clean. I am guessing this is why the mother abandoned it. What I need is some advice on what I can do at home to help it until I can get it to a vet. I have been keeping it as clean as I can. Starting this afternoon it has been wrestless and it is killing me that I can't help it anymore than I already am until I can get it to the vet. PLEASE if you have any ideas let me know so I can help it for now....thank you.

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Posts: 14
From:United Kingdom
Registered: Feb 2004

posted 03-18-2004 04:27 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for lilylover     Edit/Delete Message
If you are not able to get to the vet immeadiately, i would suggest calling an emergency vet for advice. They may if they think its neccessary make a home visit.
Also i would carry on keeping the wound clean and the kitten warm. Until you know what to do you are doing all you can.

Good luck!

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Posts: 944
From:Columbus, Tx ,USA
Registered: Dec 2003

posted 03-19-2004 06:57 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for Samsintentions     Edit/Delete Message
This is nasty but a reality. It could be that when the kitten was born and then left in the yard, flies could have laid their eggs on it. The larve will then bury themselves in the skin of the host (this case the kitten) and litterally eat it from the inside out.

Grubs can also do this. This is more common in livestock than small pets, but I have seen dogs with them.

The grub will do the same, hatch on the body and then bury itself beneath the skin.

If this isnt the case, then it could be an abscess. perhaps the mother was carryingthe baby to a new place, dropped it and it was injured, causing bruising beneath the skin, and now an abscess.
General antibiotics will help.

Keep thearea clean, but do not cover it! It needs to drain.
The kitten really needs to see a vet.

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Posts: 996
From:sheridan, wy
Registered: Aug 2003

posted 03-19-2004 07:47 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for fleafly     Edit/Delete Message
How is the kitten doing?

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