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- Dogs - Toy Dogs Advice Please!
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MyBabyShihPoo Member Posts: 206 |
posted 07-19-2003 02:37 PM
Hello Everyone, I have been reading this particular message board for a couple of weeks and have found it incredibly useful. So, I finally decided to register so I could get some advice from all of you. I will be receiving my Shih-Poo in just a couple of weeks and need some help. I have been reading books, websites, etc. about housebreaking a puppy. Unfortunately, I am having problems finding answers to one of my questions. Question is: When you first got your puppy, how did you go about the whole bathroom issue at night. For example, did you take it out a certain times throughout the night, did you take the puppy out when it became restless, etc. This is our first puppy, so any advice/tips/suggestions would be GREATLY appreciated!!! Thank You in advance for any and all help! Have A Wonderful Day, Kristi IP: Logged |
MyBabyShihPoo Member Posts: 206 |
posted 07-19-2003 02:41 PM
Hello Once Again, I forgot to ask one more question in my previous post. How long did it take before your puppy was able to sleep through the night without having to relieve him/her self? Thanks Again, Kristi IP: Logged |
nern Moderator Posts: 1591 |
posted 07-19-2003 02:44 PM
If possible,(IMO) I think in order to stay conistant and have a faster success rate with house training....it would be a good idea to set an alarm and get up every 3hrs during the night to take the puppy outside. When I house trained my girl...I did not do this. She peed on newspaper during the night if she had to go and still learned rather quickly so I do'nt think its imperative but I think it would be a good idea if its possible for you to do it. IP: Logged |
nern Moderator Posts: 1591 |
posted 07-19-2003 02:47 PM
If I remember correctly mine was about 6 months old when she was able to hold it through the night. She was fully house broken by 4 months but still used the newspaper during the night until about 6 months. IP: Logged |
Julia1119 Member Posts: 88 |
posted 07-19-2003 04:03 PM
winnie stayed in her crate throughout the night, so when she got restless, i would take her out, and sure enough she would have to go. if i remember correctly, it was close to every three hours. IP: Logged |
*Beautiful*Girl Member Posts: 138 |
posted 08-04-2003 08:43 PM
My dog trainer said not to take the dog out for midnight pee breaks, she said if someone woke you up everynight at three in the morning to pee of course you would go. She said it creates a bad habit. And the dog will think that she is supposed to go at that time every night. My Peekapoo Miette is only 2 months and she very rarley wakes up in the middle of the night for me to take her outside. Sometimes she is persistant and will whine until I get up but it's rare for the most part she is ok until about 6:30 am. IP: Logged |
Lacey Member Posts: 64 |
posted 08-05-2003 07:06 AM
I agree about not taking them out at night. I have had dogs all my life and have never taken them out at night. It just starts a habit. I realize they might not make it through the night but then you just clean up the mess and try again the next night. The only way to go in my opinion is a crate at night. They don't like to mess it up so it makes training quicker and easier. Most puppies I have had were staying dry through the night by 10 weeks at the latest. Good luck!! IP: Logged |
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