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- Dogs - Toy Dogs Food Question
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Author | Topic: Food Question |
nessa1880 Member Posts: 132 |
posted 08-08-2003 10:42 AM
Okay I have a 6mth old toy poodle and I have recently changed her over to Nutro Lamb & Rice Formula and increased her serving size. She was doing fine on it for the first couple of days. Just two days ago when I took her out of her crate in the morning I notice something on her pillow. I wasnt sure what is was so I clean it up and didnt think twice about it. This morning when I woke up she had the same thing, so I figured she must have thrown up or something. Right before I left for work she began to pump her stomach then threw up her breakfast. I think maybe its because I increased her servings. What do you guys think? I really dont think its because of the food. I'm going to decrease her food a little bit for a couple of days and see if that was the problem. IP: Logged |
jellie New Member Posts: 6 |
posted 08-08-2003 05:25 PM
Decrease the amount, and if she is still throwing up it might be because she ate something that giving her an upset tummy OR she may be allergic to the food. If she continues to throw up for another day call the vet. Also try skipping one of her meals and dont give her water for a couple of hours, and try giving her plain boiled rice for her next meal. This helped my dog when she was throwing up. Hope she gets better! IP: Logged |
nern Moderator Posts: 1591 |
posted 08-08-2003 10:17 PM
Is she eating too fast? How many meals are you feeding daily? I agree with the other poster on decreasing the amount of food to see if that helps. IP: Logged |
puttin510 Member Posts: 1179 |
posted 08-09-2003 09:33 AM
How much are you feeding her? My poodle will throw up if she eats grass. She will eat grass and hours can pass before she thows up. Make sure also that after she eats to let her have some calm time so she does not upset her stomach. I know with big dogs they can get that stomache turning thing. Not sure it happens in small dogs, but I always make sure no one riles the dogs up after a meal. I think I mentioned before that i had gone thru about 4 different foods before stopping with Innova. She used to have a girgling in her belly all the time and always had sort of these slight burping, that smelt like food. It really seemed to me she was not digesting her food. So I went out to buy some stuff to help her digestion. I was going to purchase it, but the store owner suggested changing her food to Innova because it had special stuff in it to aide in digestion. It could be too much food or eating too fast. Or just a little tummy virus or something. Try to either do the miss a meal or give the bland diet or the rice and chicken for a day to rid her body of what buggin her. If all that does not work, then may its the food. Did you know that good foods have expiration dates on them. Check to see if its expired. Food can go bad. hope she gets better soon. Also stress could factor in. IP: Logged |
nessa1880 Member Posts: 132 |
posted 08-11-2003 10:56 AM
UPDATE!! I have gone back to the old amount I used to feed her and she hasnt thrown up since. I feed her 1/3 at a sitting 3 times a day. So about 1 cup a day. That is what I was told to feed her when she was 4mths old. She is 10lbs so its not like she is lacking in her weight. The only thing that is different is her stool is very soft. Is there anything wrong with that? IP: Logged |
puttin510 Member Posts: 1179 |
posted 08-11-2003 04:09 PM
My poo used to get soft stools when I used to give a bit of wet food with the dry.I also would give her once in awhile some cooked giblets along with her food. When I changed her diet to Innova and gave her the right portions along with some veggies she no longer has soft stools. They used to be kind of mucousy but now if poo can be perfect hers are. You can sprinle a little bran on her food for more fibre. But all in all, firm stools are supposed to help express the anal glands naturally so it doesn't need to be done by someone else very often. IP: Logged |
nern Moderator Posts: 1591 |
posted 08-11-2003 06:11 PM
Nessa...did you switch her gradually from the old food to the new? The soft stool might stop once she is fully adjusted to the new food so give it some time. IP: Logged |
nessa1880 Member Posts: 132 |
posted 08-11-2003 10:18 PM
I switched her over in about 4-5 days. I hope it will stop soon IP: Logged |
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