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- Dogs - Toy Dogs normally sweet dog with sudden attitude
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Author | Topic: normally sweet dog with sudden attitude |
iluvmypup Member Posts: 341 |
posted 08-08-2003 10:47 AM
ok my shihpoo max is normally the sweetest little thing but for the past 2 days he's been getting an attitude for no reason.he climbed up on my lap and sat down like he allways does but all of a sudden he got the worst attitude!he started to growl at me and even tried to bite me when i tried to pick him up to put him on the floor!this is not like him and i'm trying to figure out why he's doing this now when he's never done this before.my husband jumped in to take control when max got the attitude and he calmed him down but i couldn't get him to do it for me!could it be that i do(and i'll admit)let the dog do what he wants?i mean if the dog is sitting in my chair when i go to sit down i'll just move him over a little so that i have room to sit.he pretty much has run of the house when the hubby's not home and i'm thinking that could be the prob.could he think that he's the boss now and that's why he's having this behavior? IP: Logged |
Deeny Member Posts: 27 |
posted 08-08-2003 03:56 PM
Are you sure there is nothing physically wrong with him? Could he be in pain? Sudden temperment changes may indicate the dog is in discomfort. Check it out. IP: Logged |
jellie New Member Posts: 6 |
posted 08-08-2003 05:06 PM
I think the problem with many toys that have an attitude is the way their owners spoil them. I think the problem is that Max figured out that you are a push-over, and dogs won't respect someone who they think is lower in the 'pack' than they are. I think it would be a good idea if you ask Max to sit, or lie down or some little trick before you give him attention, give him a treat, and even when you feed him his meals. He shouldn't EVER be allowed to growl or nip at you, if he does look him sternly in the eyes and tell him something like "NO, Shame on you, Bad Boy" in a low growly voice and tap him on the nose, or under the chin (lightly, never hit a dog for anything) make him get of the chair/your lap and ignore him for 5 min. After the time is up ask him to sit and give him a treat and pet him. Don't feel bad that you'r being too hard on him because dogs feel better when they know their place in the "pack" which is lower than yours! Hope this helps! [This message has been edited by jellie (edited 08-08-2003).] IP: Logged |
iluvmypup Member Posts: 341 |
posted 08-08-2003 05:28 PM
i've been doing the chair thing all day.i keep him off the chair and and been doing different things to show him that i'm the one in control.so far it's been going well.but i feel so bad when i sit down he just stares at me like why are you doing this?when he's used to allways sitting with me.and he's not in any pain i checked him out this morning and he's ok.i think it's just an issue of him trying to be the boss. IP: Logged |
ilovemypets Member Posts: 401 |
posted 08-09-2003 06:05 AM
Alex sometimes lets out a little growl when i put him on his back to wash and comb his face. Not all the time but just when he isnt in the mood. The way I break him of this is to say "no" firmly and continue combing and washing. He hasn't done it in a while so maybe it si working. IP: Logged |
puttin510 Member Posts: 1179 |
posted 08-09-2003 09:20 AM
Oh yes, he is doing that(I am asserting my authority thing over you) My poo came to me with a major attidue problem that ook probably over a year to cure. Start making him do things for you like sit and shake his paw before eating. Do like what was said above about letting him sit with you. What ever he does let him know that he needs to please you first. Don't let him take control. Little dogs can hurt pretty bad when they bite, I know. When he realizes you is who on the food chain then things can be as you want them. Speaking of food, they say to get your dog to understand who's boss the humans should eat their meal first then feed the dogs. I guess sort of like in the wild. The alpha wolves always eat first. You and your hubby are supposed to be the alphas. He can make himself feel like alpha by bossing around another dog which is what my poo does. But my rufus doesn't care. I think he knwos he is the omega dog and is fine with it. Dogs like to know their position. Put them there and keep it that way. IP: Logged |
iluvmypup Member Posts: 341 |
posted 08-09-2003 11:46 AM
thanks for the advise everyone max is doing much better now.no attitude yesterday and so far today either he's now learning that he's not allowed on the furnichure untill i say he is.he's had couple of slip ups where he forgets and he jumps up but i tell him DOWN and he goes.he's also slept in a separate room for the past 2 nights. i notice a change in the way he listens to me now. he responds faster to what he's told than he did before.but i do miss having him all cuddled up to me at night. IP: Logged |
puttin510 Member Posts: 1179 |
posted 08-09-2003 01:04 PM
After he knows his place you can bring him back to bed with you, if he slips up back to teaching him a lesson. IP: Logged |
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