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  Will two hens actually "mate"?

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Author Topic:   Will two hens actually "mate"?
posted 01-26-2004 08:05 AM           Edit/Delete Message
I am pretty sure I have a male and a female lovebird. The vet said he was pretty sure to, although no DNA testing was done. I just put a nesting box in their cage. I was wondering if two hens would actually try to mate, or would they just lay infertile eggs. I saw my lovebirds mate this morning, does that mean that I have a male and a female for sure? Please email me at or please reply to this thread. THANK YOU!

- Catherine

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Registered: Aug 2003

posted 01-26-2004 10:57 AM     Click Here to See the Profile for charmedagain     Edit/Delete Message
Hi yes 2 females aswell as 2 males will mate,
If you have 2 females then stopping them from laying eggs is a must as,

1, The ses eggs are going to be infertile.
2, Egg laying uses up the birds calcium reserves each time they lay a clutch of eggs.
3, Egg binding is also likely in any hen laying eggs.

If you have a male and female and are wanting to have babies some things to consider.

1, Some birds reject there chicks and some even kill them.
2, If chicks are rejected do you have the time and know how to hand raise the chicks every 2hours around the clock.
3, Do you have a brooder to keep the chicks warm if they are rejected by there parents.
4, Is there diet correct ?
do they get cuttlefish bone for added calcium and vitamin block for added vitamins also do they get fresh fruit and veg daily.

These are just some of the things to think about before allowing them to lay eggs.


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