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Romeo was taken by a coyote

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by Chessmind, Oct 10, 2005.

  1. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    Hello everyone. It's like déjà vu all over again. For those of you who are not familiar with my fur animals....On May 19th of last year my best pal Handsome (male grey cat) was killed by a coyote (he died in my arms). He was an indoor/outdoor cat and before I knew we had coyotes.

    I then adopted two cats a few months later (Romeo-grey and white and Juliet--black). I decided that they were to be indoor only cats, as I did not want them to get hurt/killed by coyotes. I harness trained both of them and brought them to many places with me often (including my office). They loved each other so much.

    19 days ago my wife and I had the most beautiful little baby girl. Her name is Kira and she is just so wonderful. Here is a picture of her:


    Since her birth we have had so many visitors wanting to meet little Kira. I have signs on all the doors that tell people to make sure the cats don't get out when they open the doors.

    Unfortunately, Romeo must have slipped out the door when people were opening one of the doors. A neighbor came running over on Friday to let us know that they had seen a coyote running off with Romeo by the neck. The neighbor said Romeo looked like he had already passed on by this point. :cry:

    I thought I did everything right this time and I would have Romeo and Juliet in my life for 15-20 more years. :cry:

    As much as I love and miss Romeo, I am terribly sad for Juliet, as she and Romeo were so in love. My wife has a cat of her own, but he's a bit of a grumpy old man. Juliet has not taken to him, as she did to Romeo.

    Romeo you know I love you so much and I hope there is a Rainbow Bridge and you and Handsome are playing together and we will all meet again. You were such a wonderful, special being. I will always love you and miss you.

    Good-bye my friend. :cry:

    Romeo & Juliet

  2. lunaguy

    lunaguy New Member

    Oh my gosh, I am so sorry. Words can not express how badly I feel for you, for Romeo, for Juliet, and for the rest of your family right now. I will never forget what happened to Handsome, and to have this happen again, despite all that you've done to prevent it, is so incredibly sad and unfair. I feel like I knew Romeo through your posts and the pictures you've shown here. I am heartbroken.
  3. Bente

    Bente New Member

    I am so sorry Chessmind :cry: It breaks my heart to hear about Romeo, just like lunaguy said: I felt like i knew him through your posts and pictures... You did everything you could to give him a safe home, but sometimes our best just isn't enough. Accident happens, so don't blame yourself. I'm so , so sorry :cry: Give Juliet a big hug from me, she must miss her buddy.

    Btw, congratulations with a beautiful baby daughter! :D So adorable, and with that much hair already :shock: :wink:
  4. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    So sorry to hear about Romeo :( , I used to live in Apple Valley near the mountains and we were always getting Coyotes, mountain lions etc coming down so my cats were 'strictly' indoors, but there were a couple of occasions were something happened and one or 2 of them managed to get out, they were okay and I got them back but I know how nerve wracking it can be, no matter how careful we are, how many precautions we take there is always that chance that something might happen.
  5. Cassie

    Cassie Active Member

    I'm so sorry about Romeo. That is such a nightmare to even think about. I'll miss their cuddling pics in the future :(

    It's really true that we all kind of feel that we're like aunts and uncles to each others kitties through pics, posts and tales. When any one of our babies is hurt or harmed, we all feel it.
  6. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    I am so sorry - I remember when you lost Handsome.
    Your daughter is lovely BTW
    Smiles for your daughter and thoughts to Romeo and Handsome waiting for him
  7. halaroo

    halaroo New Member

    I am so sorry for your loss Chessmind. I remember how Handsome's passing affected you so much. Please take care of yourself and Kira and give Juliet an extra cuddle from us here. :cry:
  8. sunset05

    sunset05 New Member

    Oh my gosh. What a mix of emotions.

    First of all -- congratulations on your beautiful new baby. She is adorable.

    Second -- What a shock to hear about Romeo. He was a part of our auspet family. I am sitting here crying. I'm so sorry. Things like that happen. You did the best you could. My heart is with you.
  9. lucidity03

    lucidity03 New Member

    I am terribly sorry. Even after everything you did - this still happened. :cry:

    And, your daughter is beautiful. Congrats.
  10. coppersmom

    coppersmom New Member

    :( I am very, very sorry for you and your family's loss.

    But bittersweet congrats on your new baby. She is beautiful.
  11. vene

    vene New Member

    Congrats on your new baby daughter Kira. She is so beautiful and sweet.

    I can't imagine what pain you and your family is going through right now with Romeo's passing. My condolences. :cry: I don't understand why such bad things would happen to such a good family. I know that Handsome is taking good care of Romeo right now and someday you will be reunited again.
  12. mazyku

    mazyku New Member

    So sorry to hear about Romeo.

    Chessmind, I am so sorry to hear about your Romeo. You had helped me with information and support with my Missy and it has been awhile since I have been able to get back to this site. Your cats are beautiful and I do remember when other cat was taken. I too, seem to be reliving my experience all over again with my 6 year old cat, Charlotte. She has stopped eating and started looking like she lost weight. Turns out that she has a fatty liver and we are now back to shoving pills and force feeding a sick cat again. My heart breaks each time I have to do it. I am thinking about taking her to see another vet that specializes just in cats. I dont want to relive loosing another member of my family. My heart goes out to you and your family both for the loss of your Romeo and for the beautiful baby that you now have. Enjoy all your time with your new baby. Parenthood is wonderful! We did it three times and our youngest just graduated from college. Time goes fast! :( :eek:
  13. FMgurl43

    FMgurl43 New Member

    :m13: oh my gosh chess.. i am crying like a baby right now reading that post... i am soo sorry.... i kinda feel like i knew him as well... i know how u feel and personally i hate the feeling, a feeling like somethings missing...an empty feeling.... i know how hard it is to keep our furbabies inside ive been trying to do it since bubba disapeared... and i still get ones that esacpe all the time...and when something happens even though u know deep inside its not ur fault u cant help but think it....u have done everything right in rasing those two sweet kittys...and i feel horrible for juliet... garfeild misses sassy still i think, sometimes its like hes looking for her and it breaks my heart....but not only is handsome taking care of romeo so is my jason,pumpkin, bubba, teddy bear, spunky, and sassy they are all up there playing haveing a ball...

    and ur baby girl is just soooo cute.... congrats.
  14. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    Thanks everyone for all of your kind words. My wife read all of your posts as well, as she too loved Romeo so much. We both cried as we read all of your posts. I just wish I had taken at least one pic with him, Juliet and Kira together. It would have been a beautiful picture to have.

    Juliet is very sad. :cry: I brought her a cardboard box back from work to try and cheer her up. She's asleep in it right now with dried catnip all over her fur. All I can do is just give her a lot of love and attention.

    Thanks again everyone. Such a nice bunch of people here at Auspet.
  15. wildflower_131

    wildflower_131 New Member

    I am devastated to hear about your loss. :cry: As everyone here has said ... we all felt like we knew him through your posts. I know i don't post often, but i do read the posts. My boyfriend has been at me to let Kitty outside, but reading of your loss, i am reluctant to do so. I believe they are so much safer inside away from all the dangers, but unfortunately no matter how hard you try, sometimes you can keep some things from happening.

    My condolences to you and your partner and your cats.
  16. Ginger

    Ginger New Member

    I'm so sorry to hear about your loss, life is just so cruel sometimes.
    I remember reading your post about Handsome and its just so unfair that this has happened again :(

    Kira is beautiful
  17. bellack1

    bellack1 New Member

    I am also soo incredibly sorry. Its so hard to lose a loved one and I ca't imagine how Juliet is feeling f=right now. Give her a huge hug for us
  18. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    Thanks Bellack1, Ginger and Wildflower_131 for you kind words.
  19. lynnhaz

    lynnhaz New Member


    i was devastated to hear about romeo. ive cried twice today. it just breaks my heart. oh God, i am deeply sorry. i just hurt inside. i am really sad today. kiss juliet and give her a hug. it makes me miss otis. i remember when handsome died. i remember how sad we all were, and how difficult it was for you. and then...romeo and juliet.

    this kind of event is completely painful. he wasnt even my kitty, but i feel my heart just hurting so bad...

    i am so sorry for your loss... :(

  20. sunset05

    sunset05 New Member

    Just wanted to mention that another daughter of mine comes here and reads the posts all the time. She has not joined because she has no kitties (she had to give them away because of husband allergies).
    She loves reading the posts, though.

    Anyway, she told me she cried, too, when she read about Romeo. She was so sorry about it, too. She also felt she knew him, and has seen many of his pictures. Just wanted to pass it along.

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