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Hay kc5gvn: Pacu question for ya.

Discussion in 'Fish and Aquarium - all types' started by Pacuguy, Oct 9, 2005.

  1. Pacuguy

    Pacuguy New Member

    Its been awhile since we spoke, how the heck are ya.
    I figure i will direct this question to you because i know you have kept large pacu in the past (if i remember correctly from the old auspet board)

    First i'll give you alittle info on my setup and my pacu:

    Setup: 130 gal
    2 aquaclear 500's
    1 Magnum 350 canister
    temp stays around 76-80F
    20% water change once a week and Water levels checked

    Name : Neptune
    Size: 22"and well over 20 lbs
    Age : 2.5 years

    It seems that Neptune is on a hunger strike, its been 2 weeks since he has eaten anything! Also lately hes been REALLY nervous, more so the usual hes always skittish but more so in that past few weeks.

    He is still very active and in good spirits.
    im just concerned for his health, as you know(and all pacu keepers) they will eat often and pretty much anything you put in the tank.

    I have been keeping fish for a long time now and this is the first time im at a loss for ideas.
    I would just hate to lose him, ive had him since i lost my other 2 pacus to a power outage a few years ago, (i think i posted about that).

    Do i have anything to worry about? you advice is very important.
  2. kc5gvn

    kc5gvn New Member

    Hi Pacuguy, Good to hear from you. It's been a while. I've been doing OK. Pacus do that from time to time. I have no proof but I suspect it has to do with spawning for the following reasons.

    1) I've never seen one go on a hunger strike less than a year old. Usually they start doing that around 15 to 18 months old and larger than about 12 inches.
    2) It usually occurs in the spring or fall, most of the time in the fall. I say usually because I have seen them do it in December, but I can't remember if it was an unusually warm winter or not here in Texas.
    3) The unusual skittishness is not uncommon for a lot of fish during spawning.

    The main reason this is all speculation is that I have never had or known anyone who has had the area necessary to support a pair of spawning Pacus to prove or disprove that theory. If it's any consolation I have had only one Pacu that has gone as long as 3 1/2 weeks and he remained perfectly healthy. All of the others I've had only went a couple of weeks, most about 1 1/2 weeks, so he/she will probably start eating in the next couple of days. If all your parameters are OK about the only thing to watch for is pinched belly or the rounded area between the nose and dorsal fin starting to square off. Those are signs of not having enough food or enough reserves. You might try enticing him/her with some fresh whole leaf spinach from the veggie department or some freshly peeled red grapes. Let me know of any changes.

    PS. There is one other reason possible but not likely. If you have changed anything like decorations in the tank they will pout like an Oscar. Under those circumstances they will usually lay at the bottom at about a 35 degree angle and fast. The longest I have seen them fast under those circumstances is about 3 days.
  3. Pacuguy

    Pacuguy New Member

    hay kc5gvn My pacu still has not eaten anything, i just thought i'd show you a few pictures of Neptune,


    Loving the camera.

    With my oldest daughter.

    isnt he a knock-out of a fish.
  4. kc5gvn

    kc5gvn New Member

    GREAT LOOKING Pacu. Good color, fins and body weight (not been fed junk causing excess fat). Neptune looks in great shape with no sign of lack of food, or really any sign of stress. The tank appears to be in great shape. I don't think I can call Neptune he anymore. From the structure of the dorsal fin I would guess Neptune to be female. Miss "A" is pretty cute too.

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