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female dogs in heat... questions?

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by ilovemycockatiels, Oct 11, 2005.

  1. ilovemycockatiels

    ilovemycockatiels New Member

    Hi, I have a Australian Shepherd and she is about 5 1/2 months old and should be going into heat pretty soon. This sounds kind of stupid to ask but do dogs have cramps like we do before they go into heat. My dog acted weird earlier, she was walking and she stopped and hunched over like she had to poop, she did it twice but when I took her out she didn't even try to poop, otherwise I would think constipation... Also, do they bleed on their first heat? Sorry I've never had a female dog lol so I might sound stupid to some of you... :) If she wouldn't be having crams from her going into heatn Do you know of anything else that could've caused her to do that. I noticed earlier when she went poop, it looked like one had a sac-like thing over it... :| I don't know if that could mean something or not... Please let me knoe asap if you know anything
  2. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    No one knows if female dogs suffere cramps before there cycle, Someone else may be able to shed some light on her hunching her back and the sac like thing over her poop, As all my dogs have never done anything like this with there cycles.

    Even though this is her first cycle she may bleed some dogs never bleed during there cycle and this is called a silent heat and some bleed really heavy.

    There cycle last 19-21days sometimes ic can last 27 days during this time and for 2-3 weeks after you will have to supervise her at all times while out as a male dog with goto great lengths to get to an in heat female, It has been known for males and female dogs to jump out of upstairs windows to get to each other so please what her carefully.

  3. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    Is the 'sac-like thing' over her poop....I mean it came out with her poop? If it did then that sounds more like a colitis (its slimey, mucousy and can sometimes have a trace of blood in there), its common in dogs that have been stressed out, there are other causes though. Im not sure why shes hunching over, might be a good idea to have the vet check her out, the hunching over could be anything from eating something she shouldnt, not eating/loss of appetite (although some dogs going in heat will sometimes lose their appetite),or it could even be a blockage of some kind, also if theyve had diarrhea ....constipation...the list is endless.!!
    Any vomiting?? If she is not back to normal....eating, drinking, pooping etc I would take her to the vet.
  4. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Maybe she is hunching because she has some pain related to tummy issues or maybe constipation? I would have her checked out if it continues.

    Are you planning on breeding her? If not, you should consider getting her spayed now. Letting a dog have a heat cycle before spaying is actually not good for the dog. If you are going to spay, then now's the time to do it (assuming she is not sick).
  5. ilovemycockatiels

    ilovemycockatiels New Member

    Well I only saw her haunch over the one time and before that, the sac-like thing did come out with her poop, kind of like the poop was in the sac, it was yellowish but no blood... she hasn't been vomiting, she doesn't act sick. So were you saying that she can only get pregnant after being in heat or during? I haven't noticed swollenness in her vagina or blood but it is about time for her first heat. I do plan to breed her sometime, of course not now, probably her 3rd heat or later... She doesn't act like she is in pain with her tummy but sometimes she limps like her hip is bothering her. I wonder if it is just a cramp in her leg or an early sign of hip problems...? I hope not!! The breeder said there was no problems with hip problems at all with any of her pups and both parents were tested for it. Could the dog even show symptoms at this early of an age? She is only almost 6 months old... She has been eating fine, like a pig, as always...
  6. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Well since your planning on breeding her at some point then you will need her health checked by the vet he/she will tell you of any problems that may be there if there is anything wrong with her at all even if there is a slight hip problem then it is best not to breed from her as this can cause problems for her and will be passed on to her offspring.

    If all comes back clear from her tests make sure the male you use has been health checked and has the pass certificate from the vet as the breeder if you can see it and always ask of any health problems in the line if there is any try a different male.

    Not all females will come into there first heat cycle at 6months old some are 8, 12 months some earlier so do not worry if she does not have her first cycle till 12 months old.

    As for the mucus over her poop i would have the vet check this out as any internal problems can get worse as the pup matures.

  7. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    The heat cycle is when the dog can get pregnant. They can't get pregnant in between heat cycles, although Mike can tell you more exactly how it works.

    If you are going to breed her, please start researching now. There are lots of things you need to know. You need to get vet testing done and research her line and research males to find a line you want to breed her with. You should have some point in mind when you breed - betterment of the breed and all that - like a certain trait or quality or set of qualities you want to achieve.

    I think it is recommended to wait until the dog is at least 2 years old (or is it 3?) before you breed her. You also need to know as much as you can about what the normal process is and all the things that can go wrong so you will know what to do at the time. If you have a friend who breeds responsibly, having a mentor is always really nice.

    You also do need to be aware that problems can occur that not only endanger the pups, but the mom as well. Anyone who breeds needs to realize that losing the mom is a possibility.

    There are some good places to start reading in the Sticky on breeding at the top of this forum, such as this one: http://www.learntobreed.com/
  8. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    The normal heat cycle is usually 18days but 25-27 days is not unusual and is broken into 2parts.

    First part is Pro-Oestrus the average length is 9days which is when the vulva begins to swell and there is bloody discharge.
    During this time she will not allow the male to mate with her...

    Second part is Oestrus which again is an average of 9days this is when the female will allow the male to mate.
    Her vulva will be alot more swollen and she will usually start to ovulate 2days after the start of Oestrus.

    All in all some females will allow the male to mate with her from as early as day 5 while others not until day 12 or later.
    I have had a female that would not stand for the male until day 25 and went on to produce a litter of 10pups .

    Met- oestrus lasts on average 90 days this is when a female is not mated yet she still may go on to show some or all signs of pregnancy ( false or Phantom pregnancy)

    Anoestrus is the time she is sexual inactive the duration of Anoestrus largely depends how often she will come into heat.

    A book a recommend is the Book of the bitch this a must for anyone planning on breeding there dog and will give you information on what can and will go wrong during the mating process right through to the whelping of the litter.
    You can get this from www.amazon.com

    Breeding should not be taken lightly as some dogs do die during the birth.

  9. elizavixen

    elizavixen New Member

    Why do you want to breed her?
  10. ilovemycockatiels

    ilovemycockatiels New Member

    Thanks for all the advice and sites. I am getting her an appointment soon for her rabies and her check-up and I will find out about her hip. I want to breed her because I love Australian Shepherds as well as a lot of people...
  11. elizavixen

    elizavixen New Member

    If you love Austrailian Shepherds then you should know that there are tons of them waiting to die in shelters b/c of people over-breeding them. Your dog will be much happier if you have her spayed. And healthier.

    I'm not trying to come across rude I just think you should really think hard about that decision. It is not as simple as just loving the breed.
  12. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    I tend to agree with Eliza, especially after Jimiya posted that aussie rescue site.

    you have plenty of time to decide though and if you do, I would say that you will take any dog back no matter what age if the owners dont want to keep the dog if they cant handle it.

    at the eukanuma dog show this week-end, they had a spot on this guy and his aussue, he got the dog in search and rescue training to help with the energy, then and agility and still that want enough to calm him so he does the frisbee shows and that does the trick.

    do you have pics?
  13. ilovemycockatiels

    ilovemycockatiels New Member

    I will agree to take the dog back for whatever reason so that I can find it a new and forever home... I have one pic of Roxy and it's http://www.dogster.com/?186644 and my other dog Bear, a Chow Chow/St.Bernard, it's http://www.dogster.com/?151985 Unfortunately I only have one pic of Roxy on there cuz dogster won't let me upload any more pics on there cuz they are too big, but when I get around to it I will put more up.

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