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a class cat disection prob.

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by luna, Sep 17, 2005.

  1. luna

    luna New Member

    for me its more the idea of how they were killed and why. if it died naturaly and i kew 4 sure it probibly would be no dig deal, but what i was told in 7th grade about how the frogs were grown on farms just to die and im thinking the same thing about other animals that are used for dissection. i dont know if thats how they do it for other animals but its the idea that it could be true. i could only do it if the animal died naturaly.
  2. faeriedust1127

    faeriedust1127 New Member

    Well if you think about it, MANY animals are raised to die. In fact we ALL are.......eventually. Whether it be specifically for meat, fur, population, or science. The animals you dissect are not road kill and they didn't all die at a ripe old age peacefully curled up in front of a living room fireplace, no. The idea is to dissect a preserved and intact body, so i would imagine they were euthanized in a similar fashion as the thousands of animals who die everyday in animal shelters. It's not ideal but it's life as it is right now. Besides that, if those animals were to live out a natural death and die in the wild, they would die a much more violent and painful death to a predator than they would by being gassed or given an injection. It IS sad they are dead, yes..and you have a big heart to even consider what their life may have been, but they are in fact just that, Dead. They are feeling no pain now and they have no clue or care about what happens to their body now because they don't need it anymore. Now the only ones left to benefit from a dead animals body are the ones who are either eating eat, using the parts in some other way(ex. leather, fur) or those who are using it as a learning tool. I am by no means trying to push you to do something you truly don't want to do, but its good to look at it from all angles. As i said before, it is an opportunity to learn something now that you may not have again. And if you try it now, and you decide this is not something you could ever find even slightly interested or be able to do again....then you just saved a bunch of time and money by not trying out for a medical profession before you knew what you could handle. People change their minds about these things all the time. I know i did. But after the past few years of experiences I have had, I know that I CAN handle a nursing career. Nothing really grosses me out anymore, lol.
  3. luna

    luna New Member

    he decided to do a vertual disection instead :eek:
  4. wildflower_131

    wildflower_131 New Member

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