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cockteils new at them

Discussion in 'Birds - all breeds / types' started by lil shant, Oct 12, 2005.

  1. lil shant

    lil shant New Member

    can u tell me everythign about cockteils i need to know how to find their gender to get them and tll me any basc info about them
  2. zarate

    zarate New Member

    I myself just got a cockatiel a week ago and I'm still learning. I can't tell you much, but this website I found gave me a lot of info!


    You just have to search around the site for what your looking for, but chances are you'll find it without any problems.
    Did you get a cockatiel, or are you looking to get one?
    The one I just got is a handfed baby, and she's the sweetest little thing, so that's what I'd recommend if you want a nice pet you can handle. Just thought I'd throw my 2 cents worth in! Good luck with what your looking for.
  3. I don't know much about sexing but with grey cockatiels the male usually has a bright yellow face with a bright orange patch on his cheeks and under the tail is all the same dark colour grey.

    Grey females have a lighter orange facial patch and yellow and black banding under the tail, sort of stripey.

    But be careful as the males look like females when they are young with the same colour tails and feathers until males go through their first moult at about 8 months old then the dark grey feathers will come through on the tail and their faces become brighter coloured.

    The only way I can tell with yellow cockatiels is that the females have patterns on their wings, kind of light grey and the males don't.

    I'm not sure about pieds, cinnamons, white-faced or pure white.

    Good luck :D
  4. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    What would you like to know about them.

    Sexing Cockatiels is easy in some mutations but DNA sexing is needed in others.
    Do not be fooled by a breeder saying that the bird is male because of the loud singing and another is female because it is quiet and only makes a slight whistle, This is not always the case all my females all sing and can copy the males tunes.

    Sexing the normal grey is easier once they have had there first molt which is usually 6-8months of age, With the adult feathers coming through the male will have a bright yellow head with bright orange cheek patches, His underside of his tail will be all one colour which is usually very dark grey sometimes black and should have no barring at all.

    The female normal grey, Will have a duller head which looks like a very weak grey/green colour, Her cheek patches will also be alot duller, She will also have alot of black barring under her tail aswell.

    Cinnamon males and females are sexed the same way.

    Lutino's... These birds have no grey at all on them, their bodies cannot make the grey or brown pigments. A bird with a lot of yellow that has dark eyes and perhaps a small area of grey somewhere, even only one feather or toenail, is not a lutino but a pied. Lutinos can be visually sexed since the females will have the same bright yellow spots under the flight feathers and their tails will show a yellow on cream or cream on yellow barring pattern. Males are sexed by the absence of these traits. One note -- a very pale lutino may not show the patterns clearly, try holding a shed tail feather up to a strong light.

    Albino's Can not be visually sexed.

    Here is a link to wing spot sexing.

    http://community-2.webtv.net/Rainey97/C ... index.html


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