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would u put k9 advantix on ur cat???

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by FMgurl43, Oct 13, 2005.

  1. FMgurl43

    FMgurl43 New Member

    i know stupid ? to ask but we got a cat in today that was having seziours and come to find out the onwer put k9 advantix on the cat...do ppl just not read labels anymore???? it says on the box do not put on cats!!!! and every vet i ever bought it from for my dog always tells me to keep my dog away from the cats after i apply it 4 24 hours.... and u know its called K9 advantix 4 a reason its not like it says feline advantix.... im just soo mad b/c this cat migth not pull though and to see what this poor cat was going though... it was horrible....and the owner didnt even wanna come and pick up the cat that night to keep an eye on it and we could leave it at the clinic but no one is there incase this cat starts it again soo it would be best 4 it to go home and the onwer watch over it and if it happens take to the emergency vet and if it dont then to bring her back in the morning... these ppl could care less....ohhh its just nerve racking!!!!!!! :m3:
  2. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    I know what you mean. There are all kinds of people in the world. Some of which are so ignorant. The ones that make me the angriest are those wackos that torture animals. I saw a few programs on t.v. that said a lot of serial killers did that when they were kids. That is just awful. Poor kitty. I hope she will be okay. :(
  3. FMgurl43

    FMgurl43 New Member

    well they are flushing her out w/ fluids right now and gave her some muscle relaxers, soo i really hope she pulls though she is such a sweet cat... i have already feel in love / her at least when shes at the vets she gets the attention she deserves... even w/ everything that was going on she was being soo sweet except when she was getting stuck w/ needles... i agree about the tourturing aniamals... its things like that that make me wanna go into being a animal control officer but i think i would be beating the heck outta ppl.... :m26: :0025:
  4. eman

    eman New Member

    what is k9 advantix for?
  5. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    K9 Advantix repels fleas, mosquitos and ticks, it contains permethins (sp?) which is toxic to cats.

    I still think of all the newer products available Frontline is the safest, it was available in UK for quite a while before the US approved it.

    My sister has 2 indoor/outdoor cats, Ruby and Diamond, and has used it on them regularly throughout their lives, they are both now 18 years old and apart from Diamond having a benign abdominal tumour removed 4 years ago and Ruby recently going deaf they are in good health.
  6. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    I had to use K9 Advantix on my dog after she had a rather extensive surgery a couple of years ago. The surgery was in May and prime time for ticks/mosquitoes. Vet didn't want her compromised by any parasite bites.
    I was so fearful for my cats when I used that. Luckily my cats are close to my dog and they tend to stay away from her (although Zeus was leaving her toys during her recovery period). I would never use it again - but at that time it was necessary.
  7. luna

    luna New Member

    what idiot gives a cat something for dogs?
  8. FMgurl43

    FMgurl43 New Member

    i know these ppl that put it on their cat were just plain flat out stupid...i was off today so i dont know how the cat is doing but ill find out... as far as the advantix goes thats the only thing that will work on my dog the advantage or frontline will not work anymore...
  9. FMgurl43

    FMgurl43 New Member

    well the kitty ended up ok.... :eek: .. but not sure yet on if she has any permanate damage to her brain... only time will tell....

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