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mr. simba is being bad!!!

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by FMgurl43, Oct 11, 2005.

  1. FMgurl43

    FMgurl43 New Member

    ok i have been trying to keep my cats inside 4 years now and they still are big time door dashers... well simba has figured out how to push the screen outta the garage window his favorite hang out spot. well since hes been doing that we have not let him in there soo everytime the door opens he dashes out the door to the garage well my dad gets up b4 daylight and goes to work and goes to the garage b4 he leaves and he refuses to chase the cats if they get out, soooo saturday night i wasnt here all day it was my sons b-day sooo we were out all day until about 8pm and i drop off my son go to work give the aniamls their meds and come home. well i go to feed evryone and see that they have been let out of my room (thats where they say when dads here and im not) well my son went in my room and simba ran out and ended up in the garage and th out the window.... soo i started calling him and no simba 4 an hour sooo i go to the store and get all the way down to the end of my road 6 houses down at the stop sign and see a white cat across the cross street.. the cat is just looking at me and i dunno why but i rolled the window down and yelled simba and the cat started walking towards me so i got out and walked up in these ppls yard and sure enough theres simba rollin on the ground like i know im in trouble but look how cute i am!!!! so i pick him up put his butt in the car turn around and go home... next day i go to the store around 8 am and guess whos about 4 houses down at someon elses house? yelp simba!!!!!!!!! i pick him up put him in the car and tahe his butt home.... then today i take my son to school and come home and guess whos sitting in the road 4 houses down? yekp simba again!!!!!! once again i put him in the car and take him home and hes been locked in the room ever since... im soo frustrated... when hes gotten out b4 hes never went any further then the woods behind our house now hes all the way down the street... i dont know why hes doing this....its like he thinks hes being cute... cause everytime i catch him he rolls on the gound and meows like "i didnt mean to mom" and then like in his kitty way behind my back is laughing....i am soo terrifed hes gonna get ran over, and i hate living w/ my parents but right now i cannot afford anything else and my dad refuses to go get a cat if they get out....no matter how much i beg and plead 4 him to watch and not let them out!!!!!!i just dont know what to do anymore, ither hes gonna get hit or someone is gonna take him or hes gonna end up lost...hes very friendly to anyone sooo anyone could pick him up....i swear if he was a human i would of done spanked his behind....ive tried locking evryone up in my room until night time and then letting them out 4 a few hours and then putting them back in when i go to bed but sleeping w/ 5 cats that r begging to go outside is almost impossible!!!!and i hate locking them in one room... but i dunno what else to do... prissy my kitten my newest addition since sassy died has no desire what so ever to go outside....she never has since we got her almost 8 months ago....and she was an outside cat only when i kidnapped her...lol but simbas very very dominate and if there is another cat outside that dont belong here he is dterminded to get out and chase it off... and i think thats what hes doing and getting further and further away from home....he is definatly feeling better thats 4 sure.. but i have run outta ideas to keep them inside... anyone have any advice?????b4 i go crazy!!!! :shock:

    sorry didnt relize how long this was...lol
  2. OnixRevolution

    OnixRevolution New Member

    Have you tried putting something infront on the window so he cant get through it? Is there something you can move so he can't jump up there? I know it's damn near impossible to keep a cat inside once its discovers the wonders of outside.
  3. luna

    luna New Member

    i have the same problem, only with doors. buster has learned to open the laundry and garage doors. he doesn't go out of the garage but theres so
    much junk in it that its hard to find him and he can get under the house through the garage. last time it took me half an hour to get him out.

    i suggest putting a shelf or something like that infront of the window- cats cant go through solid wood yet (an hopefully it will stay that way for a while! :mrgreen:
  4. FMgurl43

    FMgurl43 New Member

    see i loved it when we were all boarded up 4 the hurricaines and the garage window had the board over it soo he was unable to push it out w/ his big ol head... but now.. see our washer/ dryer is in there and when we do laundry w/ that board up there it get damn near unbareable in there it getse soo hot and since there is only one window.....hes been locked in the room all day until now i let him out 4 a lil bit and i feel sooo bad that i have to do that to him but if he would just know its 4 his own good and that mommy loves him tomuch thats why hes in here cause i dont want nothing to happen to his big ol butt....and garfeild is getting bad to he sneeks out alot now and i can call him all day and go on hunts 4 him and he will not come back till it gets nightime even if its raining outside...its sooo nerve racking.. the first time he done it i didnt even go into work b/c i was determind to find him i thought he was either dead or hurt...those r the only 2 boys i have (well cat boys) and they are the WORST when it comes to outside and they are fixed everything.... now princess is pretty bad also but not as bad.... and chyanne her fat butt just sits in the sun and dont go off the back pourch shes to big to get over the fence..lol and prissy she would rather be in the air.. shes spoiled.... i neeed to put pix of here up shes gotten bigger but not by m,uch shes gonna stay tiny i think...lol but princess can be outside panting her lil lungs out and will still refuse to come inside and just keep on chasing bugs no matter how hot she gets... she gets soo made cause i chase her down and put her inside (shes all black also not to mention long hair) and she plops on the tile with her front feet in front of her and back feet streched out behind her and her belly on the floor her and prissy both lay like this they look like frogs its soo cute...but simba and gar were in my room all day. u would think they would enjoy being lazy and in the a/c but i guess not as soon as i let simba out and tried to love on him he bit the crap outta me and hissed at me and ran to the door, and gar just cried like crazy till i sat down and got up on my chest and tried to nurse on my neck....ive went as far as putting that double sided duck tape in front of the door and a few strips to where they cant just jump over it but they dont even care about that, ive used spray bottles etc... i just dont know what else to do..
  5. luna

    luna New Member

    bord up the window again

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