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my cockatiels are fighting !!!

Discussion in 'Birds - all breeds / types' started by mahcutelit, Oct 14, 2005.

  1. mahcutelit

    mahcutelit New Member

    Hi again. I have two cockatiel, a male and a female. the female always seat in the corner and it seems that she wants to lay eggs although my cockatiels havent done anything yet to fertile her eggs. When the male cockatiel goes down from the perch to get food and water, the female go run after him and bite him agressively. I pity the male because he cant get down the perch as he figured it out that the female will just go after him. I already put water and food holder on the wall for him. Im just wondering if i should just let them settle things out or should i just get a nest box so that the female can just seat there if she wants to and the male can go freely while she's in the nest box. I dont know if theyre gonna like each other but i'm hoping to. Is it possible that a female and a male cockatiel who most hate each other ever could still like each other and have a happy romantic life? heh.

    also, can i feed them guavas?

    thanx..... jess
  2. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    How long have you had the birds and how long they been together.

    It usually takes about 6months months for them to settle down and bond with each other aslong as there is no blood drawn or feathers ripped out then i would leave them to it.

    If her behaviour gets worse or blood or feathers are drawn then its best to seperate them as once she starts feather picking she will keep on doing it even when she has chicks she will pluck them too and this is not what you want.

    Here in the uk its now autum and my birds are seperated males in one cage females in another.
    They are then paired back up early spring.

    There is always a chance they will bond with each other some birds just never get along.
    I would not put a nest box up yet as they are not a settled pair and if the male does get to breed with her without any fighting the chicks would be at risk.

    I also suggest putting 2 dishes of food and water in the cage if possible see if this helps if not then seperate them otherwise you will have a very nervous male or worse a male that will not eat and drink at all and end up dying.

    Here is a list of foods that are safe and toxic to birds.....


  3. parakeetlover321

    parakeetlover321 New Member

    I would proabley do this

    Yes hello what i would do in a case like this (as i have experenced this before) My to birds were fighting and i let it go for about a couple months and they still didnt get along. So what i recomend is give it a couple more months if they still fight put them in different cages. But put the cages near each other. and if they seen to kind of "kiss through bars try it again.(put them in the same cage)

    Always feed your bird fruit

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