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Greenie Bones Warning... very Bad

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Blueribbon, Oct 13, 2005.

  1. Blueribbon

    Blueribbon New Member

    A friend of mine from another forum has asked me to post this to all the other forums I go to.

    My little dog, Nickey, a 6 month old Maltese, has survived two surgeries this week and is now stable and recovering at the Vet hospital. After exploration, they found part of a "greenie" bone stuck in his esophagus.

    The vets I spoke to this week are furious about this product. The product DOES NOT DISSOLVE if swallowed in chunks that cannot pass through their system. They have done numerous surgeries to remove them, especially from the intestines. This is the first that the Dallas surgeons have seen in the esophagus.

    I wanted to share this with you and ask you to pass along this warning to any pet owner that you know and to keep it passing on. BAN THE GREENIES!! I know my little one will never see another greenie again.

    After almost $5000 in vet bills since last Friday, this has been a very expensive lesson to learn. The worst part of course is that my little Nickey (only 6 months old) has suffered tremendously and will most likely develop other esophagus problems because of this.

    He is not 'out-of-the-woods' yet so I ask that you say a prayer for him. This has been an extremely emotional week for him and for his Mommy.

    I'm hoping to get this word out -- not to damage any one in particular -- but to prevent other pets and families from having to go thru this trauma.
  2. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    Hope NIckey recovers fully and soon. :(
  3. TeddysMom

    TeddysMom New Member

    Oh no! Poor little Nickey, I hope he is okay.

    My 11 month year old Shih-poo loves greenies and has never had a problem with them. I usually through them out when they get too small.
    He has never broken piece from it, just chews at it and it's always supervised. I have to speak to my vet about this.
  4. Aqueous

    Aqueous New Member

    I hope Nickey gets better soon.

    Ban the Greenies is really a sudden decision, dogs can choke on almost anything.

    There have been dogs that have choked on raw hide, kongs, kibble and I know that if left unsupervised my dog would have probably choked on the stuffing that he pulls out of his stuffed toys and the pieces he pulls off of rubbery toys, there are also environmental factors that they face almost everyday like sticks, leaves, and rocks which can easily be swallowed and don't dissolve. I think it pretty much comes down to supervision, if you took all the choking factors away from a dog they wouldn't have much of a life left.
  5. TeddysMom

    TeddysMom New Member

    I totally agree this. A few months ago I had to rush my puppy to the Vets because he had diarrhea with lots of blood. He had swallowed a small rock or pebble when I took him on a walk. The Vet gave me meds to help with the diarrhea and by the next day he was doing better and had passed the small rock.

    Teddy also loves pulling stuffing out of anything, pillows, his toys etc.. and eats paper. When he is home alone I only leave Kong toys with him put all the pillows and any paper out of his reach. He also does not get greenies unless I'm there with him. I'm constantly picking up garbage from my backyard due to the construction going on around my house.

    Having a puppy is a full time job and just like having children, sometimes accidents happen... it only takes 1 second for a puppy to put something in his mouth and swallow it.
  6. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    I agree Aqueous, my lab inhales anything, and really doesnt chew, he would be a prime canditate for getting large items stuck, so I dont give him anything, I recently tried monitoring him with a bully stick, but even he manged to sawllow almost the the tnite thing whole. now my other dog probably would never have that problem becuase she has thoroughly chew anything that goes in her mouth.

    thanks for the post because we do need to know that even a greenie can cause problems hopefully Teddy is on the mend
  7. tuttifrutti

    tuttifrutti New Member

    i used to give them to ranger and snickers, but they got too expensive. i know they're supposed to last awhile, but ranger and snickers are insane chewers. they'd finish the greenie in 5 min or less. i also noticed that they didn't dissolve. ranger got sick after eating one once, and the greenie was in his bile, broken up into only 3 pieces.
  8. coppersmom

    coppersmom New Member

    Zoey got the "squirts" from eating one. And then had her anal sac problem from the loose stools, so I don't give them to her. Brie would do fine but it would cause a big fight if she had one and Zoey didn't.
  9. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

  10. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    I read the article and i am so sorry for your friends loss.

    I have given my dogs greenie bones without any problems and they been having then since they were young, My 5month old pup gets them aswell without any problems.

    Again i am really sorry for the loss.


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