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Discussion in 'Dogs - Pit bull breeds specific' started by blondeandbeautiful2003, Oct 15, 2005.

  1. My 3 month old pitbull, Annie, is sick and i'm not sure what it is. I'm thinking its either parvovirus or distemper virus. I'm hopeing its niether of those and its just a stomach bug but from the symptoms thats not very likely.
    I noticed a couple of days ago that she threw up something that was brown and watery. I figured she either was trying to eat grass and got alot of mud with it, or she was eating her own crap. Either way I was getting worried cuz the rest of the night she seemed depressed. She wouldnt eat ANYTHING. (I thought it might have been because we changed her food but that wasnt it because we gave her the kind she was used to and she still wont eat it.) She hadnt thrown up anymore that day so I didnt think too much of it. I figured maybe she just has a tummy ache.
    Well, I woke up this morning and found that she had thrown up a watery substance. I let her outside for a little bit in case she needed to throw up some more, or go to the bathroom. She still wouldnt eat anything but she was drinking plenty. When I went back out there to call her inside it took her a few seconds to even realize I was calling her. Usually she is extremely responsive and will come to the door immediatley. She slowly got up and looked as they she could fall at any moment. She had no energy, her legs were trembling, and she looked at me like she didnt know what was going on. I carried her inside and the only thing that got her tail wagging was me rubbing on her tummy.
    When Jonathon came home I told him what was going on and he started calling his parents and friends to see if we could find anything out. His mom just told us to keep an eye on her and to feed her pedialyte and that its probably just a bug. She threw up a few more times after he got home and right before Jon went to sleep we noticed a very foul smelling pinkish liquid by the bed where annie was laying. We thought it was vomit but then we noticed blood from her backside.
    This has all happened within a 24 hour span and I'm panicing. I dont even know where to start! Neither of us have any money to take her to the vet! I was just recently laid off from my job so Jon is paying all the bills. My parents arent any better off then I am so them helping is out of the question! I'm so scared of whats going on inside her helpless little body! I've been crying all night, I cant sleep, thats why I'm on here. I've been researching everything and anything I can find. But I'm not a vet and I cant diagnose her. Those symptoms are common with everything.
    In short here is a list of the symptoms again:
    not eating
    vomiting water
    skin and bones
    blood in fecies (sp?)
    another question/comment.
    I also read somewhere and I've heard it several times that when an animal knows its going to die soon it will go to a secluded, dark place. Is that true? Annie keeps going either in the closet to sleep or lay and under the bed. She always sleeps in the bed and by the closet but the closet is always open. Today it was almost completely shut and that is where she was laying. If her symptoms are this bad already is she even gonna make it through the night?
    If anyone has any home remedy ideas, or has had an experience like this PLEASE help me :!: I am a 20 year old college girl who loves animals and cant bare to lose another one, especially without doing something about it :!: I feel so helpless. she is just laying in there in who knows how much pain. And I cant do anything about it. I just recently lost one of my childhood cats, patches, and I dont want to lose another! I've only had her for a month but I am already so attached! I love her, shes a family member! Please if anyone has any ideas or comments please feel free to say something :cry:
  2. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    Please check responses in All Breeds category.
  3. Bugzblu

    Bugzblu New Member

    I don't know alot,BUT!

    I hate to hear that about your dog,But when one of mine does that,I give mine pepto bismal,and gatorade.That what a vet told me to do to keep them from dehydrating,or symptoms of parvo.Get the flavored gatorade,they don't like the original,they will come more near drinking cherry or orange.If it doesn't clear up,the vet will have to give the dog a IV.Good luck!

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