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Hartz Flea control ...not sure but bad

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by Blueribbon, Oct 12, 2005.

  1. Blueribbon

    Blueribbon New Member

    My boyfriends sister last night had to rush their cat ( Midnight ) to the vet, she was having convulsons. Found out that the flea stuff ( Hartz ) that they used on her was causing the problem she's still at the vets on IV's and observation. The vet said there's going to be nurological ( sp ) problems, if she pulls through. My future sister-in-law called Hartz and they told her to send them the bill and they would take care of the bill. She also informed them that if Midnight dies they will replace her cat ( Midnight is a registered Hemi ). The vet told my future sister that Midnight is the 8th cat he has taken care of from the use of Hartz flea control and he is recommending that no one uses it ( 6 of the 7 cats, that's not including Midnight, has died from it's use ).

    I will keep everyone informed on her condition. Please pray for Midnight to pull through she is in very, very bad shape and not expected to live. [-o<
  2. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    Sorry to hear about your sisters cat, hope she pulls through okay :(

    I thought Hartz had been taken off the market now because of this?
  3. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    Why do people buy that crap?
    Hartz will continue to keep their deadly crap on the shelves until mid-2006. They don't need to pull it until then.
  4. vene

    vene New Member

    Sending good thoughts and vibes for Midnight.

    I used to buy it years ago cause it was cheap and easy access and it killed fleas. But Pumpkin always came down with a bad cold for 2-3 weeks and we have not purchased Hartz products since. I didn't know it killed kitties. Luckily, no recent flea infestations. I will use Advantage or whatever else our vet recommends in the future. :shock:
  5. sunset05

    sunset05 New Member

    I hope your kitty will be okay. I have heard bad things about Hartz before.

    When I read your post I was thinking how can they keep that brand on the market if it is so harmful, but then I saw Mary's response about it being taken off the shelves next year. That is good to hear, although I agree it should be sooner.
  6. Blueribbon

    Blueribbon New Member

    Update on Midnight ...

    My future sister just IM'd me and wrote " Vet just called they said shes still alittle jittery but they think she will be ok there gonna keep her another night to keep an eye on her. " :eek:
  7. FMgurl43

    FMgurl43 New Member

    im glad to hear she is doing good...i persoanlly havnet used hartz flea products... i think i used to use the shampoo on my dog when i was like maybe 10 years old but ive never used it on my cats. the only thing i can think of buying from hartz is the kitten formula the day we found our kittens but only used one can and then went to the pet store...i like the adams flea spray....
  8. Nano

    Nano New Member

    Hartz flea control, not sure, but bad

    I'm glad to hear Midnight is doing better! I Had purchased Hartz's flea drops for cats, and never used it. I decided to do some research on it and was worried about what I read. Instead, I went to my vet. and purchased revolution.It's a once a month dose and not only gets rid of fleas, but also protects against heartworm disease, and treatment and control of hookworms,roundworms, and also earmites. I used it for Tiffany, Boo, and Tigger. It works great! Well worth the money spent. Nano.

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