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Maniacs run the local pet stores!

Discussion in 'Birds - all breeds / types' started by zarate, Oct 18, 2005.

  1. zarate

    zarate New Member

    I have tried about 4 different cages now trying to find a cage my cockatiel likes. I was in the pet store the other day price checking, and they asked me what I was going to put in the cage, so I said a single cockatiel. They said it wouldn't be worth buying a cage that big for one bird, they said it was too big!!! I couldn't believe what I was hearing! I never thought there was such a thing as "Too big of cage" So they showed me a small cage, possibly alright for a single budgie, and in it they had TWO cockatiels. I kindly thanked them for their time and left. Some people....and to think they are in charge of all those animals in there. I hope they go out of business. Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the saying "The bigger the cage, the better?"
    Well, just had to blow off some steam. Thanks for listening!!!
  2. Aqueous

    Aqueous New Member

    I've always thought that the bigger the cage the better, that's what I always go with.

    I run across this all the time but in the fish section (usually the people working in the bird section want to sell you the largest cage possible, probably because it costs more than the smaller ones). I'll see people go in and tell them they have a 10 gallon tank and have them suggest a school of bala sharks, pacus or oscars which wouldn't possibly fit in an aquarium that small when full grown.

    Honestly, I think it should be mandatory for people working in pet store to have some knowledge of the animals they work with (sometimes you'll find a few good ones but the majority I've seen are highschool students who are just working there to make money and pretty much fly by the seat of their pants when explaining something to you).
  3. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Irresponsible pet store owners is what they are, This is the thing with some petstores the people that own them are work there do not have the first clue on animal care and welfare. If this store has cockatiels in a small cage i would hate to think of the size of the cage for a large parrot.

    I always say to everyone considering getting a cage for a bird is the bigger the better as birds like to be able to move around alot.

    I think you did right not buying anything from that store.

    Another way of telling if the cage would be big enough is put yourself in the birds place if you see a cage and think well if i was a bird that would be perfect then you can be sure its right.

    I always buy cages that are big enough to hold 4cockatiels this way i know my pairs have lots of room.


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