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OMG i actually need help

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by charmedagain, Oct 18, 2005.

  1. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Hi everyone i have a slight problem, The pup i got when she was 4-5weeks old was suffering from a real bad worm burden, Well she been wormed and all seemed well but for some reason every couple of weeks she will have worms in her poop she is on the maxium strength wormer aswell as the maxium dose for her weight. She has on one occasion been sick with a worm which was about 1 inch in length.

    I have even tried garlic as this makes the system unfavourable to worms well this worked for a couple of weeks and now there back, I have even tried the fasting method where you only give the dog water for 24hours then the following day give them raw bones plus a bowl of grated carrot and suede plus garlic and bran again this works for a couple of weeks. Anyone have any suggestions.

    The poop is removed from the yard straight away and it is scrubbed out thoroughly twice a day with bleah on a morning and Parvovirucide on a night.
    I have never had a problem like this before, vet says i must be seeing things as he can not feel a worm sac i didnt even know you could feel one i know you can see a heavy worm burden in a pup but not a 17week old pup.

    Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

    Also any help on stopping her from chewing my gate and fence, She never chews anything in doors but as soon as she goes out in the yard she becomes very distructive she has chewed the trellace off the top of the fence, chewed a chunk off my gate, I have tried lemon juice, pepper, Mustard, Chilli but nothing deters her. She will eat anything in sight and she dont care what it is but like i say she seems to have a taste for my fence and gate.

  2. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Raw pumpkin seeds are supposed to get rid of worms. You can get them at health food stores. There are other natural remedies as well - black walnut, I think?

    Chronic worms is seen as a problem with the immune system in homeopathy. That's another thing you could try. I can give you the name of my homeopath (she works through e-mail) if you'd like. Just PM me and let me know.
  3. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    That would be great Jamiya i would be really greatful for her address.


  4. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    I know your going through the homeopath vet now but I just thought Id mention something. Probably already had all this looked into but which worms are they? was a sample tested? have you had a recheck stool sample done? Usually if its an ogoing problem and depending on exactly which dewormer was used we would do a follow up test about 3 weeks after the intitial treatment.
    Is it possible she is being re-infected by eating stool from a neighbourhood cat or something that may be coming into your yard?

    As for eating the fencing, have you tried Bitter Apple? Spray some on the fencing (her favourite part if she has one) and then a little squirt in her mouth....I usually use a stern 'NO' with the squirt in the mouth.

    Im wondering if there is something specific that triggers the chewing here as you say she doesnt chew anything else, maybe the scent of another dog urinating on the fencing, a cat walking along the fence or spraying on it? Or she did it once, liked the feel of it, the texture (the wood) and its now just a habit.

    Dont know if any of that helps. :?
  5. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    hi DeLa, She was treated at 6weeks old by the vet can not remember the name of the wormer they used, Then he did do a stool sample 3 weeks later and found still to be a couple so treated her again.

    He asked to see her 2 weeks later with a stool smaple and when checked there was no evidence of worms or there eggs so the vet was happy.

    No cats come in the yard as there is no soil for them to dig in to go to the toilet, All poop is cleaned up straight away after the dogs have relieved themselves as i do not like to leave it so you can imagen i am constantly scooping poop heheheh.

    I will give the bitter apple a try and see if that stops her but its just very strange how she only chews the fence and the gates. I thought it maybe boredom but she goes out for long walks with the others and has a good run around and play they even have toys in the yard to play with as i leave the back door open during the day so they can come in and out as they please.
    She plays with the toys for a few minutes then as soon as my back is turned she goes and chews the gate.

    I am sure she is missing the learning part of the brain as with her training is very slow it takes you to ask her 4 times before she will sit or lay down i had vet check her hearing and all is well, Yet you get her food bowl out of the cupboard or open the food bin and she is tere like a shot so i know she is not deaf maybe just a little stupid or lazy.

    She is a rottweiler cross lab, I know rotties are very quick learners and very alert but i do not know much on labs are they harder to train and more disobedient.

    sorry for going on..

  6. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    "but i do not know much on labs are they harder to train and more disobedient"

    yep, Jake was the worst, I used to think he eas dumb but I think its more of thats nto what I want so I am not going to do it, as beng stubborn
  7. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    So its a lab thing well atleast i know now lol.

    I can get her to do most things but only if she gets her treats which i am trying to limit them as she seems to want them all the time and is round my feet which can be a problem when i am sat watching tv in the dark and i get up with her being black and the reoom being dark apart from the tv, Well you can guess how many times i have stood on her and tripped over her.

    She also just plops herself down anywhere and does not care if she is in the way lol

    I will have to do some research on labs.

    thanks again everyone.

  8. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    Sorry Mike, I dont know what to tell you about the worm situation, if she's been treated and still has them then eitehr shes picking them up somewhere (maybe on the walks although Im sure you'd have noticed if she was picking anything up) OR they just didnt all come away from her with the treatment, if you see another one maybe you can take it into the vets with the stool sample again and have them run another test. This is more common with something Coccidia though, its an intermitttent shedder, you cang et a couple of negative results back but its still there. Dont recall really seeing it with worms, have seen it with tapeworm, but usually they are picking it up from wild rabbits or something.

    As for the lab/rottie attitude. I agree labs can be a little slow on the uptake, once they figure it all out they are usually great. Rotts though, most male Rotts Ive worked with are quick to learn unless its a dominant male and then its more of a long battle of the wills however I have worked with a few female Rotts that have been very stubborn....they do what you want them to 'if' they feel like it....at least initially.

    Reading through your posts again about the wood I am thinking that she either just does like the texture or as she already has her scent on there she thinks its okay and considers the fencing her 'chew toy'. Is there a way you can block off the area temporarily? sometimes when they get into a habit of doing something, if you remove their access to it for a while it will break the habit....it can take a few months though. One of my dogs that I had years ago had a little seperation anxiety and whenever I went out he would chew up something that had my scent on it, usually remote controls, phones, pens etc, I had to move house and my dogs had to be kenneled for 4 months, when I brought him home he just didnt chew anything up again, I hadnt done any training to stop him from chewing, he wasnt crated at either house, he just had not had access to anything to chew up, it broke the habit....Im sending you a PM.
  9. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    You can use a clicker to modify her response - like teaching her to obey the first command, do it more quickly, etc.
  10. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Well i have taken her back to the vets today but this time i saw my original vet the one that deals with my other dogs, Well she looked on the computer and found that the vet that had been treating her was only giving her the dosage of a 10week old pup that is smaller than Ice is, Funny thing is he had been charging me the price for a higher dose.

    Anyway she said this is why the meds where not doing there job correctly as she was so badly worm ridden that dosage would have barley touched them.
    She has put her on the correct dosage with a little extra, She said that she is doing great and is a great weight considering she still has worms.

    She even had money refunded into my Account at the office for the other vet over charging me, I said it did not matter but she was furious and was going to take it up with the head vet, Would not like to be in the other vets shoes hehehehe.

    Well just thought would update you all,
    Oh vet also mentioned that Ice is teething so thats why she chewing but i pointed out that she does not do it indoors and she said like everyone on here it must be the texture of the wood is soothing to her teeth and gums.

    Thanks again for all your help and advice.

  11. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    Glad to hear all is well now then.....I dont think I would want to be the other vet either :shock:
  12. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Since the vet gave her the womers today Ice has not eaten much of her supper which is just not like her at all as she is usually the first finished and wanting more, Wonder if its upsetting her tummy..

  13. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    Hopefully by the time you see this Ice is feeling better (I saw you posted this last night).
    I did check around and found a couple of dewormers that can cause loss of appetite as a side effect.
    Mebendazole-a multi dewormer

    I know some 'tape' dewormers are in with the multi dewormers but I didnt think it was praziquantel, hard to find specific info on and I couldnt find anything in my Merck. I think generally 'most' dewormers these days are pretty safe (except for the invermectins). Could it have all been a little stressful for Ice.....just the trip to the vet etc?
    Do you know the name of the dewormer that was used?
  14. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Well this morning ice again has only eaten half her food, I rang the vets and she said she must have still had a worm burden which was making her hungry and now the wormers are in her system and working her appetite will reduce slightly.

    I really started to panic as you all know when you see your animals normal routine and eating habits and they start to change you worry about them.

    Hopefully she will strat and pick back up again, She seems happier in herself which is a good start.

    I could not tell you what meds vet used as i just held the dog and did not pay much attention as Ice does not like vets at best of time.

  15. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    So was it a deworming injection that Ice got? I was thinking it was oral (apologies). I did notice a couple of times that loss of appetite was mentioned with deworming injections but there was nothing major that stood out from what I read.

    I was thinking about this though, years and years ago before I ever worked in animal hospitals the thinking was it was common for dogs with worms to eat a lot/over-eat (feeding the worms is how I used to think of it)....until they get to a stage were the worms 'take over' and then the ill-health signs start, once the dog was dewormed they wouldnt eat as much as they used to, would lose weight....but gradually beoming healthier.

    Sometimes thinking in laymans terms or with no medical knowledge makes things clearer....more straighforward and less complicated.

    Im not saying this is as in Ice's case and I would definately keep the vet up to date if your concerned.
    I have a friend who had roundworm a few years ago, he was already thin but suddenly he just couldnt stop eating, his usual eating habits were something like a piece of toast in the morning, a small lunch around 11:30 am and dinner in the evening, when he had rounds he still ate those 'meals' but was filling up on chocolate, chips, bread etc throughout the day, its like he had to eat every hour, he only gained a few pounds over a few months....finally he realized what it was, got it treated and his appetite went back to normal.

    just a thought.
  16. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Well she seems fine in herself has more engery aswell.
    She eating less than she would normally eat which is a good thing as she could actually eat more than my other dogs and they are big eaters.

    Will keep you all updated of how she gets on vet says any worms and eggs should be expelled within a cuple of days to a week so heres hoping there all gone now.

  17. boditosabear

    boditosabear New Member

    have you tried giving your dog marrow bones at the suoermarket? they last for days and will keep your pet off the fence. also we use a multie sprayer on bodi when he is bad or doing something we do not want we say no and spray him with water it works
  18. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    The dogs have lots of toys and large bones in the yard.
    She usually plays for a little bit, chews on her bones and then as soonas my back is turned she is off down the yard and chewing the fence or gate.

    I have tried the spray and no method but this does not work with my dog.
    I have been training dogs for years and never had a problem but my pup Ice is a real challenge heheheheh.

    Also on another note wormers seem to have done the trick she is eating like a normal dog and is not always hungry anymore vet checked her over again and has said she looks alot better and her coat is starting to shine again so i am glad all is going well.

    Here is some pics of Ice i took yesterday sorry about them being so big i will have to try and reduce the size.




  19. myshihpoo

    myshihpoo New Member

    Oh... your ICE is beautiful! I don't see the rottweiler in her at all (altho I did see those paws! :) hehe... love that brown below the black).... She looks very sweeeeeet.
  20. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    I love the shape of her head. She's beautiful!

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