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Disturbed Lady in England.... how could a person do this???

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by wildflower_131, Oct 19, 2005.

  1. wildflower_131

    wildflower_131 New Member

    This was in the newspaper today...

    This lady is really really really disturbed! how could someone do this to an animal???
    This had to be pure torture for the cat! :m3: :m3: :m3:

    Mother boiled family cat in front of children

    October 19, 2005 - 6:35AM

    A British court sent a mother of two to prison for six weeks for killing the
    family cat by boiling it in a washing machine in front of her daughters,
    aged five and 15.

    Holly Thacker, 34, decided to kill Fluffy after it scratched her, the court in
    Norwich in eastern England heard.

    She denied cruelty.

    Jonathan Eales, prosecuting, told the court that Thacker's ex-husband
    alerted the national animal protection society, the RSPCA, following a
    conversation with her at her home on November 7.

    "A conversation took place in which she said: 'I haven't got my cat any more.' He said: 'Why?'
    She said: 'The cat scratched me so I put it in the washing machine,' " Mr Eales said.

    "She then laughed and said: 'I put it on a f---ing boiling wash
    as well.' She said: 'I am serious. Then I put it in the bin.' "

    RSPCA inspector Rob Melloy visited Thacker's home after the tip-off and
    before he entered, checked the rubbish bin, where he found a
    carrier bag with the dead cat inside.

    Thacker said she had set the dial at 90 degrees Celsius.

    According to a veterinarian, the cat would have taken five to 10 minutes
    to die. Fluffy broke its claws trying to escape.

    Speaking after the case Melloy said: "In the seven years I have been
    working for the RSPCA as an animal inspector, I have never come across
    anything as heartless as this.

    "It was a deliberate act of cruelty and she knew the cat would die in the
    washing machine.

    "I hope this sends a very strong message to anyone who is capable of doing
    anything like this that society will not tolerate it and if we find you we will prosecute you."

  2. Cassie

    Cassie Active Member

    She got SIX WEEKS for boiling the family cat in front of her children??? She should get months, if not years in a phycho hospital. And oh my ghod...those poor kids.

    Six weeks??? I'm appalled and disgusted
  3. Cassie

    Cassie Active Member

    wildflower, can you give me a direct link to the news article? I like to confirm things like this before getting so upset about them.
  4. Bente

    Bente New Member

    argh! that's just SICK :m3: Poor, poor cat.. And this woman is a mother..? :0021: There should be a licence for both kids and pets...
  5. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    I was looking for a link also but couldnt find anything, not even the RSPCA's website had anything about it although it was early this morning when that was reported, I would think there will be something on the RSPCA's site by the end of the day.

    New laws have just been passed in UK concerning heavier fines and longer prison terms for animal cruelty also a lifetime ban on having any pets. As far as I know it used to be about a 10 year ban but Ive seen some recently were people have got a 25 year ban.

    If this story is true and it happened before the new laws went into effect then that would be why the penalties were so pathetic.

    I think it takes a really evil mind to do something like this to an animal, it would be one thing if she'd have lashed out at the cat when it scratched her but to spend the time thinking about what she would do, actually putting the cat in the washer, setting the timer and temperature and then watching it.....with her kids there....woman sounds like a pure evil sociopath that needs to be locked away for a lot longer than 6 weeks.
  6. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    a lady from the UK posted it in Siamese Internet Cat Club when it happened - she'd heard about it
  7. Ginger

    Ginger New Member

  8. lucidity03

    lucidity03 New Member

    That is just awful. I can't even imagine that someone would have then nerve to do something so sick.

    I agree with the six weeks comment... it doesn't sound long enough.

  9. sunset05

    sunset05 New Member

    It is unbelievable how cruel people can be. It is hard to understand.
    This was on our news channel last evening:

    Cat Has Tail Skinned In Greensburg

    Oct 18, 2005 11:59 pm US/Eastern
    Greensburg (KDKA) A case of animal abuse has sparked a warning for pet owners to be extra careful as Halloween approaches.

    KDKA’s David Highfield reports that the warning comes after someone skinned a Westmoreland County cat's tail.

    It’s not uncommon for veterinarians to see a pet’s tail injured accidentally. The injury to the Westmoreland County cat was not an accident.

    “There was a clean cut around the base of the tail,” said Humane Officer Janet Dillon. “And there wasn’t any hair left on the tail.”

    Because of the severity of the injury, the cat’s tail had to be amputated.

    “We weren’t sure if the cat was going to make it,” said Kathy Burkley of the Humane Society. “The tech came in during the night and didn’t think the cat was going to make it.”

    When the cat woke up, it was up and around and acting normal.

    Unfortunately for pet owners, Halloween brings about more abuse.

    “Cats have always been subject to some sort of abuse,” Burkley said. “I don’t know why, but around Halloween, it gets a lot worse.”

    Here is the link to the article:

  10. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    So disturbing. Poor cat. :cry: I wonder how her kids are doing. Hopefully they realize what their mother did was very wrong. I'm just hoping they won't abuse any animals in the future like their mother. And if they both happen to be sensitive, good children who are traumatized by what she did, I hope they can recover from what they witnessed. Their mother is obviously a very sick individual who needs help.
  11. bellack1

    bellack1 New Member

    Yeah I'm part of an animal group and they send me petions to sign and such and I just recently signed one against the sale and consumption of cat and dog meat in Korea. Apparently its against their laws because they're compagion animals but they dont enforce the laws because of how much money is involved. They believe that the longer it takes the animal to die the better the meat will taste. Its SICKENING. They boil cats alive and torture dogs, tearsin their limbs off as the cry out in pain. It sickens me that we have this going on in our world today. I dont understand.
  12. wildflower_131

    wildflower_131 New Member

  13. kyles101

    kyles101 New Member

    6 weeks is pathetic =; with weak sentences like this no one is going to get the picture. courts keep using minimum sentences instead of maximums. WHY? i actually worry about the safety of the children. it takes a real nut job to do something like that and if she can snap so easily over a cat scratch then god knows what she is capable of if her daughters do something wrong.
  14. OnixRevolution

    OnixRevolution New Member

    Man, just when I thought my stomach had settled...I read all this and it makes me sick to my stomach. Its unbelieveable how cruel people can be, and they think just because it's not a human being, there's nothing wrong with it. SICK people out there. I fear for my Sonoma(black cat) this Holloween.
  15. rcrgal31

    rcrgal31 New Member

    all that because the cat scratched her...wtf is wrong w/ people..and i agree 6 weeks is way to leinent..they really need to start stepping up and making animal abuse a misdeameanor or a felony...if you watch animal cops on animal planet ....these people are trulely getting away w/ murder!!!!!!!!!!!!
  16. luna

    luna New Member

    yep they are and the only way that the people who do this stuff will get worse is if they do it to a human. obvisoly the helpless aren't cared for in laws when people get away with stuff like this. poor cats...maybe people would get it through their heads if they got the same treatment.

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