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when will i stop missing my cat?

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by mybabyk, Oct 21, 2005.

  1. mybabyk

    mybabyk New Member

    A little over three months ago I had to put down my cat of 17 yrs. I miss him so much it's unbelievable! I knew it would be hard, but I had no idea I would still be thinking of him so much. I do have another cat. She's 10 and has a mind of her own, as most cats do. She has been kind enough to start sleeping with me most of the time. She never did while Kiley was around. While I am thankful that I have Mikki, and love her very much, I just can't stop wishing Kiley was here too. I still tear up at the thought of him. When does it stop?
  2. halaroo

    halaroo New Member

    I'm sorry about Mikki. The grieving period is different for everyone. I still sometimes get sad when I think about my Motley, who died 6 years ago, but I mostly smile when I think of her now. Try to remember all the good things about her. Things will get easier.
  3. mybabyk

    mybabyk New Member

    Bad subject I guess

    Looks like nobody wants to touch this one. Sorry if it was too depressing.
  4. halaroo

    halaroo New Member

    The boards have been quiet lately so that's probably why no one has responded. Please hang around! I'm sure we'd all love to hear about Kiley and more about Mikki. It may help your sadness to talk about her.
  5. Bente

    Bente New Member

    I'm so sorry for your loss :cry: No wonder you still miss Kiley, three months is a short time compared to the 17 years you had him as your friend. I hope you will be able to move on soon, but still remember all the good times you shared. 17 years is a long life for a cat, and I know he is waiting for you and Mikki at the rainbow bridge...
  6. sunset05

    sunset05 New Member

    I'm so sorry about you kitty, mybabyk. Three months is not a long time.
    We have had to put down kitties, too, that were about the same age and it is very sad. They are part of our family.

    It does get easier with time and you will have fond memories. Even after many years, I still get times when I have a good cry over one of my kitties who are in heaven. But there are also many good memories my family and I share about them.

    Take care.
  7. Maraya

    Maraya New Member

    well as time goes on the pain lessens...but i'll tell you.....i had my childhood cat from the age of 5 to age 21.........i'm 38 now.......and she's been dead for 17 years....i think of her every single day..i miss her every single day.....but the difference is.......the agony and pain has turned into the realization....i had a guardian angel with me while growing up........one with fur and four paws and all the love in the world. it'll hurt less and less hun i promise. as long as you have other animals around you to cheer you and love you....if not....go to the local pound and save a life...and bring home a new friend.
    i'm so sorry for your loss. animals are hearts with fur....they're family!!!

    you will see her again though..........animals have spirits......trust me........you'll be re-united one day. :wink:

  8. mybabyk

    mybabyk New Member

    Thanks for your words. They are deeply appreciated. :D
  9. Maraya

    Maraya New Member

    you're very welcome. youll see your baby again...don't worry.
  10. vene

    vene New Member

    I'm so sorry for your loss. :cry: I don't think the pain ever goes away but it does lessen after awhile. I still tear up whenever I think about all the kitties I've lost. They are in a different place of existence and someday we shall meet again. What made me feel better is when I think about all the special moments I've shared with each of them and that brings a smile to my face. I treasure everyday and every moment that I have with my present pets.
  11. OnixRevolution

    OnixRevolution New Member

    Three months is not a long time at all. Thats about the time everything is setting in and real healing can occur. I promise, we all promise, you wont feel pain forever. But it does feel like it. 17 years is a big chunk of a person's life, and something like that won't go away with the wind.

    I had a kitty I grew up with we had to put down because of health reasons. He was like my guardian...whenever I was sad, he'd come and sleep with me all night. When I cried, he'd rub on my face like he's trying to wipe my tears away. He was the sweetest cat ever. He went peacefully almost 6 years ago, and as I sit here typing this, I still get a little tear in my eyes. He may be gone, but he's never forgotten.

    Best of luck with your healing. Remember all the good things that happeneed all those years. Your kitty wouldn't want you to be sad...He'd want to you smile and be happy like you where before he passed. Do that for him.
  12. Maraya

    Maraya New Member

    arent' animals wonderful? mine are like my guardian angels too......they just fill you with JOY.

    and you're right......her kitty wouldn't want her to be sad. he'd want her to smile.
  13. lunaguy

    lunaguy New Member

    I haven't been on the boards in a while, and I'm just seeing this now. I am so sorry to hear about your losing Kiley. I can only imagine what it must be like to lose a cat of 17 years. I can make myself tear up just by *thinking* of the fact that someday Luna won't be with me anymore.

    When will you stop missing Kiley? Probably never, and you shouldn't try to stop missing him. Eventually, though, the pain associated with missing him will lessen, and you'll find yourself thinking more about all the wonderful moments you spent together, and it will hopefully make you smile.

    Wow, you must have been an awesome mom to Kiley to nurture and guide him safely through a 17 year life! Every cat should be as lucky.

    I hope that when enough time has passed, you will consider opening your home and heart to another cat who desperately needs someone like you, especially those who are on death row at your local shelter. If Mikki will allow it, that is. ;) I hope that you'll stick around the boards, as I'm sure we can all benefit from your experience and knowledge in caring for kitties!
  14. mybabyk

    mybabyk New Member

    Thank you all!!!!!! Your messages have helped me alot. They have changed my focus a little. Like when Lunaguy said that I must have been a good mom to have a cat for 17 yrs., I thought yeah, I was a pretty good mom. I have never thought that about myself ever! I hope I can do the same for others. I'll certainly try. Thanks again, you all are great. :y_the_best:

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