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Anyone ever see their dearly departed in dreams?

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Maraya, Oct 23, 2005.

  1. Maraya

    Maraya New Member

    anyone, like me, ever recieve visits from their long lost pets in dreams? vivid dreams/actual visitations?
  2. MyPetTherapyDog

    MyPetTherapyDog New Member


    Actually YES, I have had dreams of my favorite dog of all times Jasmine. She passed away of kidney disease 4 years ago.

    I have had MANY very nice dreams of her. In the dreams she is not sick. Just happy and frolicking around meadows.

    Also, my daughter has had dreams of being with her too. In her dreams, Jasmine was not sick and just happy & hanging out with my daughter.
    We both wake up from our dreams about Jasmine invigorated not sad.
    The dreams were more current when she first passed on.

    Neither of us have had any current dreams of her in a while.

    I think Jasmine is happy wherever she is. Out of pain and watching down on my current dogs.

    Very interesting topic indeed.
    Anyone else?
  3. Maraya

    Maraya New Member

    I started this thread over in the cat section too.

    Your dog dreams were real visitations. very cool. thanks for sharing. Sometimes I'll get visitations to this day from my childhood pets I've lost....other times I get the impression they've moved on.........either way, now healthy and revived. its wonderful. :y_the_best:

    here's my post from the cat section....about visitations from long lost pets:

    isnt' that weird? that happens to me. my childhood dog and cat come see me to this day (and i'm 38!!!!)......i'll feel them hop up on the bed........and its REAL....just invisible........i'm hear them breathing in the dark room in the middle of the night......i'll SEE them CLEARLY in dreams.......my cat will lick my face.....or my dog will sit and just stare at me as if to say "i'm still here.....i'm just waiting for YOU!" then he'll romp and run off. after he first died...he'd appear in dreams....i'd FEEL him hop up onto my bed...it was real.......then he'd cover his eyes with his paws....and i was told he did that cuz he no longer had physical eyes........he now saw with the MIND's eye. my orange long hair Chauncey comes to see me too....Chauncey died in 1991. I woke up in the morning and found him dead on my dining room floor. my other childhood cat....a "tuxedo" cat (black and white....white paws etc...white bib)...she died of old age when she was 17....i held her in my arms as they gave her the injection to put her to sleep. she suffered so badly from old age complications......we decided to give her peace. my child hood dog had gotten hit by a car.......the guy who hit him felt really bad and brought our dead dog up to our door in a tray with a blanket over him....a small black/greyish poodle.........."i'm so sorry miss....i hit and killed your dog.....i'll bury him for you and do anything...i'm soo sorry...he ran right out in front of me!" i sank to my kneees and let out a gutteral scream and cry that shocked even ME........! id had this dog since i was five........and now nearly two decades later...here he was dead.......he'd followed me home from school when i was five......and when i woke up the next morning to go to school again...he was still there on my porch...looking at me as if to say "I'll be moving in now......I'd like my own bed and some breakfast please!"

    I believe our visitations from our dearly departed animals are real and actual visits.........and we will see them all again.

    also, when i lived with a roommate.......i had to move two years later....i was BONDED with his cats though and my heart just shattered when i had to leave them...........Tiger and Little Cow were the two cats......oh and a third cat named "white boy".........they were still alive....and I'd get visits from them in dreams......FEEL them hop up onto my bed.......out of state at my new home. They were there. in spirit...even tho they were still alive and still living elsewhere.......with their owner.
  4. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    I have, there are 3 dogs in particular that Ive had and lost that Ive had dreams about but they always seem so real. Ive had occasions were for some reason, while Im awake Ive thought about them (mostly my Rottweiller that I lost 2 years ago to bone cancer and more shortly after I had to put her to sleep)....Im sitting there thinking about her, I can still smell her, hear her panting and have even felt her nudge me (thats what it seemed like) and without me moving or saying anything the other dog that had been sitting next to me on the couch jumped down, sat a few feet away and looked towards me....like they could 'see' her there.

    Wierd huh!

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