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Gentle Leader Head Coller , Anyone use them?

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by DaveM26, Oct 23, 2005.

  1. DaveM26

    DaveM26 New Member

    I was wondering if anyone has purchased and use the www.Gentleleader.com headcoller for training there dogs?

    How has it worked for you?

  2. nern

    nern New Member

    I tried a halti (which is similar to the gentle leader) but could'nt get my dog adjusted to it. I'm sure I could have though if I would have tried harder.
    I do see many people in my area successfully walking their dogs with head collars, the dogs walk well and don't see to mind at all...these have all been larger dogs though.
  3. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    I think they are great especially for larger dogs, it can take the dog a couple of sessions to get used to wearing them but you have to be really careful with the smaller dogs and make sure your not pulling the head up too much, it can make it uncomfortable for them and you can cause them neck problems. I have actually seen people almost lift small dogs off the ground with them by their head just because they are not paying attention to were the leash is.

    You also have to be careful if the dog is running, again, watch the length of the leash, a dog that suddenly bolts to the end of the leash, if its attached to a halti (or gentle leader), the sudden jolt at the end of the leash can cause serious damage to the neck.

    When Ive used them with training I usually couple them with a choke chain or Martingale collar, Ive seen some dogs manage to get out of them if they are not fastened securely.
  4. Cheryl

    Cheryl New Member

    I think they are great!!!

    My Dad has a very hyper bigger dog, that lived to move, but we could not even bring it with us when we were going for walks, because the dog would constantly drag us.

    That collar fixed him up good... It simply turns their head... They can't see ahead anymore, so they have to back themselves up - to get their head to turn forward... No guidance needed... The dog and collar work it out together.

    Of course he didn't probably like it... But it controls them very effectively - without hurting them.
  5. DaveM26

    DaveM26 New Member

    Well it does work Great!!

    Its been a week since I purchased the coller and its working really well
    and he doesnt seem to mind it. Hunter is an 4 month old Brittany Male
    and hes 25's at full growth he should be around 40 lbs. ne no longer lunges ahead of me or pounches towards people or other dogs dureing walks.


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