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New puppy won't eat. I need some advice

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by luvmysnowshoe, Oct 25, 2005.

  1. luvmysnowshoe

    luvmysnowshoe New Member

    I got an 8 week old labmix puppy for our animal control at 5 pm Friday. She did not eat a bite of food that night, ate treats, drank just fine. Early Saturday morning she threw up flem, this happened a few times, by evening it got worse where it was water and smelled like parvo.
    Her stools had be soft but formed, then she got diarrhea, yellow in color. Then she just slept. I called for advice to after hours vet, no one called back. I think contacted the vet I used to work for. He said as long as her diarrhea was still yellow, not bloody and that she was drinking it probably isn't parvo (but boy does she smell like it). Anyway, he told me to give her ground beef and rice and pepto, so I did. She would not touch the food but did drink.
    Then Sunday morning she pepped up, she ate 2 plates full of food over the course of a day. I made sure my kids didn't play much with her. She didn't vomit nor have diarrhea at all yesterday.
    Now, today is a different story. I took her to the vet at 5pm. He looked her over and said there is nothing wrong with her. He sent her home with some Nutri Cal. He gave her some there. Said if she keeps it down to give her more that night. Well on the way home she vomited it up.
    Her stools today were still green (pepto), first started out formed but soft then diarrhea (this was after we got home).
    The vet said she wasn't dehydrated, but now she is, I didn't check her before we went, but last night she wasn't.
    She has yellow goop in her eyes (not alot, but it is there), she looks very depressed and very gaunt in the belly area.
    The dog pound has her up to date on her shots and worming. The vet didn't feel it was worth doing a fecal, parvo test or anything. Said continue the pepto, electrolites and the nutrical.
    It is 11:45 pm and she is acting the same as she did saturday minus the vomiting and diarrhea.
    My question is, what do I do now, I cannot afford to take her to another vet this week.
    More info.... She was in a cage with her brother, which she was in a room with 3 month olds and 5-7 month olds that howeled and howeled, she does not like loud noises. I don't know if she was originally stressed by them, then more stressed leaving her brother, then more stressed going into a house of 7 cats and 3 kids.
    I don't want to wait if this vet is not right. Last time he misdiagnosed my cat he almost died and it ended up costing me $200. But one of the reasons I got a pup from the animal control is because I knew they were examined upon entry, she had only been there 4 days.
    Sorry for the long post, but tried to give as much info as I thought you may want.
    So what do you think? :|
  2. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    Not sure were to start here.

    Its common for a pup or adult dog going through all these changes to have some diarrhea, loss of appetite...which can lead to lethargy, dehydration and other problems.

    As for Parvo, in my experience we would have run a parvo and fecal test to rule out Parvo and parasites, especially with the age and the fact that the pup came from an enviroment potentially full of who knows what.

    The smell though, while it is one of the first things that alerts owners that it may be parvo can be caused by a number of other things, the smell is actually from the damaged intestinal wall and is due to blood. That said though....I would still want to rule parvo and intestinal parasites out. (the vet would....Im not a vet).

    The other thing with shelter pups is they often get their vaccines and dewormers the day or the day before they leave the shelter which can take a toll on their system.....its a lot for them to deal with in such a short period of time.

    If your pup is still acting sick I would go back to the vet (or maybe a different one if your not comfortable with this one) because whether its Parvo or not, dehydration can be fatal. I know you said that the money is an issue but maybe the original vet can waive the exam fee or something as you only just saw him for the same illness.

    If the pup is acting a little better, no diarrhea or vomiting and is still drinking you could try some Pedialyte (plain), chicken broth, then try some baby food (no onions) boiled chicken meat, nothing rich or fatty like hamburger meat. Again though if there is any lethargy, V or D or dehydration your pup needs to see a vet.

    Please keep us updated.
  3. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Perhaps you could bring a stool sample to the vet for testing? I would imagine this doesn't cost too much, and bringing the sample in yourself will eliminate the office call fee and a collection fee. Most vets will give you the little container thingy they use for a stool sample and show you how to use it. I find them much neater than just using my own container.
  4. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    From what your discribing sounds abit like my pup when i got her, Which turned out to be a severe worm burden.

    I agree that a stool sample should be taken to the vets office to be checked for any signs.
    I would also want a parvo test done to make sure this is not an issue.

    Have you changed his food since your brought him home?
    Has he eaten or chewed something in the garden?
    Is there any chance he could have got to something that maybe toxic to him?

    I recommend boiled lamb or chicken mixed with boiled brown rice or pasta this will help with the diarreah and is light on the stomach. I do not recommend beef as this is too rich and heavy on the stomach.
    Raw grated vegtables and half a clove of garlic mixed in with the food helps aid digestion.

    please keep us updated on his progress....

  5. luvmysnowshoe

    luvmysnowshoe New Member

    Thanks for the replies guys....

    Well she seems to be doing better, no vomiting in 2 days, no stool at all, but she hasn't really eaten since Sunday. She did eat some cat food yesterday, I'm not going to stop her, she ate some more this morning. I have force fed her some with a gruel, bought some baby food, she will not eat that. She still drinks well, her peppiness has come back.
    The vet gave her Drontal for worms but didn't feel the need to test and see if there were worms.
    Anyway, we are just taking 1 day at a time now with her.
    Oh, the Animal Control gave me a bag of Science Diet puppy, I am going to be calling them about her here shortly.
    I will keep you posted.
  6. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    I believe Drontal is only for tapeworms, so if she has any other kind of worm they will still be present.

    If you didn't trust that vet, why did you go back to him? Is he the one used by the animal control shelter or something?

    If I were you, I'd find a new vet. Just call around and ask questions or get some free consults so you can choose one you trust, and then if something else happens you will be all set to go. You don't want to wait until you desperately need a vet to realize you don't have one you trust!

    Also, when you do go to a vet, make sure they realize you want to be told all the options and then you will decide what you want or can afford to do. Some vets don't mention things they think will be too expensive, and it can end up costing you a lot more in the long run when you have to keep going back in for a problem that is not going away.
  7. luvmysnowshoe

    luvmysnowshoe New Member

    Funny you should ask that, I ask myself that all the time

    The reason I went back to him is because everyone praises him so much. I have given him a second chance and that is it.
    I was kind of surprised he didn't even listen to her heart, I didn't think about it then, but did once my husband and I were talking about it.
    Drontal is supposed to be an all over wormer.
    I have another vet that I use too, I had talked to him and he said just continue as I was doing. They both think as long as she is drinking and using Nutri cal and playing somewhat she on her own time will get back to eating right. However, I as a former vet tech, am doing what I was taught on the job and am forcing gruel in her, that way, with that, the little bit of cat food she does eat and the nutrical, she is getting nutrients, though not like she should for a puppy of her age. But I am still monitoring her closely and doing research on line. I have even racked my brain to see if she could of gotten into something here, but with having 7 indoor cats, our house is pretty much pet proof.
    I only trust 1 vet 100% and that is the one I worked for but he is in another state, he is actually the first vet that returned my phone call Saturday night.
    Anyway, I still appreciate your alls posts, you never know when someone else has gone through what you have and then find the problem that way.
  8. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Re: Funny you should ask that, I ask myself that all the tim

    Whoops! I had it confused with Droncit. :oops:
  9. luvmysnowshoe

    luvmysnowshoe New Member

    Whoops! I had it confused with Droncit.

    lol, that is what I thought after I posted..lol

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