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i just noticed something horrible

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by eman, Nov 1, 2005.

  1. eman

    eman New Member

    Max's tooth is broken in half!
    the top front one..i think it is called canine tooth. i couldnt believe it..how does a cat tooth break in half!!
    i am calling the vet tomorow when they open..to ask if i should bring him in.
    i just want to know if this happened to any of ur cats before..and what did the vet do about it.
    poor max..i am not sure if it is hurting him or not :( but it looks painfull.
  2. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    Sometimes they break a tooth on something theyre eating or even in rough play. Your right to take him to the vet and get it checked out as soon as possible though because it could be painful, it could become infected. That said its not always the case and there are many pets walking around with a broken tooth that doesnt bother them, it depends on where the break is, if the nerve is exposed, if the fracture goes below the gum line it's going to be a problem.

    Good luck, hopefully its not too bad.
  3. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    I had a foster whose canine tooth was broken. Vet told me the most common way for that to happen is a fall and they hit their face on the floor.
    Poor kitty
  4. eman

    eman New Member

    thanks for replying..
    i called the vet and he said to bring max in. he said most likely the tooth would have to be pulled out. i feel so bad for max. i asked the vet if there is any other option..he said no.
    i called a different vet..he said the exact same thing. i was thinking of repairing it, but both vets said that they dont do that..but they can refer me to a dental vet and it costs alot more.
    the vet said that it costs about 200 canadian dollars to pull it out. i dont have this much at the moment..but i am going to borrow from my mother for now.
    max isnt feeling well. he keeps pawing at his tooth. i am going to call the vet again to setup an appointment.
    my question now is... will it effect max in any way if one of his top canine tooth are missing? :?
  5. lunaguy

    lunaguy New Member

    I'm sorry to hear about this. That must have been quite a shock for you to discover. Poor Max, and poor you for having to pay all this money. I think that he'll do quite well without his tooth, though, particularly because it's a canine. They really only use those teeth while hunting and killing prey, and won't be missed while eating the food you give him. Losing a back tooth would be harder to deal with, particularly when crunching on kibble.

    Poor little guy, but he's fortunate to have you to take care of him. He's going to be just fine without that tooth, and he'll probably look even cuter without it (like a kid who's missing a front tooth).

    Keep us updated on how he's doing. I'm sending positive thoughts your way. Good luck!
  6. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    he'll be fine. I had a foster that had absolutely no upper teeth. She ate dry food before she'd eat wet food.
  7. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    I used to work for a dental specialist in Beverly Hills, I was amazed at what can be done with pets teeth, Ive seen braces on dogs and cats, root canals were a daily procedure, even false teeth...well a false gold canine on a dog, they can do as much with pets teeth as with people teeth, except I dont recall any crowns being put on....I dont think they work :shock:

    It was expensive though, sometimes it could run into the thousands.
  8. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    Hi Eman. I'm glad you are taking Max to the vet. :y_the_best: He's going to feel a lot better once the extraction site is all healed and he's out of pain. I hope he has a speedy recovery.
  9. vene

    vene New Member

    I'm so sorry. Poor Max. I took Pumpkin to have her teeth extracted last year due to 2 cracked teeth and 4 cavities. She was swallowing her food whole instead of chewing and she did this for years and was probably in a lot of pain. I wished she had gotten regular check-ups annually. I know better now. Glad you caught the cracked tooth early. Good luck with the vet!

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