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Dogs -Signs of diabetes?

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by iluvmykittys, Nov 3, 2005.

  1. iluvmykittys

    iluvmykittys New Member

    What are the signs for diabetes in dogs?
    (Other then drinking & eating a lot)
    Can't find too many website w/ info....
  2. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    Actually they often lose their appetite and lose weight, but their is excessive drinking and urination, the urine is usually 'sticky'. If you suspect your dog has this you need to get the dog checked by a vet ASAP, if the blood glucose levels go too high you might see agitation/restlesness, vomiting, seizures and they can die if they get that far.

    My Rott was dx'd with it and had it for about 2 years before I put her to sleep due to bone cancer. Once her diabetes was under control and she was getting insulin and a special diet she did very well until she started to go blind after about 18 months....

    is it just the excessive drinking/eating that made you think it was diabetes? Maybe its something else.
  3. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

  4. iluvmykittys

    iluvmykittys New Member

    She drinks when there is water down...I never measured how much- but it seems like a bit....although my brother said if he were to put water out all day his dobie would drink it all day too.
    So I only leave water for breakfast none thru the day and then back down from 5pm- 9pm....
    She pees outside sometimes...and pees in the house too. She doesn't know to bark or scratch the door...so maybe this is a big reason why she pees in the house!???!!
    I have 3 cats also- so maybe she is marking territory even though they were there 1st- we go the dog only 5 months ago!!!!
    I dunno- I hope its not diabetes- My cat is daibetc and it sux to try and monitor him with insulin and all..........he is only 3yrs old and i can see the start of cataracts.. :( Sad sad business!!!
  5. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    She pees in the house because no one is teaching her not to! You have to watch her, take her out often, and confine her when you can't. You can also teach her to ring a bell when she has to go out if you want to, but supervision is the key. You also need to clean up any place she has gone with an enzymatic cleaner. Use a black light to find all the spots.

    My foster dog drinks a TON of water. We are also having more trouble housetraining him than we have had with any of the others - but it's because he has to pee all the time! And if you just chuck him outside, he forgets what he is doing. I go out with him every time and tell him to go potty. If he doesn't in a reasonable length of time, I go back inside and try it again in about 15 minutes. He is always supervised. He is gated in the room I am in or on a leash standing next to me.
  6. iluvmykittys

    iluvmykittys New Member

    Thanks a lot.
    I know- I guess we've been really Lax about training her & being with her all the time to take her out. My husband use to work 12 hour shifts so he would be off every 2 days with her (work 2 off 2 and so on) and he stopped that about 1 + month ago.
    Do you think that Dog training class would be good by a professional?
    Website- www.stein-way.com I value your opinion- so if you could check the website out & let me know what you think I woudl truly be grateful!!!! Thanks.
    (Its near my house)
  7. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    It sounds good. It says she uses positive techniques but she doesn't mention what they are. I would call and get more info.

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