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stupid people at the pet store

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Jamiya, Oct 27, 2005.

  1. elizavixen

    elizavixen New Member

    That's what would happen with Indy. He's not a car chaser per se, but he just has that instinct to lunge at something he sees moving. I always walk with me in between Indy and the road and shorten up his leash and usually if I see the car coming I'll stop b/c we have had a few close calls. We don't have any sidewalks or anything so that stinks.
  2. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    I am very careful like that as well. And we DO have sidewalks and the woman whose dog was killed WAS walking on a sidewalk. She was distracted by the other dog. I can't even imagine trying to walk two dogs at the same time on retractable leashes.
  3. Aqueous

    Aqueous New Member

    I would have to say my pet peeve (around my neighbourhood) are little dogs on retractable leashes (don't see too many larger dogs with them).

    Personally I think if you're going to use a retractable leash your dog should have some grasp of basic obedience training.

    I can't tell you how many times I've been walking my dog and there's been a small dog running down the sidewalk at me and Rocky with the owner running behind yelling every obedience command in the book and the dog just continues running. Apparently not too many people on my street know about the lock option :roll: .

    Then when their dog finally reaches us we have to either wait 5 minutes for the owner to catch up to the dog or another 15 minutes for them to try and reel their dog back to them.

    Rocky's the type of dog that if another dog is friendly toward him he'll be friendly back but if they're aggressive he's not one to back down (except with pugs, he's not quite sure just what they are so he stears clear).

    This is the reason I don't let him go up to strange dogs, I know how Rocky will react in different situations, but I don't know how other people's dogs will react to him and if their dog is a larger aggressive dog then Rocky's bound to get his little 12 pound butt whooped.
  4. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    The only time I like those leads is possibly at the park when it is not crowded. My husband used to use his there all the time. The dogs could roam further and the leash didn't get all tangled. And there were no people or cars or other dogs to worry about.
  5. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    I don't particularly like the retractable leashes. When I first saw them I thought wow awesome! But then i used one and it was like zipzip and I couldn't get the leash to retract fast enough. My husband thinks they should work opposite of how they do, like instead of pushing the button to lock, pushing the button to let it go free. Does that make sense?
  6. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Great idea! I agree.

    My husband once burned me across the backs of both knees with a retractable leash at the park. Man, that hurt!
  7. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    Lil, these leashes go for about 2€ over here.....I was a little shocked at the price but its no wonder everyones using them.
  8. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Is that expensive, or cheap?
  9. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Hmmm.. Reminds me of Precious...

    Yall all know how Precious has issues with other dogs, as characteristic to the breed, ect...

    I had Precious at the vets, halti on, and two leashes. Standard protocol when in any public place where other dogs are around. One leash on halti looped though harness, other on harnesss.

    Well, The vets know of her agression issues with other small yappy dogs especially, and help me out with it. So I'm in the corner of the waiting room, while Kabuki is getting checked out Tuesday, and getting prepped to get her hernia fixed, ect.. Anyhow. When another person with their animal comes through the door, Evelyn, and I both let them know to keep their distance for their and their animals safety.

    Now Precious has gotten Really good about not wanting to go after them, and staying putt when I tell her to and make her obey. This lady comes with with a Shitzu, that is just barking and raising all kinds of hell.... We both warn her of Precious' issues and ask that she stay away... so What does the lady do? Walks right on up to me with dog in hand and asks to pet Precious and ask questions about her!!!! Totally oblivious to the warning we jsut told her!!! I guess she thought her yappy little mop would be an exception. SO when she approached and Precious stood up erect, stiff as a board, hackles up and tail straight up and began her slobbering and half growl half whimper, I imediately asked the lady to back off that my dog was getting highly upset and could pose a great danger to her dog. She... and let me quote.. says' "Oh no! your mistaken, she jsut wants to play with Tootie!!"
    She even tries to put her down to let her come play with Precious!!!! I was freeking out at this point, and Quickly put Precious in a heel with her head to my hip and walked out.

    I could hear the lady talking to Evelyn telling her how "RUDE" I was and that I don't let my dog play!!!! Evelyn told her no, she jsut saved Tootie's life.....

    I tell you, the stupidity of people is outrageous!!!
  10. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Arrrrrgh!! At least the vet people were there to support you. They should hand her a pamphlet on reading dog body language, before she gets her little dog killed!!
  11. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    My thoughts exactly....
    After the lady left i talked to Evelyn about it, and appologized to her. I guess I should be a little more explicit when I warn people.

    I mean, the dog is 98lbs, has a halti on, back tied to a harness with not one, but TWO leashes, is throwing a fit!!! I'm sitting as far way from any traffic of ppl with their pets and WARNING them as soon as they arrive.... hmm.. How much clearer do I need to be??? Paint a sign???

    My dream is that one day I won't have to do that, that she'll get over it, but I'm not holding my breath. Thats what I got her for in the first place!!! TO protect me and my property away from other dogs and tresspassers!!! DUH!!!! :roll:
  12. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    LOL! Well, you could use desensitization and counterconditioning to improve her reaction to other dogs if you wanted to. Or I guess just teach her how to "stand down" when you tell her it's okay? They must have some way of doing that when they train police dogs, right?
  13. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Im using more of the PSA training way with her. Since she's soo big, its hard to really overpower her physically if you know what I mean. She's been great. I'm using my voice commands and a quick "pop" of the halti when her attention gets diverted, and in a situation that I need to leave, I use the heel, with her head firmly to my hipp and her attention fully on me. I feel its the safest method.

    She's really gotten good about it. But when the lady kept approaching and the dog kept it up, it was just too much for her. As with the breed, they protect, thats that. Its her nature and her duty to defend me from ANY threat, and the dogs are a threat. She will stand down, but only to a point. If the "tresspasser" keeps on approaching her natural reaction is to MAKE them leave....

    I'm sure she felt my axiety, and that didn't help the situation. But I'm glad that she handled it the way she did. It was 100% training, and natural instinct that kept a disaster from happening.
  14. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Sounds like you have everything under control! I don't think I could handle a protection dog. It scares me when dogs try to protect me, because usually they are threatening something that is no threat to me!

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