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Pregnancy and Whelping Complications.... HELP!

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by wastedwages, Nov 3, 2005.

  1. wastedwages

    wastedwages New Member

    I have a bitch that was due today. (today would be the 65th day) And I was wondering when I should start worrying that she is going too far over-due? Two days ago I thought she was getting ready (nesting and seemed a little un-comfortable...but not contractions) now there has been nothing more for two days. Her Temp is 102.8 and heart rate about 60. She seems comfortable and a normal amount of energy. her mucus membrances are a nice pink. I am just really worried about her. I have read everything I can and been looking at web sites for the last 2 hrs just trying to make sure everything is ok... and was wondering if anyone had advice!

  2. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    They can go over by a couple of days but her temp is a little high (normal is between 99.5 and 102.5) When shes in labour the temp drops.....going up 'could' indicate a problem....not saying there IS a problem but I would definately have the vet take a look at her and make sure everything is okay....today. Its not worth taking the chance of waiting another day or so.

    What breed is she? How old is she? Was she bred with a dog of similar size? larger? smaller? First litter?.
  3. wastedwages

    wastedwages New Member


    she is a Blue Neapolitan Mastif about 2 yrs old bred with another Blue Neapolitan Mastif slightly larger but not a lot. First litter. I had read one sight that said their temp would spike just before it dropped....? I am not sure if that is true or not.... It is close to 10pm here so I am going to keep a close eye on her tonight, if nothing then I will take her to a vet's tomorrow... unless of course things get worse.. I will call someone in on Emerg. hours..
  4. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    Yeah, just keep a close eye on her, the temp does go up but I was a little 'concerned' about her nesting a couple of days ago and nothing since then, that said though you cant always notice an obvious labour (a friend used to breed English and Bulls) half the time all we noticed was the expression on the face changed and then a puppy popped out.
    They can run into problems with excessive large litters or very small litters also though.

    I did some checking around on the net and found this site....its pretty much everything you need to know about Matiff birthing and it says its written by a vet.


    Good luck.
  5. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    He membranes should be clear or opaque there should be no colour to them as this is a sign of something going wrong.

    What days during her cycle did you have her mated?
    Her temp will drop as low as 97f and they usually whelp within 24-48hours after the temp drop.

    Some bitches can go 72days before whelping.
    First signs of inpending labour are off food, panting caused by small internal contractions of the womb and digging the bed.
    Once she is in established labour her panting will stop and she will become more quiet and will usually settle to pushing.

    If she is used to you being around her at all times she will put off whelping until you are there with her.
    Some bitches prefer to be left alone while whelping so what i do is sit and read a book or do a crossword while watching her from the corner of my eye. This gives them the security that i am there but not watching.

    First stage will last around 18hours some bitches whelp sooner and without warning..

    I would have her checked by the vets just to make sure all is well as pre eclampsia can set in really quick if her cervix is open and nothing is happening.

    It maybe that she is too full up with puppies are they are too large to start her contractions and will need an oxytocin injection from the vet to help things along.

    Also having her checked over will help to determine the size of the pups and if there is one blocking the birth canal as this aswell as a dead pup can stop labour from starting properly....

    Please keep us posted of her progress.

  6. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    How are things going this morning?
  7. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    what I would really be concerned about is large puppies. mastiffs can retain alot of water during their labors, and thus causing "water Babies" I've been studying up on it all over again, Precious is getting nearer to her Mark and I'm again wanting to know everything.

    One thing also with "loose skinned" dogs, and most mastiffs are, especially the Neo's is that water babies are common, and this can keep her from going into labor. I highly reccomend you get a vet to check her out. This can cause eclampsia, as well as opening her up to further infections. If a pup gets stuck, there's a high risk of her loosing all the puppies and dieing herself.

    Good luck and keep us informed.
  8. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Any news yet ????
  9. wastedwages

    wastedwages New Member


    Thanks for all the info.. so far nothing, and I couldnt get the vet to take us today, she said it didnt sound like an emerg and she was at a college teaching for the day, but I have an appointment for tomorrow if there is still no change.

    I was also wondering how much milk is normal... she definately has some, but not a lot, and it may just be my imagination or that I am worried but it seems that she has less milk today that she did a day or so ago.... ??

    charmedagain : I meant like her gums are pink... not that she is leaking any coloured mucus.

    So I am still going to keep a really close eye on her... actually going to go take her temp again... I'll keep ya posted!

  10. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Some dogs have a little to no milk until after the birth and some have lots of milk.
    The only time to worry is when the pups are born and they are constantly crying this means her milk is drying up and she may need a shot to help with milk let down, but this is usually not needed as eating some of the afterbirths helps the womb contract back down and also helps with milk let down.

    Some people do not allow tere dogs to eat the placenta's but i do not all of them but some as it is full of iron and alot of vitamins.
    THis is an individual choice.

    Talking her for a brisk walk around the block usually helps bring them on if she is ready to whelp but make sure you have someone with you just incase a pup decides to pop out on the walk hehehee

    Let us know how she gets on at the vets....
  11. wastedwages

    wastedwages New Member

    I really liked that one page that DeLaUK sent me... lots of info... I am still keeping a close eye on her, she is licking herself a lot, her teats, inner thighs, vulva, etc.. has been nesting again for the last little bit... will go in her box and dig around a bit and then come back to the couch with me, then anywhere from 20min- 1 1/2 hrs later go back in her box and nest somemore...
  12. wastedwages

    wastedwages New Member

    Well, just came back from a "brisk walk" as that web page sugested. She is sleeping right now, but I noticed some weird movement in her stomache just after we got back, kinda looked like slight contractions, we'll see! Maybe she is getting close! Her temp is now down to 102 even, and has been for a couple hours.
  13. wastedwages

    wastedwages New Member

    Well I am off to bed... I will up-date you guys if anything else happens!
  14. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    Aah! ...the anticipation... :D
  15. wastedwages

    wastedwages New Member

    Hey... well! its been quite the morning!

    I was planning on taking her to the vet anyways but I guess she just wanted to make sure....

    She was out in the back yard playin with my Rottie and was going to fetch a ball and got a MASSIVE peice of wood stabbed between her toes! I have never seen a piece that big!... so off to the vets we went!

    Everything is fine, but it was unfortunately a false pregnancy.... Which really surprised me because her belly was huge and everything, but the vet said there were definately no puppies :(

    Her foot is bandaged, and she is sleeping right now... still a little groggy from the anisthetic.

    Kinda dissapointing, but oh well, better than there being some horrible complication or something.

    Thanks for the info! and I will let you know if she gets re-bred!
  16. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    your poor girl. wow, I didnt know in a fasle preg, they produce milk and get big like lthat.

  17. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    I am so sorry that it was a false pregnancy.
    IS the vet absolutely sure it was a false pregnancy can you feel movement in her abdomen when she is lay down after a drink or something to eat.

    Honeybears with a false (phantom) pregnancy some girls go on to show all the signs of pregnancy from milk production to not losing weight even go through the nesting behaviour and mother objects like slippers teddy bears and stuff.

    When mitzy had a false pregnancy she was leaking milk as she was full up with milk she even went through the panting and restlessness as if she was in labour.

    Steph i hope she gets back to her normal self quickly. I suggest since its a false pregnancy you try and take her mind off it playing more games more walks and stuff to stop her thinking about it.

    Keep us posted of her progress.
  18. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    "even go through the nesting behaviour and mother objects like slippers teddy bears and stuff. " I have heard of this one ,

    LOL last week on animal planet, they were showing a dochsy nesting cordless telephones, funny seeing this small dog nesting a large phones
  19. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    You have to feel for the poor girls but its so funny when they start taking things to there bed and trying to be a mother to it lol.

  20. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Is this why it's a good idea to have an ultrasound done near the beginning of a pregnancy to verify that there really are puppies?

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