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The winners of the 13th photo contest are........

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by Chessmind, Nov 5, 2005.

  1. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    Hello everyone. There are 2 1st place winners, 2 second place winners, 2 3rd place winners and 5 4th place winners. :mrgreen:

    1st place with 8 votes each:
    #2 Pumpkin--submitted by Vene
    #16 Moe--submitted by halaroo

    2nd place with 7 votes each:
    #1 Juliet--submitted by Chessmind
    #15 clothes on Max (vest and a tie)--submitted by Eman

    3rd place with 6 votes each:
    #19 Tiddy with elephant mask --submitted by Nern
    #23 Cobwebs and pine needles on Luna--submitted by Lunaguy

    4th place with 5 votes each:
    #9 Magazines on Copper--submitted by Coppersmom
    #6 Stuffed toys on Copper--submitted by Coppersmom
    #17 Tiddy with elephant mask on--submitted by Nern
    #27 Nim (my stuffed dog) on Kyrre--submitted by Bente
    #31 Hat on Hope--submitted by Used

    1) Juliet--submitted by Chessmind


    2)Princess Pumpkin--submitted by Vene

    3)Old pic of my toddler on ticked Milo--submitted by Vene


    4)Old pic of my toddler on Rene--submitted by Vene


    5) Old pic of baby blanket on Milo--submitted by Vene


    6)Stuffed toys on Copper--submitted by Coppersmom

    7)Comforter on Sabrina--AKA "turn on the heat, Mom" --submitted by Coppersmom

    8 ) Socks on Copper--submitted by Coppersmom

    9)Magazines on Copper--submitted by Coppersmom

    10)Artemis under a stack of pillows--submitted by Halaroo


    11)Sleepingbag on Booger--submitted by Cassie


    12)Toys on max--submitted by Eman

    13)Flyers on Max--submitted by Eman

    14)Huge pillows on max--submitted by Eman

    15)clothes on Max (vest and a tie)--submitted by Eman

    16) Moe with apples and oranges--submitted by Halaroo

    17)Tiddy with elephant mask on--submitted by Nern

    18 ) Bella with Reeses cups--submitted by Nern

    19)Tiddy with elephant mask --submitted by Nern

    20)Tiddy with birthday hat on--submitted by Nern

    21)Spider on Luna--submitted by Lunaguy

    22)Paper on Luna--submitted by Lunaguy

    23)Cobwebs and pine needles on Luna--submitted by Lunaguy

    24)Knøtte on Kyrre--submitted by Bente

    25)White blanket on Kyrre --submitted by Bente

    26)Blanket on Kyrre (pic 2)--submitted by Bente

    27)Nim (my stuffed dog) on Kyrre--submitted by Bente

    28 )Garfield the Cat on Mittens--submitted by Sunset05

    29)A pumpkin on Socks--submitted by Sunset05

    30)Box on Benny --submitted by Used

    31)Hat on Hope--submitted by Used

    32)Bat on Kirby--submited by Used

    33)Halloween cat on Hope--submitted by Used
  2. wildflower_131

    wildflower_131 New Member

    ok. here are my votes. all in one go!

    11/5 - #13
    11/6 - #15
    11/7 - #20
    11/8 - #25
    11/9 - #17
    11/10 - #27
    11/11 - #8
    11/12 - #24
    11/13 - #2
    11/14 - #26
    11/15 - #19
    11/16 - #1

    great photos everyone! :eek: Kitty wouldn't stay still long enough for me to get any decent photos of her! :roll:
  3. Cassie

    Cassie Active Member

    Nov 3: #3)Old pic of my toddler on ticked Milo--submitted by Vene (Kitties are so tolorant hehehe)

    Nov 4: #23)Cobwebs and pine needles on Luna--submitted by Lunaguy (Luna does NOT look happy! LOL)
  4. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    11/5 #31-- Hat on hope. That cat is so fluffy. :mrgreen:
  5. sunset05

    sunset05 New Member

    All pictures are so cute. Hard to pick. Here goes:

    Nov. 5 -- #23 - Luna
    Nov. 6 -- # 1 - Juliet
    Nov. 7 -- #9 - Copper
    Nov. 8 -- #15 - Max
    Nov. 9 -- #16 - Moe
    Nov. 10 -- #18 - Bella
    Nov. 11 -- #27 - Kyrre
    Nov. 12 -- #33 - Hope
    Nov. 13 -- #2 - Pumpkin
    Nov. 14 -- #11 - Booger
    Nov. 15 -- #19 - Tiddy
    Nov. 16 -- #24 - Knotte on Kyrre
  6. coppersmom

    coppersmom New Member

    11/05 #2 Princess Pumpkin. Hehehehehehe...so refined!
  7. nern

    nern New Member

    11/5 - #15 Max
  8. lunaguy

    lunaguy New Member

    11/5 - #9
    11/6 - #31
    11/7 - #29
    11/8 - #26
    11/9 - #17
    11/10 - #16
    11/11 - #13
    11/12 - #1
    11/13 - #2
    11/14 - #11
    11/15 - #27
    11/16 - #12

    Great pics, everyone! They cracked me up so many times. :D
  9. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    11/6 #16 Moe, you are just such a funny cat. :mrgreen:
  10. Maraya

    Maraya New Member

    ohhhh.......i feeel so cheered up just looking at all your kitty photos!!!!! :mrgreen: I've been down lately and animal pics cheer me RIGHT up.......instantly.

    your kittys are all beautiful. and LOLLLL - the kitty covered in Cat Fancy mags! :mrgreen:
  11. eman

    eman New Member

    Nov. 5 - #1
    Nov. 6 - #2
    Nov. 7 - #9
    Nov. 8 - #10
    Nov. 9 - #19
    Nov. 10 - #22
    Nov. 11 - #27
    Nov. 12 - #28
    Nov. 13 - #33
    Nov. 14 - #16
    Nov. 15 - #22
    Nov. 16 - #6
  12. halaroo

    halaroo New Member

    11/5 - #2 - Princess Pumpkin
    11/6 - #20 - Tiddy
    11/7 - #1 - Juliet
  13. Chessmind

    Chessmind New Member

    11/17 # 17 I find this pic so funny. :lol:
  14. kathy5

    kathy5 New Member

    11/07/05 = 15 too cute
  15. vene

    vene New Member

    11/5- #16 Moe with apples and oranges
    11/6- # 9 Magazines on Copper
    11/7- # 15 clothes on Max (vest and a tie)
    11/8- # 18 Bella with Reeses cups
    11/9- # 28 Garfield the Cat on Mittens
    11/10- # 31 Hat on Hope
    11/11- # 23 Cobwebs and pine needles on Luna
    11/12- # 1 Juliet
    11/13- # 29 A pumpkin on Socks
    11/14- # 26Blanket on Kyrre
    11/15- # 11 Sleepingbag on Booger
    11/16- # 10 Artemis under a stack of pillows
  16. nern

    nern New Member

    11/6 - #3
    11/7 - #9
  17. halaroo

    halaroo New Member

    11/8 - #15 clothes on Max
  18. nern

    nern New Member

    11/8 - #31
  19. halaroo

    halaroo New Member

    11/9 - #23 Cobwebs and pine needles on Luna. She just looks so unhappy!
  20. Bente

    Bente New Member

    My votes:

    5.nov - #31
    6.nov - #19
    7.nov - #16
    8.nov - #13
    9.nov - #11
    10.nov - #10
    11.nov - #5
    12.nov - #6
    13.nov - #2
    14.nov - #1
    15.nov - #23
    16.nov - #28

    Funny pics everyone :D

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