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Is the flea prevention injection worth it?

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by meghan_m_25, Nov 8, 2005.

  1. meghan_m_25

    meghan_m_25 New Member

    Is it worth it? My poor little casey has had a huge problem with fleas this year. And still does! The vet stuff doesn't work or the Harts. Is the 6 month injection any good? We need something that will protect against fleas and ticks. So what kind is best and how much does it usually cost?
  2. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    I would really advise against the injections, they can have serious side effects

    The main thing to get rid of flea infestation is if your dogs is in the house and around your yard. it doenst do any good to treat the dog if you have a bad infestation. treat your house and yard this may have to be done a few times to break the cycle. bath your dog with a flea shampoo and then use one of the topicals from the vet. Its very imporant to break the the flea cycle by doing these things. put a flea collar in your vaccum bag, make sure you vacumm all the nooks and crannys and wash your bedding. these things can really lukr

  3. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    I've never heard of an injection for fleas...you talking the ProHeart stuff for heartworm? If so don't use it and I think it's been taken off the market anyway. Hartz products are crap too.
    Why not get Advantage or Frontline, something for your vet to use? Might be more costly than the crap you buy in a supermarket - but that's the difference right there. You get what you pay for.
    Hartz is also being forced to pull their line of flea crap out of the stores too
  4. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Get a flea product such as Frontline from your vet. They can also give you something called Capstar that kills all the fleas currently on your dog, but it doesn't kill the eggs. So I think you are supposed to give Capstar (it's a pill), bathe the dog (you can use a soap such as Ivory or Dove rather than a flea shampoo if you want something gentler), wait two days and then put Frontline on. In the meantime you need to treat your house and yard. Dukesdad recommends Fleabusters. It's a service that will come to your house and treat it with stuff that is not a pesticide. You can do it yourself, but with the trouble you are having I would think a professional job would be a good idea. If you don't do that, vacuum everything (including furniture) with a flea collar in the bag as honeybears suggested (and throw away the bag when you are done), and wash all bedding in Borax. You can also use Borax or food-grade diatomaceous earth rubbed into the carpet (and on your dog as well - but don't let them inhale it) and then vaccum it up (errr, don't vacuum the dog).

    Heavy flea infestation probably also indicates a weak immune system. You might think of changing to a better dog food (or go raw). You can also supplement with garlic, but you have to check the dosage because too much garlic can be bad for dogs.
  5. Dukesdad

    Dukesdad New Member

    This product is great for controlling fleas indoors, especially in carpets and furniture. It is completely safe for people and pets.
    I just purchased the powder from this site:

    After I had my carpets steam cleaned by a professional service I allowed the carpet to fully dry for two days. Then I just sprinkled on the powder and worked it into the carpet with a stiff yard broom. It will continue to kill all fleas for a year and you can vaccuum the carpets as usual. It does not eliminate the effectiveness.
    You need to establish control first on your dog with Frontline ar Advantix then treat your yard and then your house. Not sure what might work best on the yard as I have never had a problem there.

    Don't depend on one of those aerosol "bombs" to treat your house as it does not kill the eggs. I once had a bad problem in my apartment when old Jake and I were still bachelors. Going away one weekend I decided to fumigate with those bombs to kill the fleas. The instructions said to turn off the air conditioning so I did, then I set off the bombs and left for the weekend. Well the bomb killed the adult fleas OK but the hot tempreture in the apartment caused all of the new fleas to hatch so it was worse when I returned.
    Glad for all of the new products. I haven't had a flea problem for years now.
    Good luck.

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