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Precious and Buki's hunting trip!

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Samsintentions, Nov 8, 2005.

  1. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    So the night air was crisp, with a little chill in the air and Granvel and I are sitting outside the camp house just soaking up the nature and chatting about the big buck he was gonna get.... then we smelled it... Buki's horrid flatulent.... OH man, talk about a nauseating end to a silent relaxing moment! I think she cleared the whole 600acres of all mosquitos and bugs...
    So we finally caught our breath, and went inside and Precious is knocked out snoring as usually and Buki is going in circles trying to sniff her own butt and find out where that smell came from, when the biggest Rat in the whole wide world pops his head up at the door.... I of course screamed bloody murder and Precious jumps up to find out whats going on... She spots the rat scurrying off in the yard and shoots out after it! Buki getting diverted from her dizzying butt sniffing, goes after Precious to find out whats she's doing...

    So I"m all the while freeking out over the Chihuaha size rat, thinking Precious will never catch it, when she proudly brings it back into the camp house and displays it for all to see!!!!

    Buki, wanting to check it out have never seeing anything like that, tries to take it away and starts a scuffle between the tow of them. We break it up, its now about 11pm, and decide to crate them and go to bed....

    About 4 am Granvel's up getting his 200lbs of hunting gear on, looking like the space hunter from hell, and the girls think they get to go too!! unfortunately Granvel let them see him... and with him looking all scarry they start barking and barking, scaring everything off for 100 miles. He went hunting anyhow, saw a few nice 8-10 pointers but not the elusive 13 pointter he's been watching...

    It was a good Friday night and Saturday morning, but I think, from now on the girls are gonna stay home when we go hunting!!!
  2. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    LOL, hunting for those nasty rats!
  3. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

  4. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    sorry guys. that link doesn't work!! my web page crashed,but I"m building a new one~

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