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the sex of a lutino cockatiel

Discussion in 'Birds - all breeds / types' started by Bugzblu, Nov 10, 2005.

  1. Bugzblu

    Bugzblu New Member

    :eek: i need to find out the sex of my lutino cockatiels.The bird id is white,with a yellow tassle,orange patches,but the tassle is not as thick as my grey females tassles on their head.It has red eyes.Approximately 6mts. old,some of the birds feathers on top below the neck and on the the starting of the tail is gone,or not come in yet,I don't really know why.It looks as if they've been picked out in a way. :eek:
  2. Bugzblu

    Bugzblu New Member

    how to tell the sex of a lutino cockatiel

    :eek: :?: Can someone help me please :!:
  3. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Lutino's can not be visually sexed.
    As the males and females usually look the same, One thing you could try is when he/she has gone through there first molt which by now should have started pluck one of the tail feathers and hold it upto a light if female you should see very faint white barring if male you will not see this at all but this is not a guranteed way to sex this mutation DNA sexing is the only true way of knowing.

    They say that male cockatiels are more vocal then females and whistle more tunes compared to the female again this is not a goo dindication of sex as i have 2 females that can sing just as good as the males and i know them to be female as they have laid eggs and raised a clutch of babies.

    If you are not wanting to breed then knowing the sex should not really be a factor.
    If you do find out the sex and plan on breeding do not put 2 lutino's together as there babies will have the bald spot on the back of there heads.

    The crown of your cockatiel will get longer and thicker after its first molt..

  4. Bugzblu

    Bugzblu New Member

    how to tell the sex of a lutino

    The lutino has not molted yet,there are no feathers of either of the 2 birds .I have the lutino in the cage with my cinnamon pearl cockatiel.The lutino wasn't hand fed when I got her,it will bite .My cinnamon pearl is tame,I know she is a girl.All the babies that my mating pair was females,they had 2 just like the mom,only one turned out cinnamon pearl.The mating pair are the grey birds.She had 4 and one died at 3 days old.It was sad.I am the only person that can feed them,my female that had them,I have had for 5 yrs.,I bought my male when he was 6mths. old.I had heard that a older female wouldn't mate with a younger male,but that was wrong.I had 2 males in the cage with her when I first got her and the whole 5yrs. I had them,they never mated.But later I found out that one of the birds I was told was a male,was a female,so really it was 2 females in the cage with one 1 male.I have 5 cockatiels,1 male as far as I know so far,and 3 females I know for a fact,just don't know yet about the lutino.
  5. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    At 6months old it should have started to molt unless it starts at 8months as some do start to molt later than others.

    Out of all the mutations of cockatiels Normal greys and cinnamons are the easiest to sex.
    You can either wait and see if it eventually lays eggs or you can have it DNA sexed this is the most accurate way of knowing if its male or female.

    So your normal grey pair had pearl chicks if this is the case then or or both parents must have the pearl gene and are not true normal greys.

    Let us know which route you take on sexing your lutino.

  6. Bugzblu

    Bugzblu New Member

    how to tell the sex of a lutino

    My mating pair only had 1 cinnamon pearl,the other 2 were grey.One of the bird owners that I gave a bird to said that hers was starting to have spects in her feathers .I love my birds,they each have their own personality.My male sings and whistles alot.They all let me know when they need food or etc.My new grey female laid 2 eggs and I carefully put them in the cage with my mating pair and the male has been sitting on them,do you think they will hatch?The mating pair are mating pretty regular,I expect to have eggs by them soon.I also have 2 parakeets,the male whistles,he can even say his name and whisle like a man does at a woman,he is very smart to be a parakeet.He is a blue parakeet,and his mate is solid yellow.She is not as talkitive as he is,she cherps,but not nothing near what he does.My lutino has some feathers missing on the upper tail,and underneath the wing and on top of the wing where it starts,is that normal?
  7. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    Sounds like you have alot of happy birds this is good when breeding as happy and calm parents raise well adjusted chicks.

    If the female you took the eggs from is with male chances are they maybe fertile but if he has not mated with a male then they wont be and wont hatch.
    If the pair that is mating all the time and you have given them those 2 eggs and they are fertile chances are they may not lay any eggs or may attack the chicks if the eggs hatch when the female is ready to lay her eggs.

    As for the bir with missing feathers this is normal as its a sign its going through a molt and is nothing to worry about.

    One of my female cockatiels wolf whistles all the time especially when someone she likes walks passed sure she thinks she is male heheheheh.

  8. Bugzblu

    Bugzblu New Member

    Help me please!I feel something is wrong!

    My lutino bird that I have been talking about,has nearly know tail feathers left!I have never seen this before,does anyone know why she/he is losing them?Some of her /his feathers is missing by the wings also.Is this really normal?
  9. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    THis is perfectly normal if your lutino is going through a molt, If not then if it is caged with another bird chances are the other bird is plucking your lutino.

    I personally would think its a molt as if it was another bird you would hear them screaming and fighting with each other every so often and they would peck at each other if they got to close.


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