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stupid statements

Discussion in 'Dogs - Pit bull breeds specific' started by daddyfs, Apr 22, 2004.

  1. daddyfs

    daddyfs New Member

    i ran across this guy with a puppy pit and we talked for a while.. jus enought time for his ignorance to kick in.. this dude told me, his pup broke skin and caused him to bleed.. then he rub his mouth in it to give him "the taste of blood" stupid statement...?? yes indeed
  2. kyles101

    kyles101 New Member

    pretty stupid!
  3. pitzerlover

    pitzerlover New Member

    GROSS!!! Does he not think about what his dog licks and eat on a daily basis. Some people are so assinine.
  4. Sara

    Sara New Member

    Sounds like the makings of a pet abuser...

    Harsh treatments equals harsh dogs???

    Keep an eye out and call AC as sooon as you see this guy treating his dog badly.

    I was on vacation and met a 7 week old Pit and his owner... The owner was very proud that his dog was so tough and showed us by grabbing the poor pooch on the back and pinching and pulling his skin... like it was a game... Some people... We both just stood there shocked that someone would be so dumb! Got away as fast as we could... (My baby girl was home with BF's mother...so it made me miss her dearly) Poor puppy.
  5. loves-da-pits

    loves-da-pits New Member

    Another poor PitBull pup having to live with a bad owner. What a shame!!
  6. Angie

    Angie New Member

    Why would he want to give him the "taste of blood"?
    Whats the point behind that?
  7. loves-da-pits

    loves-da-pits New Member

    Don't know the logic, either, but there can't be anything good behind his reasoning.
  8. Sara

    Sara New Member

    Taste of blood...should make dog want more blood...make him more viscious... That would be the reasoning behind it...

    What a quack!
  9. daddyfs

    daddyfs New Member

    he is tryin to make his dog mean for some reason.. where im at now.. a lot of people want mean dogs.. what fun can you have with a mean dog?? you gotta constantly worry about them bitin someone.. i understand that some dogs are naturally protective.. but the people that train their dog to be mean, i think they have somethin to prove.. "i got the baddest dog on the block"... or they cant defend their damn self..
  10. 4Dogsihave

    4Dogsihave New Member

    Its really a shame. It is soooo unfair to the dog, they did not choose to live like that and they will probly end up being put down for being aggresive. Or worse it could hurt a young child b/c it was taught to be mean. Sigh, the ignorance in this world!

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