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help with my new shih-poo

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by toni246, Nov 8, 2005.

  1. toni246

    toni246 New Member

    Hi..Im picking up my new shih-poo this week, I have 2 cocka poos already..they get along well. I hope all 3 will. I love my poos. They said he will be aprox 7-8 lbs , but i dont know what they will look like as adultd? Anyone have pics of a shihpoo about 7-8 lbs, the one is see are kind of big. He is dark brown, oh yea any suggestions on names, me any my 10 year old cant decide one one. we have miko and rusty for our cockapoos.. :D Thanks Toni
  2. Sunshinne83

    Sunshinne83 New Member

    I have a 5 month old shihpoo. Everyone has told me different things about how big she will be. Right now she is 8-9 lb. One vet told me she will be about 18 lb, another vet told me 12 lb.
  3. TeddysMom

    TeddysMom New Member

    My Shihpoo Teddy will be 1 year old next week. He is pretty tiny, only 10pds as of yesterday. He won't grow much more and the vet said that he will start to develop his muscles.

    His mom is 12 pds and the dad is 15pds. It's hard to say how much they will grow. I doubt he will be less than 10lbs unless his mom was a toy poodle.

    Here are some pics of him:




  4. toni246

    toni246 New Member

    help with my shihpoo

    Thanks so much ..Teddy is SooO cute! I will show you pics of mine soon. Do you think they will get along ..my 2 cockapoos and my new shihpoo? i hope so. The breeder told me that his mom is 10lbs and his dad is 6lbs. she said he will prob be 7-8 lbs, thats a bit small right? maybe 10 lbs ? You never know i guess bc they told me my cockapoos would be 10-15 lbs and my rusty is 18lbs(1 yr) and my miko(9months) is 16 lbs. Thanks ..any more suggestions ..or even suggestions on a name for my little dark brown shihpoo let me know..my daughter and I are kind of stuck on names ... :lol:
  5. LuvMyBabies

    LuvMyBabies New Member

    My Shihpoo, William, is just over 4 months old and weighs about 6 lbs. His mother is about 10 lbs. and his father is much smaller....maybe 5-6 lbs. I'm not sure how big he will get but my vet said her guess would be around the 10 lb. area but not to be surprised if he goes as high as 15 lbs. She said she would be willing to bet money that he won't go over that.

    I would like to help you out with the name thing, but my puppy lived with us for several days without a name because we just couldn't get it right. My mom finally suggested Sir William (because such a little boy needs a big name) and that is the one that stuck with him.

    You can see a couple of pictures of William on his Dogster's page.
  6. TeddysMom

    TeddysMom New Member

    How about Coco? Perhaps if you post some pics it would be easier to suggest names (and because I want to see what he looks like :D ).

    You can also check out www.dogster.com and get some ideas on names there.
  7. toni246

    toni246 New Member

    I pick him up on Sat. so i will post pics. Im so excited :eek: . So what do you guys think about the getting along with other dogs issue? I hope so ..Im worried about the with my other 2 cockapoos..they are so spoiled. Awwhh sir william is a cutie to. does anyone have more than 1 together? yOU GUYS ARE SO HELPFUL.. :D
  8. TeddysMom

    TeddysMom New Member

    I can't wait to see the pics. I'm not sure if your dogs will get along, I sure hope so. How are they right now with other dogs? Do they socialize well? Teddy would have no problem getting along with any other dog, he loves them all. His best friend is a rowtie about 20 times bigger then him :roll: :lol:

    By the way, I'm a Toni too! Actually it's short for a longer name but a lot people call m Toni.
  9. toni246

    toni246 New Member

    They call me toni short for antoinette.
    I cant wait to do the "doggie webpage" I was looking and its neat how everyone has their info up. I was surprised to see how many have such a big "family" at home. I thought mine was big here. Yes they get along with each other very well..They do play fight and are very jealous of the attention i give to each one ..bc they both want me for themselves :roll: . When i take them out rusty my oldest is a bit calmer..Miko is a little yapper mouth..but like you said ..I think they will be fine. I will def. let you know and post the pics of my "family"
  10. Sunshinne83

    Sunshinne83 New Member

    Once you get the dog you will just know. I took my shihpoo home without a name and the next day I went to call her and found myself calling her Emma. Once you find a name you will just know its perfect.
  11. toni246

    toni246 New Member

    Thanks..I think thats what we will do bc we cant decide as of yet..I would love to see more pics of shihpoos anyone? And why arent they considered full breeds? When the mom and dad is a purebreed? I think cockapoos are? I was reading about them and they are not cnsidered a full breed dogs, and on some websites i notice when you are doing a search on them they dont come up as a breed..thats weird..
  12. myshihpoo

    myshihpoo New Member

    Hi Toni.... I have a 2 1/2 year old Shihpoo. He is the love of our life... and the cutest thing ever. He's actually bigger than most shihpoos -- weighing in at 15 lbs! We were told he should be between 8- 12 lbs... yea, sure... rrrrrright :)

    You can check out his dogster page at:
    The shihpoo mix is just perfect... he's the most loving, sweet, frisky dog ever. I think you will enjoy your shihpoo too... especially if you have cockapoos! :) please, please post pics!

    As far as names, you'll definitely have to wait and see how his personality is :)..... Do you like cute or traditional dog names?

    We will be adding another shihpoo to our family in about a month too... I believe we'll be naming him Baxter :)
  13. toni246

    toni246 New Member

    What a beautiful dog you have..sOO CUTE. He still looks like a baby..awwhh... Well I took some pics of my cockapoos you can see them at http://www.dogster.com/pet_page.php?i=221479&j=t
    I pick up my new Shihpoo tommorow :eek: I will post his pic soon.
  14. toni246

    toni246 New Member

    Yeah..my new shihpoo is here ck him out..http://www.dogster.com/pet_page.php?i=222024&j=t
    He is just a doll..and im so happy all the pups get along..well rusty growls alittle when he goes for his bone bc he is the "king of the castle" and knows it...and we figued out a name "little bear". He dosent like his crate much and wines and crys until i let him out ..any suggestions? Thanks for all your help.
  15. myshihpoo

    myshihpoo New Member

    Oh, you're shihpoo is too cute! :) He looks spoiled already ... hehe! It's easy to spoil them when they are that cute, huh? How big is he now? He looks big in the pictures, but I'm sure it's only cuz of the picture.

    I'm thinking he and my new shihpoo are around the same age... when is little bear's birthday?
  16. TeddysMom

    TeddysMom New Member

    He is so cute! :eek:
  17. toni246

    toni246 New Member

    Hi everyone..Yes My baby is home! He is Sooo spoiled. He went to the vet the other day ..he is 4.6 lbs..healthy..and his birthday is 9/2/5. Do you think he will be a big boy? Thats ok..he could be as big as "Clifford" ..I'll still love 'em. So we are doing the crate training now .. :shock: ..Talk about no sleep 8) ..Ughh...He HATES it..I slipped 1x and let him out. I know i cant do that though..poor thing cries and then wimpers to sleep all nite. I never had that problem with my other 2 . He goes pee-pee on the pee-pee pads ..and I also let him go out with the others in the yard and he loves that..even though its getting cold now..he likes it outside. I want to try to get him away from the pee-pee pads and just go out ..but I need them for now in case of accidents..bc he does use them. So were working on that. Other than that we are great. Im glad you guys told me about dogster.com its neat to look at all the doggies and read their stories and make pals ..my daughter loves it she can stroll for hours and make pals with all.. :lol:
  18. toni246

    toni246 New Member

    Oh Yeah..teddy and Bailey are her favorites she thinks they are So cute like teddy bears she says ..and she said she hopes little bear will look just like them when he's bigger.. :D
  19. myshihpoo

    myshihpoo New Member

    awwwwww! glad to hear we made the "Favorite" list :) hehe...I agree, Dogster is sooo wonderful! I love that site! On rainy days when I don't have anything to do, I can spend hours just "strolling" through the site...Oh you just reminded me that I need to update Bailey's dairy. OOPS! I mean *HE* needs to update the diary... now that he knows he is getting a baby brother (Dec 18th is the big day)

    You are going to just LOVE your shihpoo! (As you already do!) As far as size, Bailey was 3.5 lbs at 9.5 weeks...(and is now 15 lbs) but honestly, you never can tell... :)

    Do you still call him lil bear, or has it gotten shortened yet? Bailey turns into "Bails"... and sometimes "Ba..!"... lol
  20. TeddysMom

    TeddysMom New Member

    Awwww, that's so sweet! Teddy says thank you!

    I'm so glad you have your little guy home with you. You are going to love him! It sounds like he is picking up potty training quickly. I'm sure he will adjust quickly.

    I was at the pet store on the weekend and there was lady with the tiniest shih-poo I've every seen. She was 1 1/2 years old and only 5 pds. I believe it was probably mixed with a Toy poodle.

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