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my funny little fat-face Carter...

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Jamiya, Nov 13, 2005.

  1. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    ...got adopted today! I almost turned them down, but then I realized I was being silly and brought him to their house. He loves their dog and they played and played. They have no kids and they bring their dog to the dog parks all the time, so I may even get to see him. I think he'll be very happy.

    He thought he was coming home with me, though, so that part was really hard. I am going to call tomorrow to make sure he's okay.

    Here are some of the dogs I can choose from to foster: http://www.petfinder.com/pet.cgi?ac...&sort=pet.Identifier&preview=1&pet.animal=dog

    I am thinking about Diesel or possibly Flash, although Flash chases cats.
  2. nern

    nern New Member

    Diesel sounds like he would fit in really well. Good luck!
  3. tuttifrutti

    tuttifrutti New Member

    Hurray for Carter! I think Flash is beautiful, but it says no cats, so I'd go with Diesel to be on the safe side.
  4. Samsintentions

    Samsintentions New Member

    Way to go Carter and Jamiya!1

    See now don't you feel soooo great that you started fostering?!! Your doing sooo great!
  5. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    I called Sunday evening and Carter's new mommy said he kept going to the door Saturday night and looking for me and crying. I felt sooooo bad!! I hope he doesn't think I abandoned him or didn't want him. I love that guy!! :cry:
  6. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    he will just need time to adjust, how come you werent going to let him go to this family?

    I would also say diesal since het gets along with cats. is he an escape artist because he doesnt get teh attention he needs?
  7. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    I originally turned down the family because they keep their dog outside when they are not home. I don't think Carter would like that, and I'm not sure the dogs are safe that way. They did say they don't leave their dog out when it is raining or too cold. So I talked to the other foster moms and they said it might be okay. Also, the woman was crying when our screener turned her down (on my insistence).

    So I brought Carter over and explained my concerns more thoroughly, and she said they leave their dog outside because she prefers it! If Carter wants to stay inside, they have no problem letting him stay inside.

    Sure enough, she went out to run some errands yesterday and when she let their dog out back, Carter did not want to go. So she left him inside and he was fine. She said they had company last night and that's when he forgot to keep looking for me and then he got all tired out from all the attention and crashed.

    It's very, very quiet at our house now. And I used to think Nala was hard to handle! Now she's only very difficult when we have an adolescent dog in the house. I think she may be bored now, though...

    I'm not too worried about Flash chasing cats, since Nala chases cats. We would just not take the gate down. But I really like Diesel. I think he only dug out of his yard because he really, really wants to be inside with his people and they left him alone outside most of the time. That's another reason he needs to be fostered - so we can find out what he's REALLY like. Apparently, he was fostered with us as a puppy and recently returned for the escaping problem.

    My only concern is that now he has a taste for digging and running. I will supervise him and see how he is. If necessary, I will just not leave him outside alone, or I will put him on a line if he needs to be out (like to potty) and I can't watch him right then.

    I hope he really is housetrained. How would they know if he was always outside??
  8. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    "and she said they leave their dog outside because she prefers it!"

    This is Wylie, she loves to be outside, but we do have a doggy door so she can come and go and she pleases, like yesterday, its was beautiful I was inside all day doing chores and she sat outside soaking up the sun and just watchiing life go by ttotally enjoying herself and Jake is inside on the couch snoozing away the day
  9. coppersmom

    coppersmom New Member

    :eek: Yay for Carter!!!
  10. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Ummm, ignore the part about Nala being easy. A day and a half without Carter and his constant "I'm holding a stick come chase me" and Nala is totally nutty. I think it's the weather, too - she LOVES the brisk fall weather. I just got her and Bonnie to dash around the yard for a while, though, so hopefully she is better now.

    I wish she would fetch reliably. There's no easier way to tire out a dog!
  11. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    its funny how dogs play, I wish I could get jake and wylie to play with each other wylie 99% only wants to play frisbee fetch and every once in awhiile she wants jake to chase her, now jake the only way he wants to play is for me or wylie to chase him :? :?
  12. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Yes, Nala is into the chasing thing, which is why we got Bonnie. We just could NOT tire her out! She needs a dog to play with, no doubt about it. Carter caught on really fast that if he picked up a stick, the chase was on. They LOVED to play that game! Bonnie doesn't do sticks.

    Someday I will have a dog that fetches. And then probably regret it, LOL. :roll:
  13. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    "Someday I will have a dog that fetches. And then probably regret it, LOL."

    I should send you Wylie for a few weeks, that will cure you.! she wants to fetch 24/7, if we are in the house, it doenst matter day or night she is outside at the backdoor with her frisbee, scratching at it telling us to come out and throw it :D s I wilake toi the door, open throw it, she has me trained well.

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