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Filtration for 29 gallon

Discussion in 'Fish and Aquarium - all types' started by tyler_medeiros, Nov 17, 2005.

  1. tyler_medeiros

    tyler_medeiros New Member

    Ok so in our 29 gallon we have 1 BloodParrot (4") and 3 Clown Loaches (1.5"). Right know we have 2 Aqua Clear 30's anda fluval 1 on the tank but we cant get the water clear. Is this enouh filtration or is somethign else wrong.
  2. OnixRevolution

    OnixRevolution New Member

    Have you cycled your tank completely? What color is the water(assuming its cloudy)?
    I dont know much about blood parrots, but that tank might be too small for it(someone correct me if Im wrong).
  3. tyler_medeiros

    tyler_medeiros New Member

    The tank has been set up for a year know and has been fully cycled. It has now been about 3 weeks since the CLown Loaches have been put into the tank and the cloudiness has not gone away.
    The tank did go through a mini cycle but all water perameters are good.
    ph 7.5
    amaonia 0
    nitrite 0
    Nitrate 15
    i just did a water change and it is still cloudy.
    Its like a smokey cloudy and there seems to be alot of brown algea forming on the plants and stuff.
    I think i may be overfeeding so i will stop feeding as much and see if i can get the cloudiness under control. I feed 8 cichlid pellets and 2 algae waffers 3 times daily.
  4. Hooben

    Hooben New Member

    I think that you're right. Three feedings daily is a lot for any tank to recover from, regardless of how much you are feeding. Try and limit the feeding to once a day. I even skip some days and find that my fishes are even more eager to eat. I heard an expert say that in the wild, fishes don't eat every day. They may be lucky to eat twice a week. Hope that will help your cloudy tank...

  5. tyler_medeiros

    tyler_medeiros New Member

    I forgot to mentionthat there is also an undergravel filter on the tank. It was the first filter that the tank had and then ever since that we have just added filters. Do you think that the undergravel filter can be causing the high nitrates and making the water cloudy. Our bloodparrot just got over Nitrate poisioning so im trying to keep water perameters in mint condition.
    It has been about 2 weeks now and we are only feeding once per day and it seems to be clearing up quite a bit.
    Any suggestionson how to remove the undergravel filter without creating to much ofa mess.
  6. tyler_medeiros

    tyler_medeiros New Member

    I think that i am goin gto drain most of the water into a large tupperware container and remove the fish. I will then just move the gravel and pull out the filter. I will then rinse the gravel with declorinated water and vacum it several times. I will then put about 60% of the old water in and do a rutine water change.

    Do you think that will work.
  7. t_chelle16

    t_chelle16 New Member

    Should work. Once you have everything out, a shop vac works really well for getting all that sludge out.


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