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need help with my shih tzu(poofing and peeing)

Discussion in 'Dogs - small breeds (toy) specific' started by mahcutelit, Nov 19, 2005.

  1. mahcutelit

    mahcutelit New Member

    my 2 months female shih tzu have problems poofing and peeing everywhere. How can I help her to poof and pee in a potty pad? thanx

  2. Cootiesmom

    Cootiesmom New Member

    Do you want your pup to go on the pad all the time? Or just when you are unable to get her out in time? I am using crate training with my 13 week old pomapoo, and it is working well. She is allowed out of the crate much more now and when I can't watch her she is in our gated kitchen also.
    You could try crating her, and then taking her to the pad when it is time to pee and give her lots of praise and treats.
  3. nern

    nern New Member

    Using a crate would be the best way to go.
  4. furtherpeach3

    furtherpeach3 New Member

    do you want her go on the pads or do you want her to go outside all you are going to do is confuse her. because dogs will not soil were thay sleep but because she is either a puppy or you are not takeing them out enough. puppies need to go out about every two to to go potty. and after thay eat and after they play and after thay take naps you take take them out. i did that with my dog when he was 5 months old. these are the rules for potty after the dog eats take him out right away,, after he naps same thing,,, after he plays same thing,,, and first thing in the morining and before you go to bed take him or her out. depending how old the dog is.

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