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poor gourami at a loss with nipping

Discussion in 'Fish and Aquarium - all types' started by funfish, Nov 15, 2005.

  1. funfish

    funfish New Member

    hi just found this site (fantastic)
    i have a lovely dwarf gourami i introduced some mollies into my tank about a week ago and they took and instant dislike to him nipping at him and basically terrozing him i got home today and he his in a real state looks like he has scales missing but i'm not sure if it is that or fungus i'm going to treat it as if it is, will it effect him if it is not fungus, and is there any thing i can do to stop the nipping my tank is well planted any help would be great i'm not sure what to do with the mollies (well it only seems to be one doing the nipping mean little thing) tahnks for all the feedback in advance
  2. t_chelle16

    t_chelle16 New Member

    You may just have to keep them separated (either with another tank or a divider - not the prettiest solution - or you could return either the gourami or the mollies).

    As for the fungus stuff, If there's injuries, then it very well could be a true fungus. It also could be bacterial. To cover both bases, I would suggest a combination of Maracyn 2 and Maroxy.

  3. funfish

    funfish New Member

    sadly i have to say after trying my best the gourami died :cry:
  4. Hooben

    Hooben New Member

    Sorry to hear that. A fish that has been bullied can develop all kinds of illnesses due to the stress. Before you buy another fish, make sure the tank is big enough and there are enough places to hide.

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