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Wart (on the lip) removal

Discussion in 'Dogs - Pit bull breeds specific' started by Betty's Daddy, Nov 18, 2005.

  1. Betty's Daddy

    Betty's Daddy New Member

    Hey guys, my Betty Lou has developed a wart on her lip and its gotten progressively bigger over the past 4-6 weeks. I think its maxed out but I'm not so sure.

    Now, the I scheduled to have it removed with the vet Ive beentaking her to ever since May (when I came back to the states) The total cost is going to be between 350-500$

    is that normal??? They are going to do a biopsy on it, test it, and give her some blood work but damn.....should I look elsewhere am I getting screwed or am I just screwed (financially that is)

    As long as Betty is healthy :)
  2. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    To be honest it doesnt sound as though your being ripped off but prices vary depending on what State your in and then depending on what city your in.
    Im assuming they will be doing anaesthesia?

    The last place I worked at which was an emergency hospital and in a less costly area, average costs were about $50 for a pre-op blood panel ($100 for a full blood panel), anaesthesia started at $105, that covered about 20 minutes, anything over that would be charged at around $4 a minute. The biopsy varied but anything from $80-$150 for one tissue sample would usually cover it. She mayb be on IV fluids which would cost more, antibiotics, pain killers and various other things.

    It wouldnt hurt to check around the area for other vets prices though although it might be hard for them to give you an estimate until theyve examined Betty Lou which cost you in exam fees. What Ive done with this is just over the phone given people the basics on what some of the individual costs were like blood tests, anaesthesia etc. which would give them an idea but its not an accurate estimate without an exam.

    just my opinion.

    Hope everything goes well with the surgery.
  3. Betty's Daddy

    Betty's Daddy New Member

    Dela Dela Dela, thank you so much :)

    I really appreciate all the advice you've given me up to date.

    So your estimates sound spot on. pre-op panel is 40$ Anasthesia is 10$ per minute up to around 50, and the biopsy is 102$ Also post-op medication in there as well.

    I guess I just was expecting EVERYTHING to be between 100-200??? Damn budget busting I tell ya!

    Man, I just hope she's ok. Is wart removal a fairly routine procedure??

    I ask my vet these questions too but I appreciate your insight as well

    Thanks so much, Ill keep you posted - she's scheduled for the day before thanksgiving...
  4. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    Always happy to help if I can :)

    I dont know about warts specifically but growths on the mouth/lips/gums, I wouldnt say its 'uncommon', there'll be some things to watch for post op and that'll depend on exactly how its removed, the more common way is to cut them out but some vets are doing lazer surgery now which cuts down on post-op bleeding and they seem to heal up faster. The vet should give you instructions on the home care though.

    Keep us up to date with how things go. :y_the_best:
  5. boditosabear

    boditosabear New Member

    we discovered a bump or wart on bodi's lip the vet said that it is a virus spread from dog to dog and it would go away. this wart looks like a cauilflower , check it out .
  6. Betty's Daddy

    Betty's Daddy New Member

    Thats funny b/c it looks exactly like cauliflower, or as I would describe the eye of a potato sprouting....

    It also seems to be shrinking????

    ARGH what to do??? Id like to not spend the money, but my insurance will cover approx. half of it.

    I almost want to do it, just to make at this point since they'll be doing a biopsy on it...

    I don't want any long term problems by NOT doing it???

    SIGH, I dont know :(
  7. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    Talk to your vet again if you think its reducing in size.

    Personally if it was my dog, if the reduction was significant I 'might' hold off (but only depending on what the vet says) but if its only minimal then I would most likely go ahead. That way with the biopsy being done you should know exactly what it is and if there is a chance of any more lumps popping up, and of course whether or not they are anything to be concerned about.

    my whippet was full of lumps all over her body from about 8-10 years old, some were very slow to develop others suddenly appeared almost golf ball sized overnight, I was 99% certain they were just fatty tumours but because some had come up so fast I wanted to be sure, she only ever had one removed....and it was a fatty tumour. She lived until just before her 17th birthday, I had to put her to sleep for bladder cancer so it wasnt related in any way to the lumps.
  8. boditosabear

    boditosabear New Member

    sounds like betty lou and bodi have been kissing and nowhave "cold sores" but ask your ve,t ours talked us out of it. let me know how it goes :?:
  9. Betty's Daddy

    Betty's Daddy New Member

    Thanks guys, I'm prolly going to just go ahea d and have it removed and have biopsy done etc and a lot of it is for my own peace of mind.

    The wart has gotten smaller but as you say Dela it is minimal, the wart is still there, and I don't want to be negligent!

    I had two labs growing up as a kid and my oldest, Clifford, had fatty tumors on his chest and he lived to be 14 years old whereas my youngest, Domino, had a tumor and he died when he was 9 :cry:

    So I really just don't want to play around. Especially since I have insurance, I might as well use it right??

    Thanks again and I will keep you posted. She's going in tomorrow
  10. Betty's Daddy

    Betty's Daddy New Member

    Great, well Betty is under the knife now and she's also developed a cyst on her wrist over the past week.

    So they'll be removing that too and having a biopsy on that as well

    The vet is now more concerned with that being a skin tumor

    please say some prayers for my Betty :cry:
  11. Betty's Daddy

    Betty's Daddy New Member

    Betty is OK!!!!!!!! :eek:

    Just some skin inflammation.

    She's one sensitive baby that's for sure

    Thanks again for the advice, much appreciated!
  12. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    :eek: Thats great news, Im glad everything went well.....for you both :D

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