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Treatment for smelly ear??

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by coppersmom, Nov 25, 2005.

  1. coppersmom

    coppersmom New Member

    I just noticed that one of Brie's ears looks infected. It smells bad and has black waxy stuff in there. But I can't remember what the vet said to clean it with...I have some ear cleaning pads but she told me something else...I think diluted vinegar. Does anyone know what to use or do I need something via prescription. Of course it's a holiday :roll: .
  2. DaveM26

    DaveM26 New Member

    Hmmm.. well.... Maybe.. try this I donno

    Maybe Hydrogen Peroxide diluted with water, Honestly I donno
    I would call the Vet, seeing its waxy and smells I would call the vet


    P.S does you dog spend allot of time in the water?
  3. coppersmom

    coppersmom New Member

    No, she doesn't go in water much at all.

    I'm still using the ear cleaner pads but it still smells bad.
  4. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    I would probably go pay the vet a visit. The first think I usually think of with the black waxy debris and a bad smell is a yeast infection, as far as I know theres nothing over the counter for it, you would need something like Otomax.
  5. coppersmom

    coppersmom New Member

    I was wondering about a yeast infection. Thanks! Do dogs get yeast infections after being on antibiotics like humans do?? She just finished an antibiotic.
  6. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    Its not something Ive thought of but I dont see why not. The yeast and bacteria work in the same way as they do in people. The yeast is always present and 'natural' bacteria keeps it under control, when we take antibiotics we kill off the bacteria which would leave the yeast to go a little crazy.
    I know some people who have given natural yoghurt to their dogs if they have an ongoing ear problem with yeast infections, also changing the diet can help. Havent tried either of these things though.

    I do know that if it is a yeast infection and you only use an antibiotic actually in the ears it will make the yeast infection worse, sometimes there is a combination of yeast and bacteria so the medication would be a combo antibiotic and anti fungal.

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