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whyd od I keep having this dream?

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by honeybears, Nov 29, 2005.

  1. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    Midas has been gone almost 5 months now. I have this recurring dream that he is alive, the last one the other night, he was in the garage, and friends are going oh theres Midas, I say impossible, he is dead, but then I look and there he is and I pick him up

    and then I cried so much last night after we lit a fire, because he used to lay against the firepkace and I would alwasy think, boy, how can he handle that heat. I sure do miss him
  2. mamabear_34

    mamabear_34 New Member

    honeybears, Midas is just coming to you in your dreams to let you know that he is ok and it is his way of trying to comfort you. Cherish every memory and dream because those are the things that keep him close to you in your heart!! Do you have other dogs? If not, maybe is it time to donate some time to a shelter or to help other animals in some way to help with your grief. Hang in there and I will keep you in my prayers!
  3. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    I agree - Midas is coming to see you in your dreams. It's because humans are so silly and can't see them when we are awake.

    Have you thought about another cat, or is it too soon? Maybe Midas will find you sometime soon in the form of a kitten.
  4. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    mamabeear thank yoo for your kind words, Midas was my cat and I have 2 dogs, Wylie and Jake, Wylie and Midas were so close that Wylie was depressed and moped around for almost 2 months, but she is back to herself. I am looking at fostering so we will see.

    Jimiya, I would get another cat but since we live in the country now, we have lots of coyotes and I cant have an indoor only cat because of the dog door and pther issues.

    I guess I need to realize he is trying to comfort me, which I do need. it always seems so real
  5. loves-da-pits

    loves-da-pits New Member

    I just love those type of dreams!!! My girl Sheba will be gone 6 yrs. in March and I still have dreams about her. In fact, the dreams seem so real that I actually wake up and think she's in the room with me and that I have to get up to let her out. It's a couple of seconds before I'm fully awake that I realize she no longer is here. Also, in the dreams she is young and healthy again.

    I refer to dreams like that as "my visit." Holidays are good for bringing back fond memories of our pets and that seems to be a good time for having dreams.
  6. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    Sharon, the strangest thing, is I thought of you yesterday, and I thought I miss some of the regulars that have not been around in awhile like lovedapits,

    good to hear from you :D
  7. mamabear_34

    mamabear_34 New Member

    :oops: OOPS Honeybears for mistaking Midas for a dog!!
  8. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    mamabear, nothing to oops about :D I have mostly posted on the dog board even though I had a cat, but then Midas always really thought he was a dog, we always used to say he was a dog in his past life
  9. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    i have had dreams like that about my old dog Sentry, and I used to have them about my grandfather too. Sometimes (in the dreams) everything would be ok like normal and happy, and then I'd forget she had died and wake up so sad, sometimes i'd remember she had died and would be even more upset. But the worst would be like a pet sematary type dream where they would come back to life but be evil, those were really scary.
  10. Maraya

    Maraya New Member

    you are having this recurring dream because your Midas is still alive.........just over on the spiritual plane. There is no death....there is only a transition from the physical plane of existance........over to the spiritual plane of existance. Your dreams are actual visitations........both animals and people who "pass on" contact the living via dreams - often. Your beloved is visiting you and letting you know...he/she is still alive.....!!! I have visitations from my dog and cat (childhood pets) allllll the time. Its wonderful and very real! And when you make the transition........you'll see your Midas again. Its not just wishful thinking or just a pretty story.....its true! We're all butterflies inside our cocoons.....and when we "die".....only the cocoon-the physical body "dies" ...............but our souls/spirits/US....are the butterfies....and continue on living.......visiting other realms, reincarnating, getting counsel and rest from spiritual masters......see?

    Enjoy your visitations! They are REAL!

    www.petloss.com ( for support in missing your beloved pet).
  11. Maraya

    Maraya New Member

    and those wonderful visits...are real! I get them too..........a pet can also end up being an Angel......watching over you......! :y_the_best:
  12. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    wow, Maraya. you did hit the nail on the head. thanks
  13. Maraya

    Maraya New Member

    glad you see beyond. :p

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