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my cat has diarhhea..

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by pepto, Dec 3, 2005.

  1. pepto

    pepto New Member

    my cat had 2 bouts of diarhhea last night. watery stools. she wasn't interested in her evening meal, but she was hungry for her dry food last night, so i layed it out. after that, she had her second diarhhea.

    i've taken all her food away. i'm planning on letting her stomach rest for 24 hours. the only thing is she's STARVING..:( should i let her have a bland meal of chicken later on today? it's hard seeing her so hungry.

    she's still sprightly as ever. she used to be sick with diarrhea and vomiting as a kitten but she's not lethargic and is not vomiting.

    is a 24 hour fast with water only a good idea? or shall i introduce chicken within that 24 hours? should i let her outside today? it's cold..i don't know if she'd go around trying to eat stuff though..

    thanks for your help.
  2. pepto

    pepto New Member

    i gave her chicken and she threw up. her behaviour is still normal.
  3. sunset05

    sunset05 New Member

    24 hours sounds like a long time to me. Best to call a Vet and ask for advice.

    Did you change foods on her? Sometimes that can cause diarrhea.
  4. pepto

    pepto New Member

    ok..i'll try that. also another thing was that while i was cleaning up her vomit there were things that looked like slices of cooked onions...
    maybe it's tapeworms?

    she was last wormed at the end of august. i've tried worming her but the usual person who helps me is not with me...i've tried with my mother, but the tablet never goes down..
  5. coppersmom

    coppersmom New Member

    I don't think the "usual wormer" will get tapeworms. You need a med specific for them if that's what you think is in there. Collect the suspicious white things and take them to the vet with you!
  6. vene

    vene New Member

  7. yogi

    yogi New Member

    parasite issues are no longer uncommon

    Girardia to name one which I had a situation with little over a year ago.
    All but one of my cats had it as it is contracted generally through water and can transfer in the litter box. A stool sample to the vet would be the best thing to do. They can usually detect if it is s parasite issue which in turn can get the treatment going promptly. Dehydration is the other issue and needs to be monitored.

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