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Everyone, meet my Lacey!

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Jamiya, Dec 4, 2005.

  1. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Here's my new foster, Lacey (although I keep wanting to call her Lucy): [​IMG]

    Anyone want to take guesses on her breed? She is a little short of 40 pounds and the same "height" as my dogs, so about 20-21 inches at the shoulder, I am guessing.

    She is really sweet and cuddly. A bit shy, but not too bad. She gets along with the dogs but so far is not interested in playing. She chased Nala just a little bit. She also has not reacted to the cats much yet, but she also hasn't had a clear opportunity.

    She hides those ears sometimes. She can make them look really small, and then they wave up and down when you talk to her. I'm going to have to take some video. :D
  2. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Here's another photo:


    She does have a tail - a long, skinny one. It just didn't make it into the photos. :)
  3. coppersmom

    coppersmom New Member

    Wow! She is so cute!! Looks like a rat terrier on steroids to me lol! Fourty pounds!??!! I grew up with a little mini fox terrier that looked like a tiny version of her. He was one serious ratter and so full of personality. I can imagine what he could have done if he weighed as much as her! Does she dig?

    Seriously though...maybe some basenji in there????
  4. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    No digging, yet. Give it time. :)

    I think she looks like a giant Rat Terrier as well. I looked through a breed book and also came up with Ibizan or Pharaoh Hound, but they aren't quite right. The Ibizan temperament description was right on, except for the prey drive.
  5. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Well, the cat question is answered - she's scared of them, LOL.

    But she is coughing now. *sigh*

    I probably won't be able to get her spayed until she stops coughing, although she's not very bad at the moment. What the heck do I do if she goes into heat?! I have never had a dog in heat before. What happens? Does the personality change? Does she have to wear a diaper?

    My foster coordinator told me to tell Lacey to cross her legs and not even THINK about going into heat! :shock:
  6. someday

    someday New Member

    Wow...she does look like a huge rat terrier..When I saw her body I thought foxhound though...I'd guess some sort of hound/terrier mix...but I don;t know which ones..hehe. She's a cutie though for sure.

    Annie went into heat the week before she was supposed to be spayed...boy..that was nice of her. It was a big mess. I put little boys underwear on her with a hole cut out for her tail and put a maxi pad in them. She only took them off about five times a day. Her eprsonality didn't seem to change. She acted like she didn't feel that well though. Cross your fingers she doesn't go into heat. It's beyond me why people would not want to get their dogs spayed(except for serious breeders)...especially if they are house dogs. I wouldn't want to go through that more than once.
  7. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Ugh. Not reassuring!! :shock: Let's just hope she doesn't do it. Maybe she'll stop coughing soon. She's not too bad, but I don't want to make it worse by stressing out her system.
  8. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    when I see her ears, all I can think is did she eat someone's baby?
    (referring to famous Seinfeld episode, "the dingo ate your baby")
    but she looks like a giant terrier of some type!
  9. someday

    someday New Member

  10. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Wow, especially that first one looks a lot like her! Excuse me, I have to go look up Basenji's now. :)
  11. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    what a cutie!! look at those ears, her face is the exast shape of wylies, the pics someday posted does look like a besegi cross. kind of look slike a visla too.

    hope her cough is not serious good luck :D
  12. coppersmom

    coppersmom New Member

    Seeeeeeeeeee...that's what I thought! :D I met a black and white basenji once and except that she doesn't have wrinkles on her forehead, it looks like her. And both basenjis and rat terriers can be cat-like in nature, so that's probably not any help, huh?

    How is her cough?
  13. tuttifrutti

    tuttifrutti New Member

    Yeah, she looks like a basenji. Big ears fit that too, since basenjis originated in Egypt they have huge ears to help cool off or something like that.
  14. seaecho

    seaecho New Member

    She DEFINITELY has Basenji in her, no doubt about it. Be sure you socialize her carefully - Basenjis are not as domesticated as most other breeds, and are sometimes very difficult to train, and can be extremely stubborn. But since she's not purebred, you may not have as much trouble with her. Basenjis don't exactly bark either - they kind of "howl." Its a very eerie sound. Very cute girl.
  15. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    I haven't heard her make any noises yet, so I don't know if she barks or not. I read about the basenji personality, and unless it comes out more after she is feeling better and used to our house, I would say she has very little of it! She is very shy and timid. She is not stubborn. If you approach her too fast, she cowers. She is scared of the cats. She is not independent - she is very clingy. If she could spend the whole day smooshed into your lap, she would! Of course, these could all be acquired traits from a difficult past. :(

    I think she also resembles the Ibizan, although not as muscular as the dog pictured here: http://www.dogbreedinfo.com/ibizanhound.htm or perhaps a Pharaoh Hound: http://www.thebreedsofdogs.com/images/PHARAOH_HOUND.jpg
  16. Nik

    Nik New Member

    Wow! She has the pointiest ears I've ever seen. How adorable!
  17. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    I like how she waves them up and down as you talk to her. :D
  18. Maraya

    Maraya New Member

    oh my gawwwwd. sometimes there is just wayyyyy tooo much CUTE-NESS in the world. Your doggy is adorrrrrrrrrrrable. I just wanna reach thru the picture and rub her tummy! :mrgreen:
  19. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    I'm going to miss this one terribly when she goes. She's such a doll!
  20. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    I almost forgot. Last night my husband was making "moose noises" (sort of) from the other room. Lacey was in my lap (of course) and she lifted her head and stuck up those giant ears and tilted her head to the side. Then she starting "whuffing" - it was the closest thing I have heard to a bark - and growling. He came into the room so she could see him and she still growled. Poor baby! He tried to pet her and she slunk away to hide under the computer desk. When she saw him later and he was no longer making funny noises, she was fine. Silly dog! And silly husband! :roll:

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