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dog with tumors in the liver

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Jamiya, Dec 3, 2005.

  1. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    A friend of mine just found out his dog's liver is filled with tumors. She is only 7 years old. Is he correct in assuming with that many tumors, there is nothing to be done beyond making her comfortable for however long she has left? :cry:
  2. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    oh your poor friend, dont have any wisdom but prayers ti him and his dog
  3. DeLaUK

    DeLaUK New Member

    I doesnt sound too hopeful, what Ive found is when there are a lot of tumours in one place, by the time they are 'found' its already spread to other places. Would definately be worth talking to the vet though just to make sure that surgery isnt an option....or if it is, how risky it would be.

    just my opinon though. :(
  4. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    She has been to the vet - that's how they found the tumors. They did an ultrasound and the liver is filled with them and the pancreas is "suspicious." I don't think they suggested treatment, other than a prescription food to try to get her eating again.
  5. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    She went downhill really quickly. She never did start eating much at all - she was all skin and bones. Two weeks ago she was still swimming in the lake. Last weekend she would play with some toys. Tuesday night she came to agility class and walked slowly up the dog walk, through some tunnels, and did the weave poles. She looked for treats when she was done, but then didn't eat them when they were offered. Yesterday she would get up to see a new person when they walked into the house, and then go lie down on her bed. She moved very slowly and her head was hanging down. She walked down the hall once after her frisbee but then just stopped and stared at it. Her doggie buddy has been laying down with her on her pillow, snuggling up behind her as if to keep her warm and give her comfort. Her daddy has been lifting her into his bed at night. She got off at some point during the night last night and he found her lying on the floor this morning, just staring.

    I went with him to the vet this morning and stayed with them as she was put to sleep. She is healthy and whole now, waiting at the Bridge.

    I have never been with a dog during euthanasia before. I managed to hold it together until I was alone in my car afterwards.
  6. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    Oh Jimiya. howsweet of you to be with your friend, it is so hard but as you know she is not longer in pain. I was with Midas and I am so glad I did, I even brought Midas home and did a wake so Wylie and Jake could understand their buddy was gone. I think her doggie buddy will be have a hard time for ahwile.

    prayers to your friend and his dog now romping in doggy heaven
  7. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    We brought his other dog in afterward to see her. He sniffed at her. I guess maybe he knows, now? I do think he is going to have a hard time, but he won't be without a buddy for long.
  8. coppersmom

    coppersmom New Member

    That is really sad. My condolences to your friend and you. :(

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