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Anyone ever hear of a Fila Brasileiro

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Dukesdad, Dec 13, 2005.

  1. Dukesdad

    Dukesdad New Member

  2. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Wow, what a huge pretty dog!
  3. tuttifrutti

    tuttifrutti New Member

    it looked like a mastiff to me. maybe some fancy name for the type of mastiff or something it is, I don't know.
  4. lil96

    lil96 New Member

    i think they are mastiff also.
    They are so majestic looking I think!
  5. honeybears

    honeybears New Member

    looks like sams and sarash dogs a boerbol
  6. Dukesdad

    Dukesdad New Member

  7. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    the scariest puppy I ever met was one of these.
    They were bred to protect cocaine fields in South America - very very loyal to their owners, extremely mistrustful of everyone else.
    Anyone owning one of these dogs MUST know what they are doing and not take the breed lightly.
    I'm not saying they are bad dogs - but not a first-time pet for sure.
    The pup I met was 6 months old and weighed 120 lbs.!!!! And he was not nice. His owner was using the vet's office for socialization. Every time this pup came in everyone else had to ove out of the way so the dog couldn't see our pets.
    I complained cause I was sick of it. I saw the puppy attack a cat in a carrier once - the cat was at the vets to be PTS and its last vision was a huge dog grabbing its crate. I was not amused. Yes it sat immediately when its owner told him to - but not until after it had attacked the carrier.
    I've heard people on other dog boards who have gone to meet these dogs and they were told to not make any quick motions at all.
    Definitely a dog for someone who has full control and knows EXACTLY what they are getting into.
  8. Dukesdad

    Dukesdad New Member

    You are absolutely correct. The more I read the scarier this breed becomes.
    The site I posted above has this line,
    "The Brazilian standard warns judges not to touch Filas if they wish to keep all their fingers, since aggression is often encouraged."
    This could cause a lot of problems if this breed becaome popular as they do look like big loveable teddy bears.
    I can hopefully assume that the people and groups breeding and promoting thisa breed keep it under control and not allow it to become "fashionable".
  9. boditosabear

    boditosabear New Member

    all dogs when encouraged to be agressive will bite. :cry:
  10. MyPetTherapyDog

    MyPetTherapyDog New Member

    I met a very friendly one last year at a park. The dog had ambassadorship owners.

    It was a huge marshmallow.

    My favorite saying is "Judge each dog as an individual"

    Don't generalize breeds based on other dogs you have seen of the same breed. Just like our children, each dog is an individual.

    I have seen more people freak out over my "pit bulls" than you can ever imagine. Its sad. People are so wonderful at generalizing.
    They instantly think that my dogs are vicious killers. Actually, my dogs are sweet hearts.

    Last year when my hand was mauled by my yellow lab,/golden retriever (that I had owned for 7 years) I was rushed to the hospital (where I happen to also work) the first thing EVERYONE said to me was this: "We told you not to own that vicious breed" "It's your own fault". "You should have known better to own those nasty pit bulls"!!!

    Everyone's mouth fell to the ground when I told them what dog actually did the mauling!!!

    Since then, no one says anything to me about my choice of dogs!
  11. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    I always take dogs an individuals - 2 of the nastiest dogs I've met are Maltese.
    I don't have a problem with pitbulls, dobbies, German Shepherd (my choice of breed), Akitas, etc.
    But as a rule - I don't turn my back on any dog unless I know it quite well.
    I belong to a number of dog boards and after I met the pup I mentioned above I posted this very same question wondering if this particular pup was not a good example of the breed overall. Quite a few posters on that board (many there are trainers and/or behaviorist) have met various dogs of this breed and your post is the first one I've ever heard anyone say they met one that is a marshmallow.
    I'd be more inclined to think the dog you met is NOT an example of the breed rather than the pup I met.
  12. kyles101

    kyles101 New Member

    what a cute dog. it looks so floppy.
  13. MyPetTherapyDog

    MyPetTherapyDog New Member

    "I always take dogs an individuals - 2 of the nastiest dogs I've met are Maltese"

    LOL me too!

    I am an obedience instructor. My circle of friends are ACO's, & other trainers. One of my good friends is a behaviorist with a degree from Brown University. My other close friend is a shelter director with a degree in behavior as well.

    This topic on this breed raised some interest for me, I am going to ask around and find out how many people (around here has actually encountered this breed and what they though of its temperament).

    I'm always interesting in learning new things about breeds i'm not that familiar with.

    My friend who is the behaviorist for the Humane Society is on the board when vicious dog hearings are heard. If anyone will know about these dogs, it would be her.

    In this state, I have never seen one at any shelter I am affiliated with anyway. I also have not heard any of my trainer friends speak of ever getting a consult for training any dogs of this breed. Nor Have I.

    If the breed is truly as suggested in this thread, I hope back yard breeders and or puppy mill dogs don't begin.

    I know I live in the smallest state but honestly around these parts anyway, I have only met one and it was the one I described.
    Have you seen a lot of or heard a lot about these dogs in NH?

    What we do see a lot of is Napolian Mastiffs. Many of these dogs have come out of what else "Pet Stores" Products of puppy mills.

    Sad very sad.

    Anyway, not to change the subject Mary but where are you in NH?
    I have family in North Conway. My cousin owns the Presidential Water bed motel. LOL. She is a ski instructor. I always want to go every winter ona little week end get a way but never seem to make it.

    Maybe this year. I don't know how to ski anyway but it would be nice to get away.

  14. ACO

    ACO New Member

    I met one at the dog park...her name was 'Droola' She was adorable and friendly. She made a great play mate for my blockhead 'Pete'. Her owner took great lengths to ensure she would be social as she got older.
  15. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    This is probably the key. With a breed that is known for aggression problems, a lot can be done with the dog with a huge effort from the owners. But ask Sam how much you can actually change the nature of a dog...
  16. PrettyNails89

    PrettyNails89 New Member

    I own three Filas Curluppa, Honey Bear, and Twist. Curl and Honey are both adult dogs while Twist is still just a pup. No they are definatly not for first time dog owners at all and sometimes even not for experienced dog owners. Many other Fila owners will tell you a Fila is nothing like any other mastiff you will meet. My first Fila ever was the one my father brought home when I was a child a pup with massive paws named Sheba (The Queen of Sheba lol). My father had been around Filas when he was a boy back in Brazil and finally found one here in America. I grew up loving the breed and learning how to handle it.

    I have met many other Fila owners who's dogs are just shy of out of control or just plain bazirk. But this is because of lack of socialization as a puppy. With a Fila especially socialization is the most important thing you can do with the dog depending on its purpose. My dogs are fine off our property with other dogs and people they can approach anouther dog or person and be civil or even playful. I still warn people to be careful just because no dog is predictable I say this even when people approach my Schnauzer/BC mix. But at my home my dogs are all full alert they know their job is to protect those cattle and our home.

    Usually if we know the person who is coming and the dogs know them then all is well. But if it is a stranger well just be prepared for two massive snarling barking dogs to come charging up to your car or you alone for that matter. But my dogs are well trained and know to stop with in 3 feet of the visitor (most people don't make it out of their cars) and just bark they do not approach at all and will only attack if you show threat. Until myself or my husband gives the at ease command the dogs will not move (this includes our mutt). When the command is given the dogs take off happily wagging their tails and either take off back to the pasture or just go and lay down and leave the visitors be for the rest of their visit. If they are not strangers your greeting will be more of two bumbling giant dogs racing to you trying to get play they pet me first no me first game.

    Strange dogs cannot come on to our property and dogs my dogs have only known since puppyhood can come here safely. Yes my dogs will play and loll about off the farm. But on the farm they are on constant guard and especially against other animals including dogs. I have witness my dogs run strays off our property. They can easily attack and kill these dogs but once again my dogs have been put through tough training as pups for this job they are trained that unless something puts up a fights you avoid attack. Though I have found attacked and killed animals on my property they are usually varmints and only once was it a couple dog and that was after a long night trying to figure out what had been attacking out cattle.

    My dogs are great with my children ages 8, 5, and 2 and are even more protective of them then us. Though you can trust any dog alone with any child ever I almost feel like I could with my dogs. They sleep in the house most nights and are fed a raw diet. They are pampered and fawned over and are completely and totally loyal to us. We take them with us on vacation or just a weekend away never leaving them behind is a big rule of mine.

    They are amazing dogs that take ALOT of training and work and watchfulness but in the end it is all worth it. They are my pride and joy.
  17. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Thanks for the info, and welcome aboard, PrettyNails!

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