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bruising on the tummy

Discussion in 'Dogs - all breeds / types' started by Jamiya, Dec 13, 2005.

  1. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Lacey was spayed last Thursday. The incision is very small and it is the neatest work I have seen so far. In the last couple days, I have noticed some bruising but it's not right on the incision. One of the bruises is bigger today. Is this related to the surgery? Should I have her checked? See photos:


  2. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    don't they use a tool to keep the incision open? Maybe from that?
    But you'd think it would fade rather than get more noticable. I'd call and ask
  3. coppersmom

    coppersmom New Member

    Looks like blood pooling in that area. I would check with the vet.
  4. NitaPepsi

    NitaPepsi New Member

    Those types of purblish brusies usually are internal bleeding. Regular bruising is a blue grey color. The dark purple can turn into gangreen. These are the warning signs of our sons intestinal surgeries, to watch for the color of his bruises. What did the Vet say? It is also very odd to have brusing where there are no insions. That is a little too far over from the surgery site. Just my opinion.
  5. charmedagain

    charmedagain New Member

    I would have her checked over by the vet as the only bruising there should be is arund the incision. Even with using clamps to keep the cut up would not cause that type of bruising.

    There is a chance the vet could have nipped a little blood vessel and the blood is starting to collect over time..

    Please let us know how she gets on and i hope its nothing to worry about.

  6. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Okay, now I'm scared. On hold with the vet's office. She's acting fine - actually she's more energetic now than she has been since I got her.
  7. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    The vet doesn't sound concerned, but I just sent them an e-mail with the photos. They said a vet would review it today and call me if there is concern. Otherwise, the vet who did the surgery will call me tomorrow (she is not in today, of course). I think the bruise is bigger today, but Lacey is still acting fine.
  8. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    The vet called back and he says it's strange but he's not terribly concerned - yet. He said to watch it and see what it does and to watch her for unusual behavior or blood in the urine, etc. He said most things that could cause such a thing would have prevented her from surviving the surgery (!!! :shock: ) but that he would have the other vet look at it tomorrow. I hope they don't end up having to open her up again or anything.

    It's always something. This was the most beuatiful incision I have ever seen and it was healing so well. :|
  9. NitaPepsi

    NitaPepsi New Member

    If they do have to go back in, it will be in the original surgery site and she will still have a great looking site when they close her back up. Does the bruise feel warm or hot to the touch? Does it seem painful to her when you lightly push on it? The wait and see approach would have me worried. They already admitted that this is not a normal looking bruise. This type of bruise will likely turn sepsis if it is a problem bruise. Sepsis is a bacteria that can enters the blood stream very fast. So if they want you to watch her, any concerns, take her in right away. Does she still have normal bowel movements? If she doesn't, this too is a warning sign and she needs to be seen right away. There is a chance that they nicked her bowel.
  10. elizavixen

    elizavixen New Member

    I hope it's nothing. I know when Indy got neutered he had complications and it had me worried sick but he was fine.

    I really wish I hadn't of looked at this thread. Maggie is getting spayed this Friday. I have all weekend to stay at home and watch her (not sure if that is a good thing or bad thing?). I would just die if something happened to her b/c of an elective procedure.
  11. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    The bruise is not warm. She has normal stools, pee, she eats and drinks and plays. It does not seem tender to the touch. I think it is fading today. I took more photos but I haven't uploaded them to the computer yet. I'll keep you posted!
  12. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Here are photos from this morning:



    I actually think it is starting to fade, although I also think it looks bigger. I am sending them to the vet (who is back in the office today) and will ask her to call me back.

    Maybe she injured herself after the surgery and it is unrelated?
  13. ACO

    ACO New Member

    The only thing that I can even think of that would be there is the drape clip....they do puncture the skin with them to hold the surgical drapes on. They don't ususally leave any mark at all. Perhaps she bled out a little from a surface blood vessel.....

  14. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    The vet is baffled but not concerned. She said it could be totally unrelated - like maybe she bashed her tummy on something - and perhaps the doxycycline that she is on for her kennel cough could be causing her to bruise. She said to stop the doxy after 10 days instead of the 14 she prescribed and watch for more bruising.

    The bruise is bigger today but definitely fading.
  15. NitaPepsi

    NitaPepsi New Member

    Can your vet at least draw some blood to test it to see if any infection is starting to get into her blood? Getting larger is not a good thing and the fading may mean that an infection is getting deeper and not necessarily getting better. I am sorry to put worry in you but after 6 major abdominal surgeries for my 6 yr old son, I have found that doctors are too layed back which has cause our son to almost loose his life twice. Once was internal bleeding which appeared as a similar bruise. They nicked his intestines and he became septic.
  16. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    Did you son behave as if he was sick, or was he behaving fine but there was still a problem?
  17. NitaPepsi

    NitaPepsi New Member

    My son was only 5 weeks old at the time. I noticed the bruise and was concerned but non of the doctors were worried. It was on day 5 that he spiked a high fever and had to have emergency surgery and blood transfusion. This all will likely turn out just fine. I would have hated myself if I had not mentioned it and something did turn out to be wrong.
    There are 2 simple things that they can do. Unlta sounds to look for any internal bleeding and the blood work to see if the white cells are elevated or if there is bacteria in the blood.

    There should be no reason for the bruise to be getting bigger daily. Have you or any one you know ever had a bruise that got bigger day by day? I have had them turn darker before fading but never this deep purple.

    My intentions were not to worry you. I will watch and see what your outcome is. I am glad that I at least told you what some of the warning signs are and am very glad that you are keep such a good eye on things. Your pictures are great, by the way :)
  18. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    I will continue to watch her closely. Thanks for the info!

    Hmmm. She is on an antibiotic for the kennel cough. I wonder if that could mask some symptoms....
  19. coppersmom

    coppersmom New Member

    It would depend on the antibiotic she is on. If it hits gram negative bacteria or not...cuz that's what's in the intestines. I don't remember what kind of bacteria can cause kennel cough....I know it's a few different ones. What antibiotic is she on?
  20. Jamiya

    Jamiya New Member

    She's on doxycycline.

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