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the unique cat names thread

Discussion in 'Cats - all breeds / types' started by cha2l1e, Dec 18, 2005.

  1. cha2l1e

    cha2l1e New Member

    hey guys......

    sorry im new to the forums, and i saw this thread in the old forums, but couldnt find it in the new ones so id thought id post my cats names since i believe mine to be very unique

    my 1st baby, orange,7 yr old - ishabooboo (he is the king)
    my 2 kittens after him,orange(both passed)-wooshiewoowoo and frank

    now i have a half himalian and simese,white w/ a hint of orange - brodie
    and a blue tip simese - sophie (both are just over a year now)

    ill have pics of them up soon =)
  2. Mary_NH

    Mary_NH New Member

    here's my list
    Missy 10 year old sealpoint Siamese
    Tilly 7 year old bluepoint Siamese
    Dixie 8 year old tuxedo
    Zeus 3 year old orange polydactyl

    2 foster kitties
    Lady 10 year old sealpoint Siamese
    Baby 9 year old chocolate point Siamese

    Molly 5 month old GSD pup

    hmmmm....no wonder I don't have a life LOL look forward to seeing your kitties
  3. deb2950

    deb2950 New Member

    our kitty family name tree

    Penny. 14 year old calico, RIP

    Joshua, long haired domestic, stolen

    and Raymond, the king of our castle.
  4. Cassie

    Cassie Active Member

    My first cat's name was Poopsie
    My brother's cat's are Aristotle and Pickles
    And my current baby is named Booger
  5. nern

    nern New Member

    My childhood cats were:

    My rescue cat was:

    My current cats are:
    Chieve (A.K.A. MR. Chieveous)
    Richie ( A.K.A. Munchkin)

    AND my dogs are:

    AND my guinea pig:
  6. t_chelle16

    t_chelle16 New Member

    We had Chester (20 - grey/white dmh) & Lizzy (17 - brown tabby/white part maine coon) who we lost earlier this year. Not very unique names, although Chester's full name was Charles Emerson Winchester IV (from M*A*S*H).

    My brother has a calico named Jupiter. She already had that name when we got her from the shelter and it seemed to fit. A white & grey tabby named Calisto (Cal) and a b/w tuxedo named Rijal.

    We also have:
    Emily Lucille (Emmy Lou) - 3 year old a seal torti point ragdoll.
    Romeo - 2 year old grey/white turkish van (the shelter had named him "Blue" because he has one blue eye, but I thought that was corny so I changed it).
    Tennessee (Ten-Ten) - 1 year old brown/orange torby. Her case number at the shelter was the same as the first few digits of my dad's SSN. And those first few digits indicate the state your were born in, which was Tennessee for my dad.
    Scout - 6 month old grey tabby (think she's a siamese/maine coon mix) named after the girl in To Kill A Mockingbird.

  7. halaroo

    halaroo New Member

    I've got Moe (who's a girl - go figure), but I usually call her Schmoopie-Poo. And I've got Artemis (who's a boy - go figure), but I usually call him Smartypants.

    I used to have Motley (she was calico, so it fit) and Winston (aka Winnie), who was also a girl.
  8. Maraya

    Maraya New Member

    my kitty's names.......some are kitty's from my childhood no longer with me:

    -Stinky (cuz she always farted)
    -Marble Head (cuz he was a rescue with a birthmark/baldspot on his head
    -Feets (cuz he chased feet.....never toys, never the other cats, never birds....ONLY feet!!!)
    -Little Cow (cuz she was all white with big black cloud shaped spots...like a miniature cow.....a cowlette....a little cow!)
    -White Boy (cuz he was ALL white......and the cutest little boy!)
  9. t_chelle16

    t_chelle16 New Member

    LOL. That's Scout's nickname.

  10. Blueribbon

    Blueribbon New Member

    We had ( my mom and myself ).

    Tina ( aka the thief ) she had to have a certain amount of kittens if she didn't she'd go and steal another kitten from somewhere or she'd steal a baby wild rabbit to raise. I think mom told me she had to have at least 4 if she didn't she'd steal or if she had over she was fine with that too and would come and get us when she had her litter as if to say look at my beautiful babies.

    Prissy ( a male long haired Angora ) he'd walk around and act like he was just it ( the bomb ).

    Kelly-Jean ( a calico we resuced when she was just a few days old ) she was dumped along with her brothers and sisters in a paper bag in the parking lot of a liquor store. All appeared to have been run over except for her. She died 6 yrs ago.

    Precious ( my female tux kitty ) RIP my Percious.

    Then there was poncey ( all black except for a white spot on her right hind thigh ) she'd sit on the window sill and ponce on you as you'd walk by.

    I had a brown tiger cat named Taggy-Junior-Jay-John-David-McEntire-Dorman ( Taggy for short )

    And now with my boyfriend Kevin we have the twins Tiger and Tigress.
  11. lucidity03

    lucidity03 New Member

    I had Patches and Smokey growing up - I know those names aren't too unusual. Would anyone be surprised that Patches was a Calico and Smokey was all black (although, he wasn't grey).

    I now have:

    Tash (who was Natasha and then it was found out he's a boy)
    Boris (original?)
    Chloe (not too original)
    Zoe (still, not too original, but it rhymes with Chloe)
    Kitters (at this point, we ran out of names and she got stuck with the nickname we kept calling her until we came up with a name).
  12. luna

    luna New Member

    buster brown- 9yrs. king of castle, and not even a brown spot on him (black and white)
    miss shadow- 5 yrs., queen of castle, hates the king, black
    mr. jingles- 3yrs., cockatile, evil, demonic
    abagail- chow,collie, germanshepard mix, fastest toung in the world! will lick you to death
  13. Maraya

    Maraya New Member

    tee hee...fitting in some cases. :mrgreen:
  14. rcrgal31

    rcrgal31 New Member

    childhood kitties

    Present kitties

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